
Plan this year's winter vacation schedule early! The latest notice from the Ministry of Education is here

author:Yanzhao Metropolis Daily

On October 25, the Ministry of Education issued a notice to deploy strict and tight epidemic prevention and control in the education system in the autumn and winter of 2021.

The circular requires that local education departments and colleges and universities should always tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, and strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures. It is necessary to strictly implement the requirements of the technical plan for the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in colleges and universities, primary and secondary schools and childcare institutions (the fourth edition), strengthen the management of school gates in accordance with the local epidemic prevention and control policies, and achieve full coverage of identity verification, health code verification and body temperature detection of school personnel. It is necessary to classify and accurately grasp the health status and travel trajectory of teachers and students, continue to strengthen health education, guide teachers and students to strictly abide by the relevant provisions of epidemic prevention and control through multiple channels and forms, consciously fulfill their social responsibilities, reduce cross-regional travel, adhere to wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, and continue to do a good job in personal protection. It is necessary to strengthen coordination with local health, disease control and other departments, and strengthen emergency reserves such as personnel, materials, isolation sites and nucleic acid testing capabilities. We must continue to promote COVID-19 vaccination.

The circular emphasizes that education departments and colleges and universities in various localities should strictly enforce the epidemic prevention requirements for large-scale gathering activities. Adhere to the principle of "non-essential non-holding" and "who hosts who is responsible", and strengthen the approval and management of large-scale gathering activities. Encourage the use of online methods to hold activities, if it is really necessary to hold offline, it should adhere to the principle of territorial management, and can only be held after the approval of the local joint prevention and control mechanism (leading group, command headquarters) for epidemic response, and at the same time strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures, and strictly control the scale and duration of activities.

The circular emphasizes that education departments and colleges and universities in all localities should make overall plans for the prevention and control of infectious diseases in autumn and winter. Vigorously carry out the patriotic health campaign on campuses in the new era, adhere to the same prevention of people, things and the environment, adhere to the common prevention of multiple diseases, combine the characteristics of common respiratory tract, intestines and other infectious diseases in autumn and winter, strengthen the monitoring, early warning and disposal of infectious diseases in schools, encourage teachers and students to vaccinate against influenza, and reduce the risk of superimposed epidemic with new crown pneumonia. Strengthen the cleaning and disinfection of key places such as classrooms, dormitories, canteens, toilets, libraries, and all kinds of public facilities and items, and increase the frequency of disinfection of high-frequency contact use parts. It is necessary to attach great importance to school food safety management, check risks and hidden dangers as soon as possible, and strictly prevent the occurrence of campus food safety incidents.

The circular requires that local education departments and colleges and universities should make scientific plans for this year's winter vacation arrangements as soon as possible in accordance with the unified arrangements of local party committees and governments, according to the completion of school education and teaching tasks and the domestic epidemic situation, combined with the wishes and needs of teachers and students.

(Hebei Daily WeChat)

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