
Forever Furuhata Renzaburō - Masakazu Tamura

author:Play with sub-balls

Yesterday learned the news that the well-known Japanese actor Masakazu Tamura died of heart failure on April 3, 2021, and what jumped out of my mind was the scene of the old man riding a bicycle and dangling leisurely to the scene of the crime, today's article is not for anything else, just to commemorate the old man and the most classic "Furuhata Renzaburo".

Forever Furuhata Renzaburō - Masakazu Tamura

Masakazu Tamura was born on August 1, 1943, the son of Saburō (stage name), a Japanese film superstar who filmed a large number of Japanese martial arts dramas and historical dramas. The family is rich, there are four brothers, he ranks third, and the eldest brother Tamura Takahiro, the younger brother Tamura Ryo have entered the film and television circle, but for the audience in China, Tamura Masakazu's recognition is the widest. It is said that there is Russian ancestry in the family, so every time I see Masakazu Tamura, I always feel like a mixed-race child, but he also suffers from family inherited heart disease.

Forever Furuhata Renzaburō - Masakazu Tamura

Chinese audiences know the old man and are familiar with the old man, basically because of a drama - "Furuhata Renzaburo", which has been broadcast under the translated name of "Gentleman Criminal Police". The drama tells the story of The Police Department's Search Division, Renzaburo Furuhata, a criminal police officer who does not wear a tie, never carries a gun, and even trembles when he sees a gun, but he can solve all kinds of strange cases, and he always says: "There is no real perfect crime in the world."

Forever Furuhata Renzaburō - Masakazu Tamura

The show has been broadcast since 1994 and featured four series, six specials, and one spin-off, all of which ended in 2008. In the drama, there are countless cameos in the play, such as Masaharu Fukuyama, Takuya Kimura, Toshiaki Karasawa, Nanami Suzuki, Yosuke Eguchi, Ryuya Fujiwara, Naoko Matsushima, Akashiya Saury, etc. are all well-known Japanese drama actors, and one of the special episodes is invited to all members of SMAP, which is enough to see how much influence this work was in Japan at that time.

Forever Furuhata Renzaburō - Masakazu Tamura

A police department riding a bicycle to make up for Furuhata Renzaburo, matching a silly head and a silly follower Shintaro Imazumi, and later added a serious and responsible subordinate Nishienji Temple, forming a triangle fixed match, the dialogue between the three is funny and humorous, Imazumi is also the laugh point of the play.

Forever Furuhata Renzaburō - Masakazu Tamura

The script adopts the form of a unit drama in which each is integrated into separate pieces, in which Furuhata first introduces the opening statement of the case, then discloses the situation of the prisoner's crime in flashbacks, and then opens the story itself, Furuhata determines his suspicion from the conversation and evidence with the prisoner, forcing the prisoner to confess. And every time after locking the murderer, the lights will be turned off around him, leaving Furuhata alone to monologue under the chasing light. Such a plot mode was also very novel at the time, and the flashback technique did not reduce the audience's expectations, but inspired the audience to explore how Furuhata could debunk the true face of the prisoner, which made people very useful.

Forever Furuhata Renzaburō - Masakazu Tamura

If you are also a fan of detective dramas, don't miss such a good drama as "Furuhata Renzaburō".

In fact, in addition to "Renzaburo Furuhata", Toshiko himself has seen one of his works in 2000, "Stubborn Daddy", which is a very cute family light comedy.

Forever Furuhata Renzaburō - Masakazu Tamura

Masakazu Tamura is superb in acting, gentle and humble, is one of the most famous actors in Japan, and the personable gentleman criminal police officer he portrayed can be said to be the idol of many people and even many stars, and his death is too regrettable in this world, really an elegant person to the old!

(This article is the original text, the picture comes from the network, please indicate the reprint, please pay attention, thank you very much!) )

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