
When you meet a baby pulling green poop, teach you how to deal with it, this method is very useful!

author:Mother and baby products

A. So how does green poop come about?

B. What is the reason that the baby's stool is green?

C. Is it normal for the baby to pull green stools, do you need to see a doctor?

D. Moms must have seen their babies pull green poop.

When you meet a baby pulling green poop, teach you how to deal with it, this method is very useful!

According to The Mother of Zhongduobao, green poop is common before the baby is 1 year old, and there are many reasons why the baby pulls green poop.

Green stools do not need to be nervous, and should mainly look at the growth and development results of the baby. If the weight gain is normal, the current feeding is appropriate, and the feeding method is not changed; If the baby's weight and height growth is not good, and long-term green stools need to be vigilant.

If the newborn grows normally, if the stool is green, thin, more frequent, and more exhaustive, it is mostly related to common intestinal colic, because sucking will relieve intestinal colic, often resulting in overfeeding. After 4-7 months, it can be relieved on its own.

Taking green stools indicates that the degree of digestion and absorption is not complete enough, which is related to excessive feeding. Feeding too much refers to exceeding the child's digestive capacity, not only referring to too many feedings, but also referring to the excessive amount of feeding to the baby. If it is only green stool, the child's growth and development, mental condition, life rules, etc. are normal, without additional attention, you can take probiotics to regulate.

When you meet a baby pulling green poop, teach you how to deal with it, this method is very useful!

What exactly does "green poop" mean?

Normal green poop:

The bilirubin in bile is a yellow pigment that turns yellow when stained with feces. Bilirubin can be oxidized into bilirubin, giving the stool a green color. The baby's stool on the diaper encounters oxygen in the air, which makes bilirubin into biliquilloid and makes the surface of the stool green.

In addition, many Lactobacillus bisplus bacteria parasitize in the baby's intestines make the intestines acidic, and the stool has been oxidized in the intestines and turned green and excreted, which is a normal physiological phenomenon.

Countermeasures: Bao Mom should avoid spicy raw and cold food in terms of diet, so as not to affect the baby's stomach.

Baby jaundice:

Babies may have darker green stools during jaundice.

Countermeasures: Let the baby eat more milk and pull stools to promote jaundice discharge.

Baby cold:

In such cases, milk leakage, green stools may occur, and if there is a bacterial infection, aggressive treatment is required. If the test is normal, it may be caused by indigestion or a cold in the abdomen.

Countermeasures: The mother should give the baby hot water to drink and pay attention to the baby's abdomen to keep warm.

Hungry green stools:

When the baby is not full, the baby is hungry and causes the gastrointestinal peristalsis too fast, so that the bilirubin in the intestine has not yet been converted, it is discharged from the stool, and most of the stool at this time is green, the amount of feces is small, and the mucus is more.

Countermeasures: Increase the amount of milk to ensure that the baby is full.

Uneven milk intake before and after:

If your baby's stools are green and still have bubbles, it may be because the baby's front and back milk intake is uneven and too much front milk has been eaten. Because the front milk is rich in lactose, there will be a lot of bubbles in the stool. Your baby may also have symptoms of flatulence.

Countermeasures: Mom can prepare a MAM breast pump to suck some of the front milk off. Avoid your baby from eating too much pre-milk.

Fats are not digested:

During the digestion process, the fat consumes less bile, and the excess bile is excreted from the stool, making the stool green.

Countermeasures: You can give your baby some Amber Qingbao.

When you meet a baby pulling green poop, teach you how to deal with it, this method is very useful!

Sensitivity to the food that Bao Mom eats:

When the baby pulls the green stool at the same time, but also accompanied by irritability, crying, rash and other reactions, it is necessary to consider that the baby may be sensitive to the food eaten by the mother. Some of the ingredients in the food that the mother eats will enter the milk, and most babies will not be affected. However, some babies will be more sensitive and pull green stools.

Countermeasures: Check the food your mother has eaten recently, especially milk and dairy products, seafood, and eggs. Avoid the suspected foods for 2-3 weeks and see if your baby's condition improves. If there is indeed an improvement, the guess is likely to be correct. For further confirmation, let your baby eat it again. If there is still the same reaction, then the answer is yes.

Eat iron-fortified formula:

If your baby eats iron-fortified formula, he may also pull out green stools.

Countermeasure: Bao Ma can leave it alone. This is a normal phenomenon, and the baby will slowly get better after 6 months. If you must do something to change the color of the stool, your mother will breastfeed more!


If at the same time the baby pulls hard and the stool is watery green stool, it is likely to be gastroenteritis.

Countermeasure: If you pull hard, you need to see a doctor. At the same time, the mother should breastfeed frequently to prevent the baby from dehydration. Breast milk is the best rehydration solution!

Colors in food:

The color of the food that the mother and baby eat also has an effect on the color of the stool. If the food that the baby eats by himself is green, everyone should be able to understand it. If the mother eats a lot of green-colored foods, then the pigment may also affect the color of the baby's stool. Of course, that's a lot.

Countermeasure: This is a normal phenomenon, and Mom doesn't have to worry. If you are still breastfeeding, it is recommended that moms can appropriately reduce their intake of green vegetables.


If the baby occasionally pulls green stools, but if the baby has no obvious changes in mental state, weight, and appetite, the new mother does not have to worry too much.

If the baby pulls green stools more frequently, the appetite decreases, and the weight is not long, the new mother is best to take the baby to the hospital for examination.

The following methods of diet can be used

Adjust and control diet: give the digestive tract appropriate rest to reduce its burden. The addition of complementary foods and foods that are not easy to digest can be suspended. Appropriately reduce the amount and frequency of breastfeeding or extend the time between breastfeedings.

Breastfeeding mothers should eat lightly during the baby's diarrhea, drink a bowl of warm boiled water before feeding, and never wean our breasts easily. When breastfeeding, try to let the baby eat breast milk that is easily digestible in the first part and avoid eating breast milk with more fat in the last part.

Artificially fed infants should eat skimmed milk powder or boil the milk to cool and remove the fat on it, so that the cooking is repeatedly defatted, and if the diarrhea is severe, the amount of milk should be reduced and diluted with water. Can be diluted with rice soup and, if necessary, 1 serving of milk with 1 serving of water or rice soup. Gradually increase until the baby's diarrhea improves until full milk.

Diarrhea and dehydration to replenish the lost water in the body, can use the World Health Organization recommended oral rehydration pharmacy is available, including salt that is, sodium chloride 3.5 grams, potassium chloride 1.5 grams, glucose 20 grams, bicarbonate sodium 1.5 grams, warmed boiled water 1000 ml, about 4 glasses, its composition ratio is reasonable, conducive to absorption, feeding with a teaspoon a spoon to eat, a small number of times to make the stomach eye receptive. Gioya boosts your baby's immunity.

People with dyspepsia who have only mild diarrhea do not need drugs to stop diarrhea, but only need to use the following methods to get a cure.

When diarrhea occurs, the number of stools increases, and diapers should be changed in time. Wash your buttocks with warm water after each bowel movement, dry them and apply skin oil or talk powder to prevent red buttocks from eroding your buttocks

Take care to keep your abdomen warm to avoid worsening diarrhea after bowel movements faster after the cold.

Food to stop diarrhea

The following foods not only provide the necessary nutrition for babies, but also have a certain antidiarrheal effect

1, caramelized rice soup: the rice noodles or cream grinding into powder, stir-fry until browned, and then add water and an appropriate amount of sugar, boil into a thin paste.

Jiaomi soup is easy to digest, its carbonization structure also has a good adsorption and antidiarrheal effect, is the preferred food for infant diarrhea.

2, carrot soup: carrot is an alkaline food, the pectin contained can make the stool shape, adsorb intestinal pathogenic bacteria and toxins, is a good anti-diarrhea bacteriosis food. Carrot soup preparation method is as follows, the carrots are washed, cut to stem, cut into small pieces, add water to boil, and then filter with gauze to remove the slag, and then add water into the soup (according to the proportion of 500 grams of carrots plus 1000 ml of water), and finally add sugar to boil. 100 to 150 ml 2 to 3 times a day, and discontinue diarrhea after improvement.

3. Apple puree: Apple is also an alkaline food, containing pectin and tannic acid, which has the effect of adsorption, astringency and anti-diarrhea. Cut a fresh, soft apple in half and puree it with a spoon.


Baby pulling green is a normal physiological phenomenon, generally due to dietary factors, as long as the diet is adjusted, the baby's green stool can soon return to normal. But if the mother is still not at ease, it is recommended to take the baby to the hospital for testing of the stool, if it is normal, consider that it is a green stool caused by biology, this is not a disease, you can not need special treatment.

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