
Xi Jinping spoke by phone with British Prime Minister Johnson

author:CCTV News

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President Xi Jinping had a telephone conversation with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on October 29.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the current ups and downs of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the difficult recovery of the world economy, and the coexistence of opportunities and challenges in China-UK relations. As permanent members of the UN Security Council and major economies in the world, China and the UK should maintain good communication, strengthen cooperation, and contribute to the early victory of the epidemic, the improvement of global governance, and the realization of development and prosperity in the world. Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level between China and the UK, and the two sides should seize the opportunity, cope with challenges, and make joint efforts to promote China-UK relations to move steadily and far on the right track.

Xi Jinping stressed that for China-UK relations to develop well, mutual trust is the foundation, cognition is the premise, and proper handling of differences is the key. China views China-UK relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, and hopes that the British side will respect the facts and comprehensively and objectively view China's development path and system. China-UK trade and investment have overcome the impact of the epidemic and grown against the trend, once again proving that China-UK cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win. China welcomes the UK to export more high-quality products to China and expand cooperation in the fields of health care, green development, digital economy, finance and innovation. It is hoped that the British side will provide fair, just and non-discriminatory treatment for Chinese-funded enterprises, and china will also facilitate cooperation between British enterprises in China. The two sides should take the Beijing Winter Olympics as an opportunity to deepen sports cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. Both sides should practice genuine multilateralism. Welcome the UK's participation in the Global Development Initiative to inject impetus into the implementation of the UNITED Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Xi Jinping stressed that China's announcement of carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals and the proposal of a series of concrete measures to increase the intensity of nationally determined contributions mean extensive and profound economic and social changes that require gradual and painstaking efforts. China's determination to accelerate green and low-carbon development is unswerving, and it has always said what it says. China supports the British side in playing its role as the chair of the twenty-sixth conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, adhering to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and urging countries to translate their ambitions into real action.

Johnson said I value Britain's relationship with China very much. I agree with President Xi Jinping on the development of UK-China relations. The UK and China share consensus and common interests on many important issues such as global public health, world economic recovery, Iran's nuclear issue, and counter-terrorism, and the two sides need to strengthen frank dialogue and friendly cooperation. The British side is willing to deepen cooperation with the Chinese side in the fields of economy and trade, education and clean energy, welcomes Chinese enterprises to invest and cooperate in the UK, and is willing to provide an open business environment for Chinese enterprises. The British side is willing to make joint efforts with the Chinese side to promote greater development in Uk-China relations. Congratulations to China on the successful hosting of the first phase of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Kunming, and looks forward to maintaining close communication with China on addressing global climate change and biodiversity conservation, and striving to promote balanced and sustainable global development.

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