
Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase


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Careful words and sentences Essay hardship Please do not copy Xiao Shan Hongde

astound!!! thriller!!!

Whoosh! Three consecutive memes!

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase
Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase
Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

Uh – it's all right! Just kidding to give everyone a refreshing [tooth-jerking]!

01. Straight to the point

Movies are movies, not real documentaries, and we're not going to use them as evidence. But even if the movie story is fictional, it must pay attention to a certain logic. Or should we follow the vine of "logic" to see if we can touch the melon of "truth"?

The old 1998 American movie "X-Files Conquest of the Future" is a science fiction film, with keywords such as: aliens, viruses, virus research bases, conspiracies, bravery, justice, etc. (bold characters are my explanation of the topic)...

02. The Movie "The X-Files: Conquering the Future"

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

Poster for the movie "The X-Files Conquest of the Future"


The male protagonist Mulder and the female protagonist Sculley are a pair of FBI agents with a realistic spirit, bravely tearing apart a conspiracy that is tried to be covered up by a "mysterious organization", about the virus, about the "conspiracy set conspiracy".

In order to facilitate everyone's understanding, I will disrupt the narrative structure of the film (that is the means by which the film attracts the audience) and tell its content in the normal order.

Aliens came to Earth millions of years ago and exist underground in the form of pathogens. They have been looking for opportunities to achieve the purpose of colonizing the ball by parasitizing the human body. Once the human body is infected by this virus, it will completely lose the ability to resist, that is, relying on this alien life will completely complete its colonization mission.

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

The Institute of Viruses in the Cornfield in the movie

The mysterious organization (some of the government and military top brass) has made itself clever to "plan ahead". They collaborated with alien races to study the virus and try to refine vaccines to fight it. Of course, we can imagine that they are not simply for the sake of the overall interests of mankind, but perhaps for the benefit of a small number of people.

A young boy in a small town in North Texas falls into a deep hole and is infected by an alien virus buried deep in the hole, which leads to the 4 firefighters who saved him also being infected (one of them is not dead and has become an experiment of the mysterious organization).

The mysterious organization that rushed to the place quickly closed the place and transported away 5 infected people.

In order to cover up the truth about the alien virus, the mysterious organization plans to solve the problem by blowing up the building where the virus research institute is located (a way that is incomprehensible). Mulder and Scooli, who were involved in the bomb investigation, sensed something strange from this unusual explosion. Now that the bomb was found and people were evacuated, why did the people killed have a little boy and three firefighters in addition to the FBI agent leader who stayed at the scene to defuse the bomb?

Then the stubborn, truth-seeking male and female protagonists began to pursue and explore with perseverance.

A gynecologist with the same spirit of truth-seeking helped and guided the male protagonist.

The male and female protagonists went to examine the body, confirmed the fact that they were infected by a strange virus, and then tracked down to the scene of the incident. Then I followed the vine to find a virus research base located in a cornfield in the desert.

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

The male and female protagonists walked into the Virology Institute in the cornfield

Escaping the cornfield, Scooli is infected with an alien virus after being stung by a poisonous bee she brought back from the base, and the mysterious organization takes the opportunity to rob Scooli.

The mysterious organization sent a high-ranking elder to kill the gynecologist. But for the sake of future generations, the elder "anti-water" sided with Mulder, not only did not kill Mulder, but also told Mulder the truth, and gave him the vaccine that could save Squali, and then committed suicide.

Based on information provided by the Elders, Mulder found the mysterious organization's experimental base at the North Pole and entered the underground laboratory, which is actually a giant alien spaceship. There are many people infected with alien viruses, and Scully is among them.

Mulder saves Sculley with a vaccine and takes Scooli to escape. The entire spaceship was contaminated, and the aliens escaped from the hermit's body and drove away with the spaceship.

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

The male protagonist rescues the female protagonist from the alien spaceship

However, the mysterious organization did not end there. At the end of the film, they change places and set up another research institute in another cornfield...

The virus in the play:

The alien virus mentioned in "X-Files Conquest of the Future" is a frightening virus. Twice in the film, the camera shows its horrific state of devouring humanity.

Thirty-five thousand years ago, after a primitive man vs. an alien, a black asphalt-like gelatinous substance flowing from the alien climbed and devoured it; in the modern era of the movie, it is the same black gelatin, slowly devouring and killing the little boy who fell down the hole from the bottom up.

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase
Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

Regarding the power of the virus, there are two more depictions in the film!

First: The heroine Scoole was poisoned after being bitten by a bee. Scotty, a doctor by training, described her symptoms after the poisoning: chest pain, paralysis, weak pulse, and uncomfortable throat (ambulance doctors say "throat tightening").

Second: One of the firefighters who rescued the little boy did not die and was used by mysterious organizations to conduct virus vaccine research. The researchers described the firefighter's body as the virus that eroded the host, causing his body temperature to soar above 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. By consuming the host's bones and tissues to continue to grow, the virus grows at a very high temperature, and the host is only biologically dead, in fact, it can never recover.

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

Firefighters' bodies eroded by the virus became transparent

Summary Movie:

Like we said at the beginning, The X-Files Conquest of the Future is a movie. Cinema is a work of art, not a visual record on a realistic level. Although artistic creation often comes from life, we still cannot discuss the viral stories in movies as a basis for reality.

However, I have to say that it is really a little "enlightening" to some aspects of the "virus" for us...

03. Novel coronavirus

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

Everyone talks about the corolla virus

The symptoms of infection with the new coronavirus are: initial fever, fatigue, muscle aches, dry cough, followed by gradual difficulty breathing, if not properly and timely treatment, can lead to death.

It may not be as exaggerated as the "alien virus" in the movie, but it is not fictional, it is real!

It has been about a year since this catastrophe hit the entire human world. Up to now, more than 98 million people have been diagnosed worldwide, and more than 200,000 people have paid a heavy price in their lives! - Painful!

However, to this day, the cause and source of this virus remains an unsolved mystery!

When the disaster strikes, it is precisely the moment when all mankind is called upon to share the same hatred and unity of purpose. At this time, throwing pots and planting stolen goods is especially despicable, despicable, contemptible, selfish, shameless...

The film "X-Files Conquering the Future" made by American artists has a moving noble theme spirit of seeking truth and seeking truth, and most people who want to come to the United States must also support this theme spirit.

So why can't the world know what happened to the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory?

04. Fort Detrick

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory in Frederick, Maryland

The "Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory," which has been named again and again by our foreign service, is a biochemical weapons base for the United States. Biohazard level is -4!

The "Marburg virus" that can turn people into blood and the "Ebola virus" that is almost incurable are both of this level, and they are both studied.

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

Marburg virus

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

Ebola virus

It also studies other known deadly viruses, and as the U.S. Army's Biological Weapons Laboratory, Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory studies those terrifying biological and chemical weapons. (Does that remind you of some of the bridges in superhero movies?) Sure enough, art comes from life! )

Speaking of biological and chemical weapons, the first thing that comes to mind anyway is the notorious Unit 731 of the Japanese army!

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

The inhuman Japanese Unit 731

After World War II, Fort Detrick in the United States gathered medical experts and biological and chemical weapons experts from Germany and Japan. At that time, the Yellow Fever Virus studied in Germany and Japan, and the United States directly used these data.

Fort Detrick is best known for its research on anthrax. In the 1990s, there were also incidents of losing deadly strains and strains such as anthrax!

Leaving aside these accidents that are so long away from today, let's just talk about the bizarre and suspicious events surrounding the Biological Laboratory in Fort Detrick before and after the new crown epidemic...

1. In July 2019, a community called "Green Spring", just an hour's drive from the Fort Detrick Biology Laboratory, broke out of a deadly unknown disease. About 50 people were infected with symptoms of fever, cough, weakness in the extremities and manifestations of pneumonia, and several died.

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

2. Also in July 2019, a few months before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention unexpectedly closed the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory on the grounds that the laboratory did not have a "perfect system" to purify wastewater.

3. In March 2020, a large number of English-language news reports about the closure of Fort Detrick were deleted (there is an old Chinese saying that "there is no silver in this place for three hundred and two")!

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

4. Still in March 2020, the Fort Detrick Army Institute of Infectious Diseases In Maryland was fully operational. At this time, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has set off a wave of outbreaks in many parts of the United States!

None of us are detectives, but we all have a certain ability to make logical judgments! We say at the beginning, "The vine that follows logic may touch the melon of truth." Of course, we do not rule out the "melon" of some people who "disturb the logic" and "cover up the truth" for their own interests.

However, the facts are in front of us, and no matter how much it is mixed, justice is also in the hearts of the people!

Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a saying: "If the US side really respects the facts, please open the Fort Detrick base and invite WHO experts to go to the United States to carry out traceability investigations." ”

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

What innocent person doesn't want to prove his innocence?

05. Virus; 22-year-old American movie "The X-Files Conquer the Future"; Fort Detrick Biobase

It's been 22 years since the release of The X-Files Conquest of the Future, and art and real life have moved forward tremendously. At that time, film screenwriters did not know that there would be a virus called "new crown", which was so vivid and real today more than 20 years later, affecting the safety of mankind.

We're not sure if "aliens" are science fiction, but the existence of dangerous and rampant "viruses" is real.

The courage of the heroes and heroines in the film to sweep away evil and conspiracies is inspiring, and at the same time, it also inspires our determination to seek the truth and solve the difficulties. So, does the American people think the same way?

Fort Detrick, what exactly are you hiding?

Viruses; the 22-year-old movie The X-Files Conquer the Future; Fort Detrick Biobase

Before writing this article, in order to explain the plot, I brushed "X-Files : Conquering the Future" three times. The full text was 3300 words and took me an entire Saturday day. So – please respect my labor and don't plagiarize [smile]!


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(Image from the Internet)

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