
Soybeans, red beans, mung beans, black beans, which is the best for the body? The sooner you know, the better it is for health, two soybeans, three red beans, four mung beans, and black beans

author:Concord Online Pharmacy
Soybeans, red beans, mung beans, black beans, which is the best for the body? The sooner you know, the better it is for health, two soybeans, three red beans, four mung beans, and black beans

In our diet, there are many staple food choices, in addition to the rice and noodles we often eat, beans are also foods we will often eat.

Pulses are distributed all over the world, and the crops are mainly soybeans, broad beans, red beans, mung beans, soybeans, black beans, cowpeas, peas, knife beans, lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, pigeon beans, etc., which are rich in plant-based high-quality protein. Faced with a multitude of legumes to choose from, many people don't know which one to eat.

Among them, soybeans, red beans, mung beans, black beans, these four are common in the diet, today I will talk to you about soybeans, red beans, mung beans, black beans, what are the nutrients, and what kind of situation is suitable for eating?

Soybeans, red beans, mung beans, black beans, which is the best for the body? The sooner you know, the better it is for health, two soybeans, three red beans, four mung beans, and black beans

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > soybean</h1>

Soybean appearance is simple, the surface of the thin skin is not very thick compared to other beans, it is more special in other beans, mainly the advantage of soybeans is more protein, with the best quality plant protein, there are meat characteristics.

Soybeans are not only high in protein, but also have a proper ratio of amino acids. In addition, the lecithin contained in it is an important part of the brain cell composition, which is beneficial to brain development and should be given to children to eat more.

In addition, eating soybeans has some "disadvantages", the most prominent point is the soybean oligosaccharides and dietary fiber contained in soybeans, eating too much will make people feel flatulent, farting more than once. But before eating soybeans, you can soak for a few hours to make soy milk, or eat your own soybean sprouts at home, which can solve the problem of flatulence and increase the intake of vitamin C when eating as a dish.

Soybeans, red beans, mung beans, black beans, which is the best for the body? The sooner you know, the better it is for health, two soybeans, three red beans, four mung beans, and black beans

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="45" >2, red beans</h1>

Red beans, most of which are round and red in appearance, are good cooking choices whether they are steamed, boiled or stewed.

The potassium and dietary fiber in red beans are very rich, which has a certain effect on laxative. Red beans help reduce swelling and diuresis, replenish blood, and are beneficial to heart disease, etc., and are deeply loved by female friends.

The outer skin of the red beans is relatively thick, and the skin should be removed before eating, which can be soaked or steamed and boiled, so that the red beans can be made into red bean rice with rice after being slightly soft. Many people may like red bean rice, because red beans are rich in vitamins and minerals, especially B vitamins, which can make up for the nutritional deficiencies of refined white rice.

Soybeans, red beans, mung beans, black beans, which is the best for the body? The sooner you know, the better it is for health, two soybeans, three red beans, four mung beans, and black beans

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" >3, mung beans</h1>

The carbohydrates contained in mung beans are about 55%-65%, and the content is relatively high. Medium protein 20-30%, very little fat, generally less than 2%.

Mung bean is cool, sweet, usually drink can quench the heat and thirst, mung bean soup is to provide sodium, potassium electrolyte, accustomed to drinking mung bean soup to relieve the heat, hydration.

In addition, because mung beans have antibacterial, diuretic, detoxification and other effects, so food or drug poisoning after drinking, but also play a certain role in clearing the body toxins, heat swelling, hot thirst, hot diarrhea, carbuncle, acne, macules and so on also have a certain effect.

There are many ways to eat mung beans, mung beans themselves can be made into soup, porridge, bean paste, bean cake, bean sprouts, you can also make porridge with other foods, such as millet mung bean porridge, mung bean paste and so on. Mung beans can also be eaten with rice or noodle products, thus exerting their nutritional complementarity.

Soybeans, red beans, mung beans, black beans, which is the best for the body? The sooner you know, the better it is for health, two soybeans, three red beans, four mung beans, and black beans

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" >4, black beans</h1>

The black bean skin is black, contains anthocyanins and the highest content of vitamin E, B vitamins, is a good antioxidant, can scavenge free radicals in the body, while also blind, black hair, and make the skin beautiful

Black beans, has always had a "black into the kidneys" saying, often eat black beans can effectively alleviate frequent urination, waist acid, female vaginal discharge abnormalities and lower abdomen cold and other symptoms, often eat black beans is also quite beneficial to the body.

And black beans are high in nutrients and low in calories, which is especially beneficial for weight loss. Black beans are high in unsaturated fat, which can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Black beans are similar to soybeans, and are often used to make tofu or beat soy milk, and can also be made into vinegar to soak black beans. However, black beans should not be eaten raw, and it is easy to get on fire after frying, and it cannot be eaten more, which is generally suitable for people with athlete's foot edema and weakness.

Soybeans, red beans, mung beans, black beans, which is the best for the body? The sooner you know, the better it is for health, two soybeans, three red beans, four mung beans, and black beans

Beans, can be described as a simple and versatile food, delicious revealed high nutritional value, economic value is also high, which because most of the seeds are rich in protein, is an important source of protein nutrition for the body, often eat is good for health, it is recommended to eat in moderation every day.

#Fall Health Doesn't Sample ##Diet Health ##豆类 #


[1] What is the difference between red beans, mung beans, soybeans, and black beans? Guangming Network.2020-01-25

Luo Shiru, Cai Y L, Zhu K L, et al. Comparison of protein content in black bean, soybean, red bean and mung bean[J]. Science and Technology Horizons, 2014(20):1.

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