
Colombo S106 - Renzaburo Furuhata, the work of the lost pearl, a sloppy detective who solves a case

author:Seventh floor with subway

Nephew Dale shoots and kills his uncle Rudy (Mr. Matthews) for his uncle's inheritance.

His uncle's mansion was full of exquisite and expensive paintings, and Dale wrapped the body in an electric blanket to influence the autopsy time. Then he messed up the room, overturned the table and chairs, pulled out the books, opened the back door again, broke the door lock from the outside, then selected a few paintings, removed them from the frame, and took away the two most influential paintings, Degas Crayon Paintings - Ballet Girls

Colombo S106 - Renzaburo Furuhata, the work of the lost pearl, a sloppy detective who solves a case

Crayon painting by the French Impressionist painter Edgar Degas

At this time there was a doorbell ringing, his lover Myra came by appointment, she came up from the path in the dark, Dale opened the door for her from the inside, according to the plan, Dale left first, she stayed in the house, Dale drove the car straight to a country art exhibition, the exhibition owner Mitilda was overjoyed to see the rare guests at the door, because a noble artist like him usually did not care to be with them at all, and never participated in any of her paintings. Dale Kingston and the mediocre painter Sam, as well as the rouge fans, talked about it and kept looking at their watches to confirm the planned time.

Patrol officers patrol here once an hour. At 11 o'clock, the lover put away the electric blanket, put it back in the upstairs top drawer, and then opened the window and fired a shot, and when the patrol came, she put the gun into the bag, sneaked away from the back door, the high heels snapped on the steps of the back door, and the security guard rushed out and disappeared.

The police received a call to come, and the coroner's autopsy resulted: one shot killed, the time of death was around 11 p.m.

Kingston returned to his apartment at 2 o'clock when he was summoned by the police. He was told he had lost two Degas crayon drawings — ballet girls, and his uncle's gun. Detectives learn that the two stolen paintings are worth $500,000.

The detective analyzes that the man first went to get the painting of Birnbaum (a less famous painter), alarming you Matthew, who went downstairs and was shot by the thief, and then the thief suddenly became smarter and ran away with the two most precious paintings in the house. Detective analysis, this practice is a bit contradictory, the bandits should not directly take away the two paintings and run away without killing, is not it better?

Detectives did an experiment, called in policewoman Sully put on high heels, and ran down the path through the back door. The patrol officer heard the voice and he was sure it was the voice last night, so the detective speculated that one of the kidnappers was a woman. The reason why it was judged that there were two people was because the detective found that the door lock was pried open from the outside, but the siren did not go off, and it should be that another accomplice opened the door for the female thief in the room.

A professional thief would probably avoid triggering an alarm, Daly excused. Professional criminals would rather break the glass and enter the room that way easier, the detective said. Daly's face was terrified that someone could see everything they did like clairvoyance. Detectives positioned Daly as key suspects.

The detective is very confused, such a famous painting, how should the bandits get rid of it? Dell explained that it may be a foreign buyer, and the robber may also contact the original owner or the insurance company directly. Colombo thought that what the robber really wanted was a ransom, and the person who wanted the ransom was most likely to contact you, and the detective put a bugging device on his phone.

After a week of eavesdropping to no avail, Kingston suggested that detectives eavesdrop on the phone calls of his uncle's ex-wife, Edna, because her phone book still uses her husband's last name. In fact, the Inspector has already done so, and of course it has no effect.

Detective summed up a few details,

1. Back doorIf the meeting is pried from the outside to trigger the alarm, the housekeeper has locked all the doors, how the person got in, your uncle will not easily open the door for strangers, unless he knows the person.

2. Studio parker Joe remembers the time you got there. You have also been looking for half a day in the trunk because of a cuff, why look for cuffs to find in the trunk?

3 Detectives come to Mitilda's studio and ask the painters Sam and Mitilda, the artist will not understand time, completely obscure the concept of time, but you are just the opposite, we clearly remember where you are at what time?

4 Detectives took out a painting of Tom's blue horse, Kingston's evaluation of the painting is the graffiti of a 12-year-old child, so such a rude painter, why would you visit him?

Kingston blocked it one by one with excuses. For example, a trench coat used to be in the trunk; in order to support the family, it was a last resort to comment.

The detective said that he had been to Kingston's apartment a few times, but could not get in, do you want to search my room, Kingston burst into flames, took out the key and said, you can snoop into my closet, peek under my bed, you will not find any stolen paintings. He had thought that the detective would be embarrassed to leave, but the detective did not care about any etiquette and took it away.

Kingston asks her lover Myra to trade in a remote mountain forest, gets the painting, and the lover who is still dreaming of their beautiful future is stoned to death by Kingston, and then the car is pushed off the cliff.

Colombo S106 - Renzaburo Furuhata, the work of the lost pearl, a sloppy detective who solves a case

Mr. Kingston killed his little lover

Back at home late at night, he was shocked to find that Colompo was still in his room, and Kingston, who still had two gold and expensive crayon paintings in his hand, could only walk into the house with a bag, the detective insisted on looking at the work in his bag, Dale said it was just some boring watercolor painting, Colompo directly put his hand into the bag to get the painting, of course, Kingston blocked, he said he was very tired to rest, then a phone call to find a detective rescued Dale, it turned out that the police informed him, a woman's car rushed off the cliff, he had to leave.

It was the day the will was announced, and ex-wives, housekeepers, all gathered in the library to listen to the readout of the will, and Colombo brought Inra's work, and Kingston certainly said he didn't know her, after all there were thousands of art students in Southern California, he said.

The will unexpectedly awarded all the paintings and collections to Mrs. Matthews, and the nephew received almost nothing, since the large house was also rented. Rudy sold out all his business shares and had few assets, which meant that Kingston had almost nothing, and Kingston was unexpectedly calm, as Dale had known 10 days earlier, as evidenced by his uncle's letter.

Detectives came to report that Mrs Matthews, the gardener, had found the gun on the hill above her house. Her suspicions deepened, and it turned out that Matthews' ex-wife lived down the hill and her ex-husband Matthews was close at hand, and they divorced a few years before because of his ex-wife's deterioration (fond of parties, with a handsome Italian lover); but a few months ago they met again, and although Rudy did not sing love songs with her again, Mr. Matthews followed his ex-wife's advice and gave the collection to his ex-wife, but did not keep them, but donated them all, such as schools, or museums.

He also learns that it was his nephew who had chosen all the paintings, and that's when Rudy became an avid collector and Dale took him for a career. Didn't give the collection to Dale, Presumably he was going crazy.

Suddenly Kingston visited, and the aunt told him that she often went to the mountains and had seen Rudy on the night her uncle was killed, and he pretended to care about her aunt so that she would not reveal too many details, so as not to be caught by the detectives. The detective made it clear that her aunt was not the killer at all, and that he had a thorough understanding of the cause and effect: the man who had broken into the house that day had escaped through the back door and ran all the way down, but was sure that the person was not Edna. Dale sees his aunt leave, he doesn't understand what the detective is doing, you wouldn't be fooling her with a false sense of security, would you? Detectives said she really didn't want to put pressure on this vulnerable woman to keep her from collapsing. He told Dale that they had inspected every inch of land outside the house, but found nothing, and the detective said he would wait until the two paintings were found.

Dale, acting as a protector of his aunt, persuaded the lawyer to thoroughly investigate Mrs. Matthews's house, and if there were indeed no two paintings in her room, her message would be ruled out, and this was done solely to protect her, and Mrs. Matthews reluctantly agreed. The lawyer agreed to find some political friends who had bypassed Colombo to check the room, and he took advantage of the gap to put the two paintings into Mrs. Matthews's clothing box, and then deliberately flipped the wine glass, taking the opportunity to hide the two paintings in Madame's room.

During the police raid, Colompo arrived late. Naturally, the two paintings were found, Mrs. Matthews's jaw dropped, and the lawyer was stunned.

Edna, how can you do this, Dale asked deliberately pretending to be frightened, Mrs. Matthews was very aggrieved.

He asked the searching police if they were going to prosecute her? The police turned to Colombo, this is his case, you ask him

It was Dale's turn to be confused, and he thought he had skipped the detective. Detectives say we can start by examining fingerprints. Several fingerprints were found. The detective finally got to the point, your uncle gave the collection to Edna, and you found nothing, so you had to kill him and marry Mrs. Matthews.

Dale gritted his teeth: This is a stolen frame without evidence.

Detective tit-for-tat: According to the law, if the first heir kills a person by criminal means, the second heir has the opportunity to get all the property, so you plant a gun and plant two paintings.

Dale still had to do the dying struggle. The detective said we identified you by fingerprint.

Hearing the fingerprints, Dale was suddenly relieved and laughed, when the two paintings were brought back from the exhibition, I unsealed them, and the paintings were of course covered with my fingerprints.

The detective is still calm, we didn't look for your fingerprints at all. Remember, the last time I was in your apartment, you brought some paintings back and I touched them.

Dale's voice trembled, did you touch those two paintings?

The detective continued: These two paintings have my fingerprints on them, so it is impossible that Mrs. Matthews killed someone, so how did my fingerprints run to the paintings she stole?

Everyone looked down at Dale with burning eyes, and he became incoherent and hysterical: This must be a trap, you are a stolen booty, and if I am not paying attention, you must have just come across those paintings.

The detective held out his hands helplessly, his hands stunned with gloves. Dale's frantic clamor vanished in an instant, where he was, as if frozen by an ice cube.

Colombo S106 - Renzaburo Furuhata, the work of the lost pearl, a sloppy detective who solves a case

The high-toed Mr. Kingston was completely stunned

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