
Low-cost breeding technology for cattle dung feeding yellow mealworm fly maggot feeding chickens and feeding fish

author:Food Partner Network

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<b>Earthworms are omnivorous animals,</b> which do not eat except glass, plastic, metal and rubber, and eat the rest such as humus, animal feces, soil bacteria, etc., as well as the decomposition products of these substances. Therefore, we can use <b>Yifuyuan fecal starter to</b> ferment animal manure into earthworm feed

<b>1</b><b>. Material preparation</b>

After mixing cow manure (accounting for about 70%), with a certain proportion of straw powder, mushroom residue, peanut shell powder, or rice husk, sawdust, add Yifuyuan type fertilizer starter according to 0.1% of the weight of the material to be fermented (that is, one kilogram of fermented one ton of material) and mix evenly.

Dilute the starter culture with fresh rice bran (Note: "rice bran" is not "tong bran", the nutrition and breathability of rice bran are good, and the old rice bran or tong bran is poorly nutritious, which is unfavorable) to dilute the fermentation agent, and add 5 to 10 kg of rice bran per 1 kg of Yifuyuan fermentation aid, which is conducive to the mixing of starters and materials.

Low-cost breeding technology for cattle dung feeding yellow mealworm fly maggot feeding chickens and feeding fish

<b>2</b><b>. Moisture regulation </b>

After the material is prepared, it is necessary to adjust the moisture of the material, pay attention to adding less when adjusting the water, and when approaching the requirements (60% to 65%), slowly add it again to prevent excessive humidity, in case the amount of water exceeds the standard, you can add dry material adjustment. The method of judging the moisture of 60% to 65% of the material: grasp the material with your hand, see the watermark but do not drip, and the ground can be scattered (65% of the moisture is not too wet, please pay attention to the correct judgment).

<b>3</b><b>. Build a pile and overturn it. </b>

After the water is adjusted well, the pile height and volume can not be too short and too small, the requirements: the height of the pile is 1.5 to 2 meters, the width is 2 meters, and the length can be adjusted according to the number of fermented materials, at least not less than 2 meters. Yifuyuan fertilizer starter is (consumes) oxygen fermentation, so oxygen supply measures should be increased, so that it is appropriate to mix well, turn it frequently and ventilate it. Otherwise, it will lead to anaerobic fermentation and produce a foul odor, affecting the effect.

<b>4</b><b>. Complete fermentation. </b>

Under normal circumstances, fermentation began 1 to 2 days when the temperature reached more than 65 ° C to turn over, and then continue to ferment, when the temperature again reached 65 ° C need to be overturned a second time, generally within a week can complete the fermentation, the material is black brown, the temperature began to drop to room temperature, indicating that the fermentation is complete.

<b>5</b><b>. Adjust phH</b><b></b>

After the fermentation is completed, test the PH value (the PH of the fermented material using Yifuyuan starter culture will naturally drop to 6.5 to 7.5, and it is generally not necessary to adjust). Earthworm feed generally requires a suitable PH value of 6 to 7.5, so the PH value of earthworm feed should be appropriately adjusted to make it close to neutral to suit the growth of earthworms.

Low-cost breeding technology for cattle dung feeding yellow mealworm fly maggot feeding chickens and feeding fish

<b>6</b>. <b>Feeding</b>

We use the additive method and the side feeding method, the additive method is to spread the feed cover on the original feed that has been eaten by the earthworms, every 10 to 15 days; the side feeding method is to take out part of the feed that has been eaten and then add the new feed to the side, and add the other side next time.

The starting temperature of the fermentation material using <b>Yifuyuan starter is</b> best above 15 °C (it can be operated in all four seasons, not affected by the season, and can be fermented indoors or in the greenhouse in the case of a very low temperature in winter), and the fermentation temperature should be controlled below 70 ~ 75 °C. The materials fermented with Yifuyuan fertilizer starter are palatable and rich in nutrients, and can not only raise earthworms, but also <b>feed fish and shrimp, mealworms</b> and other low-grade animals. Of course, if the user wants to ferment the feed to raise pigs, chickens, ducks, geese and other higher animals, you can use Yifuyuan feed starter to ferment chicken manure and rice bran, wheat bran and other crops with relatively high nutrient content, which can greatly reduce the cost of breeding and increase the economic benefits of farmers.

Supply Chuxiong earthworm breeding using cow manure to raise earthworm manure as organic fertilizer manure fermentation agent

<b>Scope of application of fecal starter culture:</b>

This method is suitable for the treatment of chicken manure, pig manure, cow and sheep manure, duck manure, quail manure, rabbit manure, pigeon manure and other animal manure. <b>Function of fecal starter culture:</b>

1, can effectively decompose the feces of chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry.

2, can effectively decompose the manure of pigs, cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock.

3. It can effectively decompose the feces of animals such as mealworms, silkworms, quails, pigeons and so on.

4. Improve the body's anti-response ability and reduce production losses caused by group transfer, vaccination, and temperature changes.

5. Ferment roughage and cake meal and slag raw materials, reduce toxin content, reduce costs, and improve adaptability.

6. Effectively reduce the odor of harmful gases such as pen ammonia and feces, improve the feeding environment, and enhance animal health.

<b>Yifuyuan manure starter can ferment</b> <b>pig manure, cow manure, sheep manure</b> and other animal manure <b>to raise fly maggots, earthworms, aquaculture and</b> <b>so on. </b>

<b>Yifuyuan fecal starter can</b> swallow harmful bacteria in feces, degrade nutrients in feces that are not suitable for digestion, and achieve the purpose of no germs and efficient reuse of feces. The fermentation process will degrade nutrients that are not easily absorbed into small molecule nutrients, improving the utilization rate of feces. On the other hand, after the fermentation of feces, the probiotics produced by fermentation enter the intestines of animals, which can kill harmful bacteria in the digestive system, enhance animal immunity, and promote animal growth. After one week of use, obvious phenomena such as shiny animal fur and non-odorous feces can be observed

Low-cost breeding technology for cattle dung feeding yellow mealworm fly maggot feeding chickens and feeding fish

<b>Fermented manure fly maggot technology</b> <b>Fermentation manure culture</b> earthworm technology

<b>Step 1:</b>

Fresh pigs, chickens, ducks and other manure first into the pond with Yifuyuan breeding liquid effective microbial fermentation and reduce fecal odor, fermentation after sending to the maggot breeding room, thousands of flies gathered in the feces to lay eggs, egg blocks after 8-12 hours hatched into small maggots, small maggots after 2-3 days to grow, after growing maggots automatically climb out of the dung pile, into the predetermined maggot barrel.

<b>Step 2:</b>

The manure raised by the maggots is added to 40%-60% of the grass or garbage, and then the effective microorganisms of the Yifuyuan culture bacterial liquid are used for stacking and fermentation, and after fermentation, they are sent to the earthworm farm to breed earthworms, and after the earthworms are raised into finished products, the earthworms are placed in a place with a strong light source (natural light can be used, not necessarily the sun's rays), and the earthworms will automatically shrink into a ball and take out. Cheap fly maggots and earthworms are used to feed a variety of economic animals.

<b>Step 3:</b>

After raising earthworms, the manure becomes earthworm manure, according to experts, the nutritional content of earthworm manure is much higher than that of green feeds such as ryegrass, which can be close to cereals.

Uses of earthworm <b>dung:</b>

1 Add a small amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc., directly into granules, that is, into high-quality compound fertilizer;

2 Add 15-30% earthworm manure to the feed to make pellet feed for pigs, chickens, ducks and fish, the feed quality has not changed much, and it can also increase the palatability of animals;

3 use bags to make flower fertilizer for sale, each kilogram can be sold for 1 yuan, or sold to flower companies, fruit farmers, vegetable farmers, feed factories, etc.;

4 Keep it for farm manure to use;

Low-cost breeding technology for cattle dung feeding yellow mealworm fly maggot feeding chickens and feeding fish

5 Direct feeding of carp, silver carp, bighead carp, field snails, etc... 3 use bags to make flower fertilizer for sale, each kilogram can be sold for 1 yuan, or sold to flower companies, fruit farmers, vegetable farmers, feed factories, etc.;

5 Direct feeding of carp, silver carp, bighead carp, field snails, etc... Taking a ton of pig manure as an example, after the above treatment, 100-300 kg of maggots, 20-60 kg of earthworms and about 1000 kg of earthworm manure (added hay or garbage, etc.) can be produced through the above treatment, with a total value of 600-1000 yuan, and a pile of ordinary manure has been used to the greatest extent. This is currently the most practical new model of biological chain culture in China. Among them, the breeding technology of fly maggots and earthworms is even more advanced than that of foreign breeding technology. The whole process adopts the effective microorganisms of Yifuyuan cultured bacterial liquid, so that there is no odor in breeding, the disease resistance of economic animals is enhanced, the growth rate is accelerated, the meat quality is improved, and the cost is greatly reduced. A number of experts and professors of the College of Agriculture of Guangxi University gave a very high evaluation, believing that this is the most effective way out of the predicament of the aquaculture industry, and the promotion of this technology will produce huge social and economic benefits!

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