
"Pursuing" the white mountains and black waters is indomitable to comfort the souls of heroes


Beijing, 27 Oct (CNBC) -- According to the Voice of China News Magazine of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, on September 18, 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army created the "918 Incident" that shocked China and foreign countries. The Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army led by the Communist Party of China held high the banner of armed resistance against Japan, hung alone behind the enemy, and in the 14-year arduous war, pinned down hundreds of thousands of Japanese puppet troops, and composed with blood and life the heroic epic of the long rainbow in the history of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Today, the development of the northeast region has entered a critical period of new rolling stones up the mountain and climbing over the hills. The spirit of the Anti-Japanese Coalition still inspires the broad masses of people in Northeast China to make unremitting efforts to achieve the comprehensive revitalization and all-round revitalization of Northeast China, and to write a new chapter. The Voice of China series report "Pursuit" launched in this issue: "The White Mountains and Black Waters Do Not Yield to Comfort the Soul of the Heroes", feeling the spirit of the Anti-League forged by the soldiers of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance of "bravely going to the country in difficulty, consciously taking responsibility, stubbornly fighting hard, sacrificing one's life for righteousness, and uniting to insult the emperor".

On the shelves in the home of Liu Ying, a descendant of the Anti-Japanese League, there are books about the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, many of which have turned yellow, and the old man is carefully wiping each book with a cloth.

Liu Ying is the deputy secretary-general of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League Historical and Cultural Research Association, and a descendant of Li Guilan, a soldier of the Anti-Japanese League. Casually opening a book, she began to tell us the story of the Northeast Anti-Coalition battle she had heard from her mother when she was a child.

After the "918 Incident", the Manchurian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China risked the Japanese army's search and began to organize anti-Japanese guerrillas to fight against the Japanese army. At that time, however, due to the kuomintang authorities' policy of non-resistance, the anti-Japanese contingent that had gradually gathered was never effectively supplied, lacked food and clothing, and had very difficult fighting conditions.

Liu Ying said: "Their common memories are hunger and cold, once in the mountains for several days without food, stomach shrinkage as big as a fist." Hungry and anxious, he took a grain of salt from his small pocket and held it in his mouth for a while. ”

Under such harsh conditions, the fighters of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance still stood up the hardest backbone between the white mountains and the black water. From the beginning of 1936 to the autumn of 1937, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army established 11 armies, totaling more than 30,000 people, and opened up three major guerrilla zones in southeast Manchuria, Jidong, and Northern Manchuria, dealing a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Japanese aggressors. Li Haibin, the granddaughter of Li Zhaolin, one of the founders and leaders of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Resistance League, recalled that in order to resist Japan, Li Zhaolin did not return home for 12 years, and Li Haibin's father, Li Yu, once thought that Li Zhaolin had died. Li Haibin said: "My grandfather said that he had not contacted his family for 12 years, because he was afraid of affecting the villagers. ”

Sacrifice is another synonym for the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance: Yang Jingyu fought alone under heavy siege, and the monument of the eight women to the river towered on the banks of the Mudanjiang River... In the 14 years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, more than 300 cadres at and above the northeast anti-japanese coalition division and above the military level sacrificed more than 30 people, and countless soldiers were killed. Liu Ying said that in such a difficult environment, firm faith and conviction, noble patriotism, and great spirit of sacrifice are the spiritual driving force that supports the anti-coalition soldiers to continue their struggle.

"The northeast is the earliest place in China's War of Resistance, and with the sacrifices of countless people, bloodshed and fighting, all of which constitute the spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance." Liu Ying said.

After retiring, Liu Ying became a writer, and she hoped to record the most authentic Northeast Anti-League from the memories of veteran soldiers, so she began to sort out and write articles about the Anti-Coalition forces for more than twenty years. Liu Ying said: "This history should be written out, now talk about red genes, we do not inherit, who else to inherit? ”

For more than 20 years, Liu Ying has witnessed the spirit of the Northeast Anti-League carry forward little by little, and more and more film and television artworks of the Northeast Anti-League have been put on the screen, books, and red museums, so that the young generation can understand the story of the Anti-League. The spirit of the Anti-League also inspired more later generations to strive for a better life.

Jingyu County, Baishan City, Jilin Province, was once a state-level poverty county, and a saying circulated in Dabeishan Village, Longquan Town, "a good mountain customs, a sad Dabei Mountain", describing the embarrassment of the village's generations of poverty.

In 2016, Gao Shilong, the first secretary of the village, gave the first "prescription" to this place, which is to change the single planting structure of the village. He and the village cadres invited agricultural experts to guide the villagers to plant high-value-added cash crops such as tianma according to soil and climatic conditions. But at first the villagers did not approve. Gao Shilong said: "I also said to the village secretary, I said, 'Old Liu, as a party member cadre, you have to burn a handful in your life.'" ”

Liu Lianzhi, secretary of the village party branch, took the lead in planting tianma in his own land, and invested 50,000 yuan in the first year, and the net income reached 40,000 yuan. When the villagers saw the sweetness, the local tianma planting area expanded rapidly, and agricultural cooperatives such as tianma, large fruit hazelnuts, shellfish, ganoderma lucidum, and blueberries were established successively. In 2017, Dabeishan Village took the lead in achieving poverty alleviation in the county. Gao Shilong has also set his sights on new media live broadcasts that can bring broader sales channels to agricultural products.

In April 2020, Jingyu County withdrew from the sequence of poor counties, and the average annual income of the poor increased from 2950 yuan in 2015 to 9680 yuan. Gao Shilong said: "Our vast number of party members and cadres have drawn strength from the spirit of the Anti-League, and this strength has also guided us to accomplish one goal after another, every household has been lifted out of poverty, the village has an industry, and the villagers have a smile. ”

【Reporter's Note】

I am journalist Feng Zhiyuan. Yang Jingyu, Zhao Shangzhi, Zhao Yiman, Zhou Baozhong, Li Zhaolin... We have heard the names of these anti-coalition heroes since childhood, but when I approached their descendants and heard the stories of the past again, I still couldn't help but burst into tears. An inch of mountains and rivers, an inch of blood, a hot soil and a soul. At that time, countless martyrs spilled their blood on the black soil at the time of national crisis; after the founding of New China, the builders of the northeast braved the wind and snow and turned the wasteland into a northern warehouse; what reason do we have to slack off now? Struggle is the best inheritance, let us roll up our sleeves and work hard, and create new glory for the all-round revitalization of Northeast China.

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