
"Two Little Guesses" - a fairy tale that solidifies love with death

author:Bright Net

Today, I watched the movie "Two Little Guesses" and finally understood why many people envied Qu Xiaoxiu. Like the protagonists of the film, they are people who dare to do what others dare not do, whether out of rebellion, out of specialness, or out of fragile self-preservation.

Many of the characters and plots in movies and TV series are different from our ordinary people's lives, but in detail, in addition to exaggerated processing techniques and romantic performance colors, the rest of the family, friendship and love are undoubtedly the same as us, life is like this, joys and sorrows will not fall.

"Two Little Guesses" - a fairy tale that solidifies love with death

The first encounter between the protagonists, Sophie and Julian, is a mixture of shame and anger. Sophie is bullied by her classmates, calling her a "Polish pig"; Julian refuses to accept the fact that her mother is seriously ill. A small gamble makes all the puzzles solvable, opening up an oasis in the desert of life.

They do bold things, say shocking things, and do things that don't fit their age. Her mother, who was seriously ill, bet Julian that she would fly, and she won, paying with her life.

"Two Little Guesses" - a fairy tale that solidifies love with death

Sophie and Julian have been betting all their lives, and the gamble has made them intimate and become a shield for them to be afraid of love. Because in the overly dazzling circus fireworks, it is easy to hide the throbbing and uneasiness in the heart. The gamble is the costume of the clown, and the colorful clothes bring happiness and hide the truth under the oil paint.

While little Julian was weeping for the death of her mother, Sophie appeared above the grave with a wreath of flowers, draped in the light of heaven, humming the tune of "Rose Life", blowing the fragrance of spring to the cemetery and dispelling the haze of death. Julian smiled, tears in his eyes.

"Two Little Guesses" - a fairy tale that solidifies love with death

His young heart did not yet know where the warm current of happiness came from. Sophie threw a daisy at the grave and sowed the seeds of love, which followed the mysterious river of life, twisting and turning, and no one could see where it would flow in the future and what kind of tree it would grow into.

Since their mother's death, they have slept in the same bed, each sleeping at opposite ends, and this intimate distance seems to indicate that they are always in the pursuit of love, interacting at the two poles of emotion. And in their subsequent love journey, it is true that they are either love or pain, and they are not laughing or crying.

"Two Little Guesses" - a fairy tale that solidifies love with death

Sophie did not dare to say love first, afraid that Julian would think that this was just a game; Julian did not dare to express his inner feelings, imprisoned in self-blame and cowardice, and he still did not understand whether the warm current of happiness in his heart was love or just the pleasure brought by the absurd gamble. He could only chase the car, drowning the confession of love in the rumble of the wheels.

When the grown-up Sophie showed up at school with her underwear draped over her clothes, their relationship took on a whole new stage. Before they were children who wanted to become adults, now they are adults who stay in childhood forever.

"Two Little Guesses" - a fairy tale that solidifies love with death

This gamble is as addictive as any other kind of gambling, and they are as addicted to the vices as other gamblers – the desire to win exceeds love. In fact, as long as you embrace each other, you can be happy and happy from now on, but they want to win, they want to be the tyrant in love, to be upstream, to overcome love.

SoPhie said that he could never break her heart, and he wanted to stab her heart with all his heart. He dared to take off his pants in public, to retrieve the carousel box from under the speeding car; she dared to stand in front of the roaring train, dared to fish out the carousel box from the bottom of the cold river; they dared to do anything, they could do anything, but no one dared to say", "I love you".

"Two Little Guesses" - a fairy tale that solidifies love with death

The more crazy their actions are, the more cowardly they dare not look up in the face of love. They are two clumsy actors on this love stage, unable to speak their inner lines, and have to use exaggerated body language to cover up their panic; and like beasts that have been stabbed toes by pine branches, they cannot express the hidden pain of shame with a roaring and violent voice. Love that is too heavy and too strong almost crushes the two of them to death.

"Can you make a bride cry at a wedding?" Can you laugh when you're sad? Can you go ten years without talking? Almost to the limit of waiting, Julian questioned the child who was as young as his former self, and also questioned himself who had never grown up. Thirty-five years old, he was still a child, but he couldn't open his eyes and see Sophie smiling at him.

"Two Little Guesses" - a fairy tale that solidifies love with death

Then, the appearance of the carousel box opened the game again. The camera hinting at fate looks down as Julian drives the car toward Sophie's home, watching his heart rush toward her again.

When thrown into the game again, chased by a group of police cars, speeding down the road, "that feeling of volcanic eruption is better than anything, not even drugging, better than the Psychedelic Happy Pill, better than the Star Wars trilogy, better than landing on the moon and Santa Claus, better than the wealth of the world, better than freedom, better than life." ”

"Two Little Guesses" - a fairy tale that solidifies love with death

Welcome to the playground of love again, enjoy the lingering heartfelt songs, sing wordless psalms, kiss life, two hundred times sweet! The strings were the intimate lovers of that string, and the two strings played together again, proudly singing and flying from the gloomy land into the clouds.

People's life and death are upside down, in front of people, and after people are unknown, so all the ups and downs that are finally grasped in their hands cannot compete with love sincerely looking at each other, or sleeping in each other's arms.

"Two Little Guesses" - a fairy tale that solidifies love with death

The protagonist's heart, the crazy, unsettling of the status quo, the proud, the arrogant heart, let them have the most extreme love for each other, and the most extreme torture. Therefore, they choose to be pasted by cement as a martyrdom of the city background, so that the eternal cement is molded into their eternal love.

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