
Republic of China alternative master Meng Wentong Original title: Mongolian Wentong Anecdotes: Long Smoke Pole Into College Landscape Text/Lei Wenjing

author:Trekking tells history

During his teaching at Chengdu University, Sichuan University, and West China Union University, there were also many stories circulating when the master of classics, Meng Wentong, was taught. Several literary and historical giants in modern Chengdu have their own styles, and Meng Wentong is one of the heroic and free members. Classes gush endlessly and sit in the teahouse to guide students

About The heroic freedom of Mon wentong, the most impressive thing for the students was his class. When Meng Wentong was lecturing, because he was rich in five cars, he could not stop the car every time, and when he talked about the end of the class, he did not care what the bell rang after class, and the lecture was not wrong. Often when the teacher of the next class has already stood at the door of the classroom, Mr. Meng has to stop, collect several pages of lectures, and in a burst of hearty laughter, the students can finally leave the class. In the impression of The Mongolian students, after these pages of the lecture were placed on the podium by the Mongolian Wentong, they never looked at them again. If there is a wind in the middle of the lecture, and a few pages of lecture paper are blown elsewhere by the wind, Mr. Meng will not care about it and continue to talk endlessly.

Republic of China alternative master Meng Wentong Original title: Mongolian Wentong Anecdotes: Long Smoke Pole Into College Landscape Text/Lei Wenjing

A long beard of a fairy wind Dao bone can be said to be one of the symbols of Mr. Meng, and his student Kui Yingtao once described it this way: "Mr. Kui Yingtao is not tall, holding a leaf cigarette pole that is two feet long, smiling, calmly walking up to the podium, with the trinity of scholars, elders, and venerables." "This long cigarette pole and the shisha bag of the Forest Mountain Of the Long Meng Wentong generation are a landscape of the old Chengdu university and are well known to the academic community." There is also a story about this long cigarette pole, once, the young daughter of Luo Zhongshu, the dean of the College of Letters of West China Union University, accidentally drowned in the lotus pond, and Mr. Meng's long cigarette pole inadvertently became a first aid tool: the little girl grabbed the cigarette pole and escaped the disaster.

Unlike other professors, Meng Wentong often instructed his students in the teahouse. In his youth, he often sat in the tea shop with the master of scripture, Liao Ping, and learned a lot of knowledge from it. Therefore, he sometimes slyly said to the students: "Some of what I say in the teahouse is something you can't hear in class!" Among the crowd of people in the teahouse, he comfortably lit his long cigarette pole and listened to the students' questions as he passed the addiction. If the student asks a good question, if the question is good, Mr. Meng will always slap his hands and whiskers, and then his signature laughter will make the tea vibrate.

In addition to loving to sit in the tea shop, Meng Wentong still likes to listen to Sichuan opera, "kill the restaurant", his amount of alcohol is not small, drinking yellow wine has a two-pound amount. His friends are not limited to academic circles, and he has all interacted with the three religions and nine streams in society, and treats different people equally. In his eyes, merchants and vendors, workers and peasants, monks and Taoists, as long as people are right, he will swing the dragon gate array with the sea and the sky. One of the words he often said was: "Even if I don't know a word here, I must return to my dignity as a person." Not afraid to teach the scholar Gengsuke and his friends also tit-for-tat arguments

In 1933, at the recommendation of Tang Yongtong, Meng Wentong went to Peking University to teach the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the History of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Unexpectedly, Hu Shi, who was then the dean of Peking University's College of Letters, was not interested in Meng Wentong, and Meng Wentong was dismissed. This was the first time in Meng Wentong's coaching career that he was dismissed, and the other time he was dismissed was at Sichuan University, at the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. At that time, a certain scholar was in charge of the school seal, doing dirty things, and turning away a cadre of scholars from the university, while Meng Wentong taught classes for students as usual, and his explanation of his behavior was very domineering, he said: "Whether to hire me or not is a matter for your school, it is my business not to go to class, I am a Sichuanese, I can't help but teach Sichuan children." ”

Republic of China alternative master Meng Wentong Original title: Mongolian Wentong Anecdotes: Long Smoke Pole Into College Landscape Text/Lei Wenjing

Gengjie's straightforwardness and self-sufficiency are another characteristic of Mong wenton's personality. He often said, "A person with an incorrect mind cannot achieve anything great in learning." "The student has different opinions, and he always does not shy away from contradictions, even when friends are friends.

Tang Yongtong, Qian Mu, Xiong Shili, Meng Wentong, and occasionally Lin Zaiping and Liang Shuming, in Beijing in 1933, several people had a beautiful exchange of learning and the Tao. Xiong Shili is well-argued, and Meng Wentong is also like a hanging river. At that time, Xiong Shili was using the new theory of knowledge to refute the doctrine of Ouyang Jingwu, his common teacher with Meng Wentong, and Meng Wentong did not think so. The two men exchanged words and swords, up and down the ancient and modern, widely quoted, and often turned from the contention of one issue to the examination of another, as if two fighters of equal strength. You come and go, not to mention each other, and its situation makes Qian Mu still remember it decades later. Qian Mu said: "Yu Shi is a buffer for the Ten Forces and Wentong", and before long, the two "transferred from Buddhism to Song Ming Theory, and Wentong and Ten Forces must contend." and only the rest of the buffer is left.".

Once, Xiong Shili could not attend class, and the students asked who would replace them, and Xiong Shili replied with four words: "Mongolian is good." ”

<h1>Original title: Meng wentong anecdote: long smoke pole into a college landscape Text/Lei Wenjing</h1>

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