
"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

author:Suspense movie pull film

Scattering flowers, scattering flowers, the small farmer has been planning for a long time "Furuhata Renzaburō" special session began.

The next few episodes will select a number of representative episodes from the three seasons to share.

Today's sharing is the classic case of the next set of crazy demons.

Episode 2 of the first season of "Renzaburo Furuhata" Moving Corpses

—— Kabuki actor killings

In February 1994, the famous Kabuki artist Nakamura starred in Kikuza in "Yoshikei Senbun Sakura". In the evening, right and close in the backstage makeup room waiting to take the stage, security guard Nozaki walked in. Nozaki received a confidentiality fee for witnessing a right-hand drive hitting someone. Unable to withstand the condemnation of his conscience, he decided to return the money and to tell the police the truth.

"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

Yukito entangled him to stop Nozaki, and when Nozaki accidentally fell, his head hit the corner of the table and died. Hide the body behind the dressing room and perform on stage with a casual right hand.

"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

After the scene was dispersed, the right side made sure that there was no one around, so he laboriously moved the body to the basement under the stage. He then carried the body down the ceiling with a lift, creating the illusion of falling to death and breaking his watch to cover up the time of the crime.

"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases
"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

The body was soon found and an investigation began.

Perhaps the murderer's luck was not very good, Furuhata had just arrived at the scene of the murder, met the murderer, and had a simple verbal conversation.

"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases
"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases
"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases
"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

You can look at this stupid criminal.

Is a blow to the back of the head a fall? Wasn't it hit by a blunt object? The police have not yet said the situation of their reasoning, your opening is doomed to your tragedy, and your IQ needs to be recharged!

Gu Tian has identified him as the perpetrator of the crime in this case. Simply put, the killer wants the police to determine that it was an accidental death, and the deceased accidentally fell to his death because he went to the stage to find a wild cat, and Detective Furuta came up with his idea. Above such a dark stage, if you look for a cat, the deceased must have carried a flashlight with him. What about flashlights?

Even Furuhata encouraged criminals to close the case if they found a flashlight.

"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases
"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

Nakamura's right side was overjoyed. Immediately return to the scene of the murder, that is, his makeup room began to look for the flashlight of the deceased.

"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases
"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

At this moment, Furuhata came to visit and asked some questions that were not painful or itchy. At the same time, Nakamura found that there was a flashlight under the sofa where Furuhata was sitting, and if Furuhata found this flashlight in his room, the murder scene would be transferred to his room, and he would definitely not be able to get rid of it. So he secretly took the flashlight.

"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases
"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

Nakamura hid the flashlight and breathed a sigh of relief, believing that the crisis had passed, but Furuhata's performance had only just begun.

"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases
"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases
"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

Flashlights are not for the dead! It's Furuhata's!

This is embarrassing.

Nakamura took out a flashlight helplessly.

The old slippery head Furuhata didn't say anything, took the flashlight and retreated.

So far, Nakamura has basically admitted that the scene of the murder was his makeup room.

"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

Line collocation: retarded!

The next set ends. Big flicker, took a flashlight, identified the criminal.

As for how to solve the case, where the evidence is is still left to the audience to see for themselves.

After all, spoilers are bad habits.

"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

Finally hug our next set of demons.

If you are interested in friends who want to watch, here are the full resources of Station Furuhata:

All you can see here are true love fans.

If you're also a Fan of Furuhata, feel free to leave a message telling everyone which episode you like the most and why.

"Furuhata Renzaburō" under the set of crazy demon classic cases

Thank you all for watching.

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