
High-scoring movie recommendations in India

author:MoXi movie

Manslaughter - Indian Version of Manslaughter

High-scoring movie recommendations in India

It tells the story of father Vijay who used anti-reconnaissance techniques learned from the film to fight with the police in order to protect the family who killed people by mistake. The film's question of how justice and the law trade off is also a deeper reflection triggered by the film. It's worth a look~


High-scoring movie recommendations in India

India's high-scoring psychological suspense film tells the story of a pianist who pretends to be blind accidentally sees a murder case, is discovered by the murderer and can see the facts, but is hunted down. The ending gives us an open-ended ending that doesn't seem very satisfying, full of choices. Little Lori's monkey god uncle

Personally, I think it is a warm and touching movie. Tell the various stories that happened when Uncle Monkey God sent Little Lori home. The film makes us understand that love can eliminate prejudice and narrowness in religious beliefs, cultural differences, national contradictions, etc., and return to the most essential truth, goodness and beauty of human beings. In the play, little Lori is very cute, and the last sentence to go home: Uncle, earn enough of my tears

Three fools make a big fuss about Bollywood

High-scoring movie recommendations in India

A great Indian film, starring Amir Khan, tells the story of college between 3 protagonists, Farhan, Raja and Rancher. The film can see the harsh education system and the problems of the rich and the poor. The whole film is relaxed, witty, hilarious, and can feel the power of positive life in tears. Live in the moment, regardless of gains and losses, and do something promising with the heart of inaction.

Wrestle it! Father

High-scoring movie recommendations in India

Starring Amir Khan, based on the true story of Indian wrestler Mahavira, it tells the story of former wrestling champion Singh cultivating manslaughter - Indian version of "Manslaughter"

Little Lori's monkey god uncle

High-scoring movie recommendations in India

Personally, I think it is a warm and touching movie. Tell the various stories that happened when Uncle Monkey God sent Little Lori home. The film makes us understand that love can eliminate prejudice and narrowness in religious beliefs, cultural differences, national contradictions, etc., and return to the most essential truth, goodness and beauty of human beings. In the play, little Lori is very cute, and the last sentence to go home: Uncle, earn enough of my tears

Mysterious superstar

High-scoring movie recommendations in India

Another film by Amir Khan tells the story of Indian teenage girl Yin Xiya who breaks through discrimination and obstruction and insists on pursuing her musical dreams. The film's elements about dreams, women, anti-domestic violence and other elements are perfectly combined with the story, the plot has ups and downs, and the sensational funny embedding is just right. A very inspirational and touching movie about women realizing their dreams

My name is Khan

High-scoring movie recommendations in India

A film about love and racism. It tells the story of Khan, the male protagonist with mild autism, who came to the United States after the death of his mother, met the beautiful single mother Mandia and got married. A little realistic, the male protagonist uses his own way to change and influence everyone little by little, giving everyone the courage to face themselves and treat others well.

Oh God

High-scoring movie recommendations in India

The satire of corruption in the name of religion is absurd and humorous throughout the film, exposing the ugly veil of those who seek private interests in the name of religion. The film does not question the truth of God, but lets people know that the true meaning of religion is the beauty of love and goodness.

Slum millionaire

High-scoring movie recommendations in India

I saw a movie I saw many years ago. The film unfolds in an answer card, on the one hand, a teenager from the slum, on the other hand, a huge prize money, and the huge contrast makes everyone look forward to the result. The kind of spirit that is obviously very bitter but still chooses to be optimistic, and the spirit of never giving up reminds me of another film", "Why Home".

#My Movie List #High Score Movie Recommendations in India
