
My father | Author: Guo Hongwen

author:Great River Literature Network
My father | Author: Guo Hongwen

June 14, 2021, is the eleventh year that my father left me, and for eleven years, my father's voice and smile have been haunting my mind, and the continuous thoughts have been beating my heart like rain.

His father was born into poverty, he was a people's teacher before his death, and for more than forty years, he worked hard and bowed, and peach and plum were all over the world. He devoted his most beautiful youth and life's hard work to the party's educational cause, and also left me with the deepest fatherly love and endless thoughts.

Father's love is like a mountain, he is the leader on the road to the beginning of my life

Remembering the time with my father, there is one thing that I will never forget, I remember when I was admitted to Qinyang No. 1 Middle School, it was my father who took me to school on a bicycle. Because there were very few people from Jiyuan in the school, my father was afraid that I would be lonely, so when he left, he specially called me aside and said in a serious tone: "You have grown up, you must learn to take care of yourself, and you must have a good relationship with your classmates." Study hard and don't waste your studies. Be frugal in life, the money that should be spent must be spent, and the money that should not be spent cannot be wasted. Think twice about everything, do what you should do well, and don't do what you shouldn't do. There are four sentences in total, with instructions, concern, admonitions, and hopes. In fact, usually my father and I rarely talk, it can be seen that these four sentences are his careful consideration, full of deep love and expectation for me. These four sentences, on my subsequent life path, always ring in my ears, spurting me to be an upright person, a person who does not waste time, and a person who is worthy of conscience.

Father's love is like a mountain, he is my towering tree to shelter from the wind and rain

High school study in a different place, the distance between the two places is more than thirty miles, every time you go home, you must pass through the Qin River. At that time, there was no bridge on the Qin River, and when I returned home, I had to take a small boat on the Qin River to pass. I remember once, due to a sudden holiday at school, I called home and rode home. I didn't want it to suddenly rain, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get home in the dark, so I braved the rain to rush home. Along the way, hungry, tired and cold, at this time I really realized the difficulty of studying in a different place, how I hope someone can send me an umbrella at this moment! When I arrived at the Qin River, I had just pushed my bicycle to the boat when I heard someone on the other side of the river shouting my name, and I looked at the voice, isn't that my father? I saw my father standing in the rain, a thin figure, a slightly curved back, eyes eagerly looking in the direction of the other side of the river, and his hands kept waving. I don't know how long he waited in the rain, as if half of his body was drenched. As I answered, I also waved to him, and the tears of indisputable anger kept flowing down. Putting on the raincoat that my father brought me, it instantly warmed up a lot. I said, it rained so much, who let you send it? Watch you drench. My father didn't speak, just smiled at me. Afterwards, he was still full of self-reproach, as if it was all his fault that I had been rained, which made people look good and distressed. But at that time, I didn't even have a word of thanks in front of him, and now that I think about it, I really blame myself!

Father's love is like a mountain, he is the "enlightening light" on my way forward

I remember when I first went to work, due to my shallow qualifications, little experience, and more introverted personality, I could not quickly integrate into the work environment, and I often felt lonely and aggrieved, and I was discouraged. In the autumn harvest, just in time to harvest peanuts, I took leave to go home to help, my father saw that I was sullen and unhappy, asked the reason, I told him the trouble and confusion in my heart. My father listened, and while pulling peanuts, he chatted with me about "Falling Peanuts" written by Xu Dishan. He said that peanuts are unpretentious and do not like to show off. It simply buries the fruit in the ground, silent, obscure, in no hurry to reveal it, and waits until it is ripe before people dig it out. You see peanuts are so low-key, can lower their posture, put themselves in the humble soil, and strengthen themselves little by little. It does its duty, honestly, never picks and chooses, is content with its own environment, does not complain, is not discouraged, is not noisy, no matter whether life gives brilliant sunshine or a storm, it will receive everything according to the order, tenaciously live out itself. In the end, precious fruits can be produced. My father's words made me suddenly enlightened and suddenly relieved. Being a man, why not! A person must not pay too much attention to the appearance of this mysterious thing, only the heart is rich, strong enough, your life path can go more fulfilling. My father didn't preach the big truth, but he educated me with the examples that could be seen and touched in life, and let me completely get out of that shadow.

Father's love is like a mountain, he is the eternal indomitable backbone and patron of my family

My father taught outside the home for many years and did not have time to take care of the family. But every Sunday and holiday, you can see his industrious and tireless figure at home. He rushed to do the work at home and in the field, always thinking of doing more things to solve his mother's worries and solve problems, reducing the burden on the family, and the time that should have been physically and mentally resting became his busiest "Labor Day". In addition, in order to change the living environment, he saved money and led his children to repair houses and build houses in the early morning and greedy black, and broke his heart for his children all his life, and the two high-rise buildings were the testimony of his lifelong thriftiness. After retirement, my father, who had worked hard all his life, should have enjoyed his life and had a good rest. But in order for the children to live better, they tirelessly help to see the shop and do business, win business, and work hard. Due to overwork, he became seriously ill before the age of 70. After falling ill, while taking medicine, he often worried about the livelihood of his children. "Spring silkworm to the end of the dead silk, wax torch into gray tears began to dry", this is the true portrayal of my father's life.

Eleven years later, this pile, one by one, my father's kind countenance, thin cheeks, and loving eyes still appear in front of my eyes from time to time, as if it happened yesterday. The father's life is a life of teaching and educating people, a life of hard work for his children. His life was full of ill-fated fate, and during the Cultural Revolution, he was beaten into the "stinky old nine" and suffered a lot of human suffering. He didn't have much comfort, and he didn't enjoy much fun. But his integrity, kindness, frankness, honesty, honesty, honesty, thriftiness, excellent qualities, deeply engraved an immortal brand on me, became the best, largest, and most precious spiritual wealth in my life, which benefited me for life.

Dear Father, rest in peace under the Nine Springs! If there is an afterlife, I will also be your son!

My father | Author: Guo Hongwen

About author:Guo Hongwen, a native of Jiyuan, Henan, is a member of the Ning'an Writers Association, and works for the People's Government of Wulongkou Town, Jiyuan. Some articles have appeared in Jiyuan Daily, Jiyuan Literature, Dahe Literature, Jinshi Literature, Ninguta Writers Network, Contemporary Elite Literature, Zhongzhou Writers and other media. Among them, "Love for the Yellow River Beach" won the first prize of the first "Yellow River Love" Essay Contest in Jiyuan City; "Writing the True Colors of Soldiers with Loyalty" won the first prize in the National Essay Documentary Category celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in Ning'an City, Heilongjiang Province. In his spare time, he likes to read, likes to think about life with words, likes to use the pen in his hand to wake up everyone's dawn and warm everyone's heart.

Review: Wenzi | Editor-in-charge: Wang Fang Yuanxiu Ruogu | Editor: Chen Li | Image: Network

The content of this article is original, please indicate the source when reprinting: "Dahe Literature" (ID: daheliterature); Chief Legal Counsel: Cui Sufang of Henan Lingfeng Law Firm; Editor WeChat: dahewenxue2020

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