
The tragic fate of the Newfoundland white wolf, the beautiful legend of the north American snow field passed through the white, difficult to find mysterious and beautiful to death, a lifetime only love a partner foreign invasion, it is difficult to escape the colonists strangle the north wind roaring, the original land is not human

author:The animal world of the Black Mamba

The cold winds of the North American winter, cold and merciless, swept through the snow and covered the entire newfoundland region. Here, once lived a creature that looked like an elf. They are white and flawless, as if they were one with the snow; they are tall and mighty, and their voices are intimidating; at the same time, their fate is tragic, and as early as 1911, their holy figure disappeared forever into the endless wasteland of Newfoundland. It is the "lost angel" that travels through the American wilderness, a mysterious creature covered in moonlight stars, and a beautiful legend that has passed away in the long river of time, it is the Newfoundland white wolf, the first extinct subspecies of the North American gray wolf subspecies.

In the bright moonlight, a white figure suddenly flashed from the bushes, it quietly chased its prey, the snow-white fur swayed with the dust raised when running, and the healthy posture stretched out, like the snow maiden dancing in the snow night in the oriental legend, and in this distant Newfoundland land, dancing with snowflakes, accompanied by the moonlight, is this mysterious Newfoundland white wolf. In my opinion, the beauty of nature lies in the fact that it can create a delicate balance between life and environment, and the Newfoundland white wolf is not so much a canine wolf species full of animal nature, but rather a masterpiece of nature, a mysterious spirit born of the Snowfields of Newfoundland.

The tragic fate of the Newfoundland white wolf, the beautiful legend of the north American snow field passed through the white, difficult to find mysterious and beautiful to death, a lifetime only love a partner foreign invasion, it is difficult to escape the colonists strangle the north wind roaring, the original land is not human

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > all over the body in white, difficult to trace mysterious and beautiful</h1>

The Newfoundland white wolf is snow white throughout, only the head and feet will show a light tooth color, and the body line is soft but full of power, so it is called the "wolf of dreams". In historical records, the Newfoundland white wolf averaged about 1.7 meters in length and weighed 45 kilograms, and the largest adult individual could reach two meters, weigh more than 70 kilograms, and had a larger physique than other species. The white wolf has developed legs, is good at running on the wasteland, has strong explosive power, and can explode terrible power in a very short period of time after locking on to prey, quickly hunting targets. The fur is thick and resistant to the cold winds of Newfoundland. Because of its ability to blend in with the snow with its snow-white coat and its alert personality, it is still an animal that only moves at night, and the Newfoundland white wolf is rarely found and captured. In this way, the traces of the "Dream Wolf" are difficult to find, and naturally they are covered with a mysterious veil.

The tragic fate of the Newfoundland white wolf, the beautiful legend of the north American snow field passed through the white, difficult to find mysterious and beautiful to death, a lifetime only love a partner foreign invasion, it is difficult to escape the colonists strangle the north wind roaring, the original land is not human

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > to death, loving only one partner in his life</h1>

Although the White Wolves of Newfoundland are tall and mighty, this group of "big men" has the character of loyalty. Newfoundland white wolves are social animals, male white wolves will find their favorite female during the mating season, after determining a partnership with another female Newfoundland white wolf, they will faithfully protect their wives and their cubs, and give everything to protect their "beloved wolves". As a result, most of the white wolves found in Newfoundland live in pairs, moving together and sharing their prey together.

Legend has it that a long time ago in the Newfoundland region, a hunter coveted the beautiful coat color of a female white wolf, set a trap to try to hunt this female wolf, when the female wolf was injured and issued a sad howl, the male wolf who was still preying quickly killed the hunter from the vicinity, revealing sharp canine teeth and hair exploded. The hunter was frightened by the strong male wolf and fled. Because of the injury of the partner, the male wolf did not pursue the hunter again, turned around and broke the trap with his teeth and claws, and his jaw was also injured by the sharp serrations of the trap, but the male wolf did not care about his own injury at all, and leaned down to lick the wound of his partner. This is really a romance created by nature, in the world of the weak and the strong, cruel and fierce nature, it is not easy to have such loyal feelings as the White Wolf of Newfoundland.

The tragic fate of the Newfoundland white wolf, the beautiful legend of the north American snow field passed through the white, difficult to find mysterious and beautiful to death, a lifetime only love a partner foreign invasion, it is difficult to escape the colonists strangle the north wind roaring, the original land is not human

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > foreign invasions, and it is difficult to escape the strangulation of colonists</h1>

In the nineteenth century, European colonists invaded North America and occupied the vast and fertile coast of Newfoundland, and the indigenous Beotuks living in Newfoundland were captured and enslaved, becoming slaves of European colonists, and their lives were miserable. To escape capture and massacre, the Beotuks were forced to leave the Coast of Newfoundland, where they had lived for generations, and hide in the forest. However, the ruthless European colonists did not allow the existence of other races in the lands they occupied, and after declaring the occupation of Newfoundland, they issued a decree: massacre! Kill a Beotuk to receive rewards such as land coins. The promulgation of this decree undoubtedly made the living conditions of the Beoutuks worse. Under the almost frenzied massacres of the colonists, the Beoutuks went to the end of the race in 1800.

Soon after, the colonists discovered that livestock were often killed and preyed on farms they had set up. After observation, the colonists pointed the finger at another "aboriginal" in the Newfoundland region, the Newfoundland White Wolf. So the colonists' next target of destruction fell on this group of poor Newfoundland white wolves. In 1842, the colonial government officially issued a hunting order for white wolves in Newfoundland, whether male, female, or white wolf cubs, on the grounds of protecting reindeer from being killed by wolves.

The Newfoundland White Wolf is fierce and tough, although it is large, but it is agile and light, agile and fast, with its protective color and newfoundland's vast ice field, silently traveling through the snow, and it is not easy for the killer to complete the task. As time went on, the colonists' rule in Newfoundland became more and more extensive, and the living environment of the white wolves was devastated. The trail of the white wolf is exposed to the living area of humans, and even the most athletic hands cannot escape the pursuit of humans.

In this way, the number of Newfoundland white wolves declined dramatically, and by 1911, humans could no longer see them in the Newfoundland region, and the Newfoundland white wolves disappeared. This mysterious species, forever disappeared into the long river of history, becoming a beautiful creature that can only be heard in stories.

The tragic fate of the Newfoundland white wolf, the beautiful legend of the north American snow field passed through the white, difficult to find mysterious and beautiful to death, a lifetime only love a partner foreign invasion, it is difficult to escape the colonists strangle the north wind roaring, the original land is not human

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the north wind whistled, and it turned out that the land was human</h1>

Strangely, the fierce Newfoundland white wolf pack and the Newfoundland indigenous Beotuks have an unusually harmonious relationship, two different races live together on the endless snowy plains of Newfoundland, do not interfere with each other, never establish hostile relations, and coexist harmoniously, so the Newfoundland white wolves are also affectionately known as "Beotuk wolves". For thousands of years, the Beotuks have deeply understood that the relationship between humans and living things should be harmonious coexistence. But the brutal colonists did not think so, and in their eyes there was only constant extermination and slaughter, dominating everything, and bringing ruin to these two races.

The hospitable Newfoundlanders had no time to understand that their warm hospitality had brought about the disaster of death; the Newfoundland white wolf had no time to understand that he would be brutally exterminated by strangers in the land where he had lived for thousands of years. The genocide of these two races has been exchanged for only quiet and faint death, which is regrettable. In the wilderness of today's Newfoundland region, the red face of the hospitable Beotec people can no longer be seen, nor can the beautiful and pure figure of the Newfoundland white wolf be seen.

The north wind whistled, like the desperate cries of the Beoturks and the mournful cries of the White Wolves of Newfoundland. In the same year that the Newfoundland White Wolf became extinct, the Titanic, the proud "unsinkable ship" of European colonists, sank in the ocean near the Newfoundland region, whether it was a coincidence or a warning from nature to humans.

There are many things we can conquer, minerals can be conquered, land can be conquered, even life can be conquered, but the most serious mistake made by the colonizers is to try to conquer nature. We can never become the rulers of the natural world, what we can do is to adapt to the development of nature, and as far as possible to protect nature, protect wild animals, and live in harmony with nature, which is the way of life that we humans should understand.

At present, we can only see the beautiful appearance of the White Wolf of Newfoundland in the historical records, and the harm brought by the colonizers to the Newfoundland region is like a scar that is deeply imprinted in the hearts of all mankind. Please join hands to protect this beautiful and rich world, and not let other creatures become words.

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