
Autumn nourishment health eat tofu tonic qi and blood eat "three treasures"

author:Nine factions view the world

With the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for eating have also evolved from the initial "full" to "eat well", in the face of a variety of foods, how to eat in order to satisfy the taste buds, but also to eat healthy? Let's take a look.

Editor's note: With the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for eating have also evolved from the initial "full" to "eat well", in the face of a variety of foods, how to eat in order to satisfy the taste buds, but also to eat healthy? Let's take a look.

Eating tofu in autumn is the most nourishing

Tofu has a history of more than 2100 years, and the tofu invented by Liu An, the king of Huainan in the Western Han Dynasty, was born in Shou County, Lu'an City, Anhui Province. It has always been universally welcomed by people and has always been known as "plant meat". Folk are known as "golden autumn tofu like ginseng". The "Diet Recipe" believes: "Tofu clears heat, moisturizes, moisturizes, detoxifies, tonifies, widens the intestine, and reduces turbidity." The "Compendium of Materia Medica" believes: "Tofu can clear heat and dissipate blood." "Food Appreciation Materia Medica" has: "Tofu can be wide and beneficial, and the spleen and stomach, the lower large intestine is turbid, and the swelling is full." ”

Chinese medicine believes that tofu is cold, sweet and salty, and has the effect of tonifying the qi, strengthening the spleen and dampness, clearing the lungs, clearing heat and detoxification, eliminating phlegm under the qi, nourishing the face and preventing aging. Suitable for red eye pain, gum swelling and pain, sore throat, cough phlegm, upset sleep, dry mouth and nose, hot flashes night sweats, five upset fever, fatigue, forgetfulness and dreams, facial stains, skin itching, acne spots, insufficient milk, short urine, constipation and other symptoms. It has effect on bronchitis, laryngitis, upper respiratory tract infections, malnutrition, memory loss, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, obesity, postpartum milk deficiency, osteoporosis, menopausal syndrome, acne, anxiety, insomnia, melasma, polycystic ovary syndrome, prostatic hyperplasia, etc.

Tofu is extremely nutritious and contains iron, magnesium, potassium, niacin, copper, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, folic acid, vitamin B1, lutein and vitamin B6. Tofu does not contain cholesterol, is a high blood pressure, high blood lipids and arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease patients of medicinal food; contains sterol, sterol, sterol, are all active ingredients in cancer suppression; the content of lysine is quite high, which has a significant effect on children's development and memory enhancement; containing soybean isoflavones can maintain normal levels of estrogen in the body, delay menopause, to achieve the effect of delaying aging; containing soybean isoflavones help inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells; can increase the body's absorption of calcium, reduce bone loss, increase bone density, It has a good effect on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The lecithin contained in soy milk can reduce brain cell death, improve brain function, and enhance memory. Tofu should be cooked, fried or fried. It is worth noting that because tofu contains more purines, patients with gout with abnormal purine metabolism and patients with increased blood uric acid concentrations should avoid eating tofu; those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, often diarrhea and loose stools should avoid eating; excessive intake of tofu will increase the burden on the kidneys, further decline in kidney function, and use with caution in those with renal insufficiency.

Replenish qi and blood to eat "three treasures"

yam. Its sex is sweet and flat, qi and yin two supplements, tonic qi without stagnation on the fire, tonic yin without helping wet and greasy, for the cultivation of the most peaceful products in the qi, has always been widely praised by many doctors, "Compendium of Materia Medica" cloud: beneficial kidney qi, healthy spleen and stomach, anti-diarrhea, phlegm and saliva, moisturizing fur. "Jingyue Quanshu" Yun: Yam can strengthen the spleen and replenish deficiency, nourish and solidify the kidneys, cure all deficiencies and damages, cure five labors and seven injuries... "Medicine" Yun: Yam warm supplement without sudden, slightly fragrant but not dry, follow the function of adjusting the lungs, cure lung deficiency for a long time, how stable.

Zhang Xichun, the most famous physician of the late Qing Dynasty, was even more highly regarded for this medicine, and in his medical monograph "Medical Intentions in the Heart of The West", he repeatedly used a large dose of raw yam to treat many critical and serious diseases such as wheezing and excessive diarrhea. His words: "The nature of yam can nourish yin and wet, can be smooth and astringent." It is to supplement the lungs, tonify the kidneys, and to supplement the spleen and stomach... In the tonic medicine, it is the supreme product, the characteristics are very peaceful, and it is advisable to take more and more ears. ”

There are many varieties of yam medicine, and the quality of Huaiqing Province in Henan is the best. Therefore, usually yam is also called Huaishan (or Huaishan). Medicinal use usually dry slices. There are two kinds of pharmacies: fried yam and raw yam. It is recommended to use dried raw yam is better.

Barley. If you feel that you have moisture in your body, such as fluid effusion, edema, eczema, abscess and other problems related to turbid water in the body, barley is your best helper.

"Barley is the best at water, not to consume the true yin qi, where the wet under the body, the most suitable to use" barley is slightly cool, if the spleen and stomach are too cold, the limbs are afraid of cold people, or not very suitable.

The main effect of barley is to strengthen the spleen and dehumidify, the spleen can replenish the lungs, and the dampness can dissolve phlegm. It can also be used to treat pulmonary fever carbuncle pulmonary paralysis.

When used with yam, it complements each other and lacks complementarity. "Yam and barley are all medicines for the spleen and lungs, but if you use yam alone, you will lose your stickiness for a long time, and if you use barley alone, you will lose it in light seepage for a long time, but it is harmless to use it in equal parts and use it for a long time."

Modern physicians have reported that using 50 grams of each of the two drugs and boiling porridge every day has obvious effect on cirrhosis of the liver and ascites.

Euryale. Chen Shixuan, a physician of the Qing Dynasty, said it best: "Qi Shi stops waist and knee pain, makes the ears and eyes smart, prolongs the age of long food, treats it as usual, and uses it for great benefit, and it can not only stop sperm, but also produce sperm, remove the wet phlegm in the spleen and stomach, that is, the true water in the kidneys." "Therefore, It is an excellent first choice for strengthening the spleen and supplementing the kidneys." If you can help with yam, the tonic effect is even better.

Some people have long-term diarrhea and go down to the Valley of Liqing; some people have slipped off their sperm, which is difficult to control; some people urinate frequently at night and cannot sleep peacefully; at this time, you will find the magic of Qi Shi.

Yam, barley, and mustard are brothers who seek the same qi, and all have the divine effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach. However, there are also different emphases when used, yam can supplement the five internal organs, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and nourish the yin. It also has the ability to be astringent.

Barley, healthy spleen and clear lungs, good water and good stomach, supplement in the clear, to remove wet turbidity.

Qi solid, healthy spleen tonic kidney, anti-diarrhea and anti-residual, the most astringent and solidifying ability.

Some people will be three medicines of flour boiled porridge and then added to the jujube to treat the disease of anemia, the effect is remarkable.

Eat fish to supplement the brain, mackerel wins

The saying of "eating fish to supplement the brain" has been circulating in the folk for a long time, but scientific research has found that what to eat, how much to eat, how to eat, only these problems are correct, in order to spend less money and more brain supplementation.

Fish contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, commonly known as "brain gold") and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), which belong to the "omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids" and are essential fatty acids. They are important for the early development of the brain and vision and are highly found in the cerebral cortex and retina. The DHA/EPA obtained by the fetus and newborn babies comes almost entirely from the mother's umbilical cord blood or breast milk, and the mother can deliver these beneficial substances to the child by eating some foods rich in DHA/EPA. Non-breastfed children can choose a formula with DHA/EPA added. After adding complementary foods, you can give your baby some foods containing DHA/EPA gradually. The World Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Society of Perinatal Medicine recommend that pregnant women and nursing mothers should not consume less than 0.2 grams of DHA per day. The Chinese Nutrition Society recommends that the daily intake of aquatic products be 40 to 75 grams.

It is important to note that fish contain methylmercury, and it is often associated with DHA/EPA. Scientists have confirmed that methylmercury is neurodevelopmental toxic, especially negative for fetal and neonatal neurodevelopment. However, after careful study, the World Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization believe that the overall advantages of eating fish outweigh the disadvantages, but the specific amount of fish to eat and what kind of fish to eat cannot be generalized. Chinese scientists surveyed more than 30 species of marine fish that people eat most often at the Zhoushan Fishery and estimated the change in IQ (intelligence quotient) values caused by eating fish, and the results have some interesting findings. 1. Flat rudder bonito (relative of tuna) has the highest DHA/EPA content, but the more you eat it, the worse the brain supplement. 2. The pointed oblique tooth shark methylmercury is the most (the same is true for shark fin), and the IQ is reduced when eaten, so don't think that the expensive one must be good. 3. Mullet has the lowest methylmercury content, but the DHA/EPA content is lagging behind, and the brain tonic effect is average. 4. According to the diet structure of ordinary people, the best brain tonic effect is mackerel; the second place is knife fish, but its price is relatively high. 5. The brain supplement effect of golden pomfret, sea bass and small yellow croaker is also very good, and the price is relatively approachable.

In addition, different fish need to eat different amounts in order to achieve the best brain tonic effect. The four species of fish recommended above, mackerel, golden pomfret, sea bass and small yellow croaker, the best weekly consumption is: 2 halves of mackerel, 3 halves of golden pomfret, 3 halves of sea bass, and 4 halves of small yellow croaker. Farmed salmon is also a good choice, eating about 3 or 2 per week to get enough DHA/EPA, but compared to the above four, its price is slightly higher. As some common marine fish were not included in the study, such as cod, saury, sea catfish, dobao, etc., specific recommendations cannot be given here. In general, the more wild, deep-sea, large, carnivorous fish, the more careful they are. There are also studies showing that the content of fatty acid DHA per 100 grams of fatty acids in breast milk of women in coastal and river lake regions is 0.47 and 0.41 grams, respectively, so some researchers have suggested that freshwater and marine fish can be eaten in half.

Comprehensive nutrient composition, price, appropriate intake and other factors, for expectant mothers who are trying to conceive, pregnant women, and nursing mothers, there are the following suggestions for choosing fish: 1. Try to avoid large carnivorous fish such as tuna, sailfish, swordfish, sharks, and squarehead fish. 2. Follow the "three three principle": eat fish 3 times a week, about 3 times each time, and eat marine fish at least once. Marine fish are recommended for mackerel, salmon, sea bass, golden pomfret and small yellow croaker. 3. DHA/EPA is not heat-resistant, the best way to eat is to eat raw (such as salmon, but pay attention to hygiene) or steaming, boiling soup, frying and grilling and other processing methods are the least recommended. 4. Cod liver often contains high methylmercury and other organic pollutants, pregnant women and nursing mothers should try to avoid. 5. If there is no condition to eat fish regularly, dietary supplements can be taken as needed. Finally, we need to remind everyone that a balanced dietary pattern is the basic guarantee to ensure the health of children, and it is not possible to put the cart before the horse and pin the child's future on DHA/EPA.

【Source: People's Daily News】

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