
After the snake bites the farmer (epilogue)

author:Gao Zheng 988

Farmer and Snake Afterword

After the snake bites the farmer (epilogue)
After the snake bites the farmer (epilogue)

One day, the snake bit the farmer and killed him. The farmer's son buried his father sadly. The farmer's son was so angry that he searched all over the yard for the poisonous snake, and finally found the snake in the corner of a yard, and the snake slyly begged him for forgiveness, and the farmer's son said bitterly, "Snake, you are a conscienceless animal, and I will cut your corpse into pieces." When the farmer's son had finished speaking, he raised the knife in his hand and forcefully cut the snake into many pieces, chopping it into meat sauce.

The crow had just served his father and had come to the field again to look for food, and it was when she saw the snake with blurred flesh and blood, and she was so distressed that she was ready to rescue it. She gently fell to the ground, she found a place of tranquility, used her ancestral medical skills, blew a breath of immortal qi to the snake, and then obtained the immortal medicine from the Jade Emperor to treat the wound, picked up the snake, and applied the immortal medicine, and the snake was saved by her.

The snake shook its body, stretched out, and asked, "Where is this?" In hell or in heaven? How did I end up here? The snake looked at the crow in front of him and asked, "Did you save me?" The crow nodded. The snake said happily and with ill will, "My savior, I really don't know how to thank you, or we will become a family of relatives, you are a sister, I am a brother, how about it?" The crow looked at the snake with sincerity, so he nodded and said, "Good." In this way, the snake and the crow became relatives.

Ever since crows and snakes have become dry relatives, one of them has wings and claws, the other has no hands and no feet, and they should have lived in harmony, but this is not the case.

One day the crow said to the little crow, "Little crow, it's sunny, I'll take you out to play, okay?"

The little crow had never seen the world, and said yes!

When you're tired of playing, they're playing on the grass!

The snake was hungry and said to a beautiful little crow, there are many beautiful flowers over there, let's go pick them together!

It brought the little crow to the flowers, and when the little crow was not paying attention, it bit off the neck of the little crow, and the poor little crow died in the belly of the snake.

Back at home, it lied to the crow, saying that the little crow was caught by the children and played!

It was another sunny day, and it lied to the little crow that your mother was hit by a car, she was hospitalized in the 3201 hospital, and she asked me to take you to the hospital!

The little crow believed it, so he went on the road with the snake again, and the road became steeper and steeper, and it was difficult to walk.

At this time, there is a fruit grove in front of us, let's go pick the fruit! The snake is fiercely eating the little crow again!

It took advantage of the crow's inattention, crouched down from the air, rushed to the little crow, at this time the little crow saw through the treacherous plan, the little crow and the snake fought against each other, the other crow hurried to find the adult to help, with the help of the adult, caught the ferocious poisonous snake, immediately sent it to the detention center, this was spared!

After the snake bites the farmer (epilogue)
After the snake bites the farmer (epilogue)

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