
Luo Zhenyu: What is the "future perspective" and what inspiration it can bring us

author:Teacher Yang reads and writes

Yesterday, teacher Luo Zhenyu introduced a point of view in "Inspiration Club", that is, the "future perspective" of thinking about problems.

Luo Zhenyu: What is the "future perspective" and what inspiration it can bring us

Luo Zhenyu "Inspiration Club"

Here's what he said: You can think again about whether there are such people in the company. If you do a little more work, you feel like a loss, because the salary and bonus are the same. Is there such a student in the school, 5 points more, feel lost, because 60 points, the same to get a diploma.

This is the perspective from the present to the future. What if I never came back and forth to see it now? More work and more learning will certainly help us get the results we want and then move forward.

Hearing this, I thought of an assignment I wrote last year when I was studying at university, which coincided with Mr. Luo's point of view, but I couldn't explain why like Mr. Luo did. Learned again today!

The title of my assignment was "How New People in the Workplace Win the Competition", and the following was my homework at the time:

How newcomers in the workplace win the competition

In the workplace, everyone should learn to manage themselves, and the newcomers in the workplace should be more so, because only good self-management and self-cultivation can win in the competition. The following is combined with the "Special Forces Thinking Model", to talk about two points that should be paid attention to when new people in the workplace win:

1. Willingly undertake non-duties

When they first enter the workplace, most people can perform their duties, but for the "non-own work" outside of their duties, most of them are unwilling to do it, and sometimes even if they do it, their hearts are full of grievances, and they even think that the leader bullies themselves as newcomers. They don't see that these "non-professional jobs" are just adding weight to your competitiveness, and by constantly dabbling in more work, you know more about the department and have a display platform, so that you will have a better chance of finding you. So we should get it done in a pleasant, grateful way, and eventually you'll get attention you didn't expect.

2. Break out of your comfort zone and challenge more positions

The cultivation of personal competitiveness is not an overnight thing, but a process of continuous improvement in growth, extensive social practice, post experience, for anyone's growth is a wealth. Only by constantly breaking the comfort zone in practice and actively challenging more new areas can we obtain winning capital. We need to use all conditions to strive to create awesome experiences and accumulate a solid foundation at all times.

Without competitiveness, knowledge cannot bring us strength; Without competitiveness, we cannot enhance our personal value; Without competitiveness, it is difficult to form an irreplaceable unique advantage.

No one has me, people have me new, I have someone who needs, and people who need me choose me.

Luo Zhenyu: What is the "future perspective" and what inspiration it can bring us

Screenshot of the assignment

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