
My marriage to my American husband, will marry a foreigner eventually divorce?

author:May's emotional story

Nowadays, more and more Chinese girls choose to marry foreigners, but their marriages are not very happy and long-lasting, because foreigners also have many of their own problems.

The following May is the story of the marriage of my good friend Ellie and her American husband Jack. (Dictated by Ellie below)

Jack and I met at Columbia University, I went to engineering, and he went to medical school. Usually, we rarely intersect at all, and we don't know each other.

Once, I came out of school and was planning to go back to the apartment I rented, but it happened to rain, and the rain was getting heavier, and I had no intention of stopping, because I didn't have an umbrella, and I was hesitating when suddenly an umbrella was handed over.

I turned my head to see a tall and handsome foreign boy standing next to me, looking at me with a smile on his face...

He was Jack, a blonde boy from Alaska.

My marriage to my American husband, will marry a foreigner eventually divorce?

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After many encounters, Jack's enthusiasm and thoughtfulness completely captured my heart, and we fell in love.

When Jack and I were about to get married, a friend once said that finding an American husband is not a fun thing to do, it comes at a cost, and I didn't understand it at the time.

On this day of Christmas the previous year, we were married.

After marriage, I also had a good time, but soon I found out that we were different, and this was felt after I arrived at his house.

Jack's father and mother, farmers, divorced at an early age, and the farm was run by his mother, a woman who laughed particularly loudly.

The first time I went to his house, his mother was very happy to see me, saying that God had favored his son too much and gave him such a good oriental wife.

His mother also said that he was not worthy of me at all.

At the time I just thought it was his mother who said it to make me happy, but then I learned that his mother was telling the truth.

Over time, I felt that Jack was very lazy, and his laziness was not only manifested in his lack of love to work, but more in his lack of love of using his brain, he did not seek progress, or when he was in school, I asked him, what are you going to do after graduation? He said he could do whatever he wanted. At the time, I thought he was joking, thinking it was just an American spirit of freedom, and later I learned that he really was such a person.

When he returned to his hometown, he often mixed with some friends from his childhood, and those people were like what we call small, who did not do serious things all day long, drank, fooled around, and sometimes even went out to fight in groups...

My marriage to my American husband, will marry a foreigner eventually divorce?

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I always advised him to find a more stable job as soon as possible, but he didn't care at all, I worked in the company, he just hung around at home, I think he is getting more and more unspeakable.

And what I can't tolerate the most is that one day he actually proposed an unacceptable thing...

One of his most close friends, Mike, is also married and lives in a small town near us, less than half an hour's drive away, and we often play together.

One night he looked at me with a very strange look and said, "I want to tell you something. ”

Who knows what prank he's playing? I ignored him, and he said, "Honey, why did you ignore me?" I really want to discuss one thing with you. ”

"Say it!" Seeing him so serious, I said.

"Can I swap with Mike?"

I didn't know for a moment what he meant? Seeing that I was confused, he made another gesture, "It's me and his wife, he and you..."

I immediately understood, and scolded in my heart, you bastard! Seeing that I was not speaking, he said, "I really love you, and this is just a game, just one night." ”

I suddenly lost my breath and said, "Jack, you're such an asshole, do you feel good about doing this?" ”

He said: "I used to be with his wife. ”

Is this the young man of America, this is jack I love so much?

I lost complete sleep that night, and I even doubted my own vision.

However, what happened after that broke my heart even more.

He loves to drink, and often comes home drunk, and he is not "wen drunk", but "martial drunk", which is not ordinary "martial drunk", not just throwing a basin, hitting a bowl, not just pointing at whose nose to scold twice.

My marriage to my American husband, will marry a foreigner eventually divorce?

One night he was drunk again, and he got into a fight with someone else in the street, and he broke the nose of the other person first, but a dozen people were called in and beat him up.

He ran home in a rage, and I just saw it and was about to ask him what was wrong? I only saw him pick up an iron rod and rush out.

As soon as I saw that something was going to happen, I hurried to pull her, but he was so strong that I couldn't hold her, and his mother wanted to pull him, but to no avail.

He rushed to a small river and shouted that he was going to fight with people.

I rushed up, and his mother rushed up, so the more tragic tragedy did not happen.

Later, someone else called the police, and the police came and took him away.

My marriage to my American husband, will marry a foreigner eventually divorce?

In order to bail him, I looked for this and that, and gave a gift to a black policeman.

Jack was arrested by the police and imprisoned for more than ten days, it should be said that he should also accept the lesson, but he not only did not change, but made more fierce trouble.

The next time he got drunk, he got into an argument with his mother.

I went over to pull him, and he actually threw his fist at me.

"What are you going to do?"

"If you call me again, I'll kill you."

I dodged his fist and said, "Jack, you obey, you listen to me." ”

And he didn't have the slightest weakness, and I collapsed to the ground.

His mother couldn't do anything about it, and called the police over, and when the police tied him up, he was still screaming like a wolf.

I had seen the devil-like side of him by this time.

But I still want to save him, and I think I can still transform him.

One day, his mother said to me, "Ellie, he's hopeless here, can you make him change his living environment?" ”

This reminds me why I can't let him come to China? China's environment may be able to transform him.

In this way, I told my family about the idea of returning to China, and of course the family was happy, and they also wanted to see what kind of person I had found.

Before I could go home, I used my family connections to find him a job as a foreign teacher at a school.

In March of this year, we flew from the United States to China.

My marriage to my American husband, will marry a foreigner eventually divorce?

After he arrived in Beijing, he did change for a while.

At first, in order to make a good impression on the family, I did not tell the family about his past, his performance was ok, my mother even thought that this foreign son-in-law was good, and said to the people in the yard: "Americans are not all bad guys, our son-in-law is very good." ”

He was teaching at that school and learning Chinese at the same time, and I was doing public relations in a company, and for almost half a year, we were all at peace.

Who knows, it won't be long before something happens that I don't want to see.

His university is still very preferential to foreign teachers, each person has a house, I usually work in the city, every weekend I go to his place, he has no classes on Wednesdays, he comes to the city to live.

Once I went to his place and I saw a very beautiful girl coming to him, and I didn't think much about it at the time.

Shortly thereafter, I suddenly went to him, his door was locked, I had the key, but I couldn't open it, I suspected that the lock was broken, who knows, just when I poked back and forth, he opened the door inside, saw me standing outside, he said unnaturally: "The door accidentally locked."

I saw a girl in his house, the pretty girl, whom I had met several times, and she was his student.

I said to the girl, "Why are you here?" Did you go wrong? ”

The girl said to ask Jack to make up the lesson, turned around and slipped away.

I was angry and asked Jack why he was still locked, and he just explained, wrong, wrong.

I forgive him again, I know that some girls now dare to sleep with him in order to go abroad, as long as they are a foreigner, so I am more strict with Jack.

In hindsight, I was stupid enough, and this kind of thing can't be done by management.

I can't forgive him for what happened later, once I forgot to take something, returned to his house, and saw him with a white fat woman...

I was completely heartbroken.

It seems we can only break up.

This time I couldn't be softer this time, and there was no more stimulation for me than this.

After a long period of ideological struggle, I decided to divorce him.

But he said, "Divorce is okay, but we still have to be together, and I can't do without you." ”

"You don't talk nonsense anymore, we're going to break up completely." I roared.

"I know you can't live without me, you still have to go back to The United States, where it's heaven..."

I threw away his hand and said to him very calmly, "Go to your heaven, I don't want to go to "heaven" to live a hellish life, and I don't want to live with a devil." ”

My marriage to my American husband, will marry a foreigner eventually divorce?

He staggered to my house and begged my father to save his marriage, and when I cried about the situation between us, my father shot up: "Tell you, Chinese women are not good bullies, be careful that I knock your head!" ”

Dad was gentle with me: "Child, people are going to be a little backbone and arrogant, I firmly believe that my daughter will not be able to live without a foreign devil, and go to divorce your American husband!" ”

In October of this year, I finally divorced Jack, and he also returned to his "paradise" homeland...

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