
Warm spleen and stomach, fresh and fragrant Pei Gong dog meat, even the emperor loves to eat the delicacy one, pei gong dog meat history two, pei gong dog meat development three, pei gong dog meat value four, conclusion

author:Ning Wenshan

Entering the autumn and winter season, the temperature in many northern cities has dropped. In the country of "food for heaven", people will supplement food according to the changes of seasons and temperature. In the cold autumn and winter, most people will choose nourishing foods as autumn and winter supplements, among many ingredients, dog meat is a good choice.

As early as the pre-Qin period, people had the habit of eating dogs, and the Book of Rites said, "Princes do not kill cattle for no reason, doctors do not kill sheep for no reason, soldiers do not kill dogs and pigs for no reason, and people do not eat treasures for no reason." "At that time, dog meat was a delicacy that only the nobles could enjoy, and since then, dog meat has become a delicacy on the table of ordinary people. Today I recommend this dish to you, called Peigong dog meat, which belongs to the classic famous dish in Jiangsu region.

Pei Gong dog meat from the cuisine belongs to the Su cuisine, the main cooking method is a casserole mainly, relatively speaking, the taste of Pei Gong dog meat belongs to the local more favored salty umami. The essence of this dish lies in the fact that on the basis of dog meat, it is also necessary to add turtle embellishment to blend out the rich flavor, as a classic dish that has been continued from ancient times to the present, it is a popular tonic in autumn and winter.

The key to this classic dish is how to remove the dog meat, which largely determines the success of this dish, and in the choice of dog meat, it is mostly based on yellow dogs. First, the liquor and ginger slices are kneaded into the flavor, then continue to soak in the liquor for 2 hours, then fry them dry in a hot pan and finally simmer over low heat.

In the handling of turtles, the general and authentic practice is to stew together with the shells of turtles, in the treatment of the fishy smell of turtles, in addition to the basic liquor and prizes, it is also necessary to remove the gallbladder when slaughtering, after washing, add water to the turtle bile, apply the whole body, so that the fishy smell of the treated turtle will be significantly lighter.

Warm spleen and stomach, fresh and fragrant Pei Gong dog meat, even the emperor loves to eat the delicacy one, pei gong dog meat history two, pei gong dog meat development three, pei gong dog meat value four, conclusion

<h1>First, the history of Pei Gong dog meat</h1>

As a dish named after Pei Gong, of course, there can be no lack of allusions. Legend has it that at the end of the Qing Dynasty, Qin II was incompetent and arrogant, and Liu Bang at this time revolted in Peixian County, and became the leader of the local rebel army with the support of the local people.

One day, Liu Bang killed a turtle with a friend, thinking about how to debug the most delicious taste, and someone proposed to use dog meat to freshen it. So Pei Gong ben turtle stewed with dog meat, the meat after the pot is extremely delicious, making people endlessly evocative. At that time, it was called shrew sauce dog meat, and shrew means turtle.

Later, with Liu Bang's outstanding military achievements, his reputation was far and wide, so a Huainan poet used "Pei Gong Dog Meat" as a poem: "Pei Gong Dog Meat is far famous, and it is cooked with many flavors to stew a fragrant one." Finally, after returning from hard work, Yupan Qiongzhan drunkenly tasted it. According to the "Book of Rites", during the Zhou Dynasty, the word "liver" in the Eight Treasures refers to dog meat, in the past, dog meat was also known as fragrant meat, in addition to its delicious taste, the unique medicinal effects of dog meat are also highly respected, so this Pei Gong dog meat has been passed down to this day.

Warm spleen and stomach, fresh and fragrant Pei Gong dog meat, even the emperor loves to eat the delicacy one, pei gong dog meat history two, pei gong dog meat development three, pei gong dog meat value four, conclusion

<h1>Second, the development of Pei gong dog meat</h1>

Dog meat, which is recorded in historical records, originally began in the pre-Qin period. At that time, the exclusive meat of the most nobles of dog meat was not a delicacy that everyone could enjoy, at that time, dog meat could only be enjoyed by nobles above the level of the scholar, and even the Son of Heaven at that time used dog meat when sacrificing.

In the Qin and Han dynasties, dog meat became a full name trend, and it spread from the table of the nobility to the people, which was the time when Liu Bang fought the world. It was this dish of dog meat that he and his men cooked together, which became a classic dish that will last forever in later generations. At that time, the class of dog meat was relatively higher than that of pork, and although it had become a delicacy that the people could enjoy, only the middle class in society at that time could afford to enjoy it.

After entering the Sui and Tang dynasties, dog meat has long lost its previous status, when it was mainly pork and beef and mutton, but the Han people who occupied the Central Plains developed rapidly in the breeding industry, and the supply of pigs, cattle and sheep was sufficient. With the introduction of Buddhism into China, due to the influence of religious prohibitions and other influences, dog meat appeared on people's tables a handful of times.

To this day, with the increase in the number of pet dogs, dog meat has become a controversial topic in the region, such as the dog meat festival in Yulin, Guangxi, but as a specially fed meat dog, there is still a considerable audience in other regions. Of course, in terms of whether to eat dog meat, many times it is decided according to people's religion, taste, and physical health.

Warm spleen and stomach, fresh and fragrant Pei Gong dog meat, even the emperor loves to eat the delicacy one, pei gong dog meat history two, pei gong dog meat development three, pei gong dog meat value four, conclusion

<h1>Third, the value of Pei Gong dog meat</h1>

PeiGong dog meat is a dish with high nutritional value, dog meat is sweet and warm. It has a good effect on people to warm the spleen and stomach, tonify the kidneys and help the yang. Middle-aged people in many regions especially like dog meat, because dog meat can significantly enhance the strength and blood color of middle-aged people, and it also has a more obvious effect on supplementing human blood.

In addition, dog meat is a very nutritious nutritional supplement for men. It has significant therapeutic effect on men's kidney and yang deficiency caused by back pain, long urine, body puffiness, impotence and other symptoms. At the same time, it is also a tonic for some people with weaker systems, and is often used for symptoms such as cold pain in the abdomen and full abdominal distension caused by insufficient yang qi.

The protein content of dog meat is extremely high, and the quality is superior, especially the proportion of globulin in dog meat is large, which has a good scene effect on the human body to enhance the body's disease resistance and organ repair function. Dog meat is used in many cases in autumn and winter, which greatly enhances people's physique, improves the digestive function of the stomach and intestines, and promotes the effective circulation of blood in the human body.

For some elderly people, such as until the symptoms of coldness and mental atrophy, dog meat also has a strong food supplement effect. Not only that, eating dog meat in winter can also enhance the body's ability to resist cold.

Warm spleen and stomach, fresh and fragrant Pei Gong dog meat, even the emperor loves to eat the delicacy one, pei gong dog meat history two, pei gong dog meat development three, pei gong dog meat value four, conclusion

<h1>IV. Conclusion</h1>

As a classic dish in Jiangsu, Peigong dog meat is time-consuming and labor-intensive in the use of ingredients and ingredients, and it takes several hours to deal with the fishy smell of these ingredients alone. Therefore, the success of a Piece of Pei Gong Dog Meat is not only the credit of the ingredients, but more often, it is the chef's excellence in quality, which has lasted for thousands of years, although the ingredients are very different, but the essence is the same, it takes hours of hard labor before a beautiful dish.

Although dog meat is still not respected in some places today, many people do not have to be nervous about dog eaters, many times it is only about people's tastes and habits, there is no need to rise to a moral evaluation. Pei Gong dog meat continues to this day, it has experienced far more than today's speech, as a classic dish, it is not wrong in itself, but it needs to be viewed with dialectical thinking.



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