
Will the Himalayan cat get darker and darker, and who will blacken it?

author:Shock cat brother

You didn't like kittens before, are you now more and more fond of kittens, because now a centimeter of kittens is invisible and has become everyone's favorite little pet, so which breed of kitten are you raising now? Are you raising a Persian cat for a Muppet cat, or a Himalayan cat? And I had a Himalayan cat.

Will the Himalayan cat get darker and darker, and who will blacken it?

Below I will briefly introduce you to the Himalayan cat, the Himalayan cat, is a very cute kitten, its fur is relatively long, but it is not very long, and it is very soft, so that people feel very smooth. You may be very curious, why is this cat called a Himalayan cat? First of all, she is very similar to a small rabbit, because its fur is relatively long, and then there is a rabbit whose fur is also relatively long, and its overall shape, if you are standing at a distance and watching it, you are likely to mistake it for a small rabbit, because it looks really too much like a small rabbit.

There is also a legend that this cat is from the Himalayas, it once guarded some plants and animals in the Himalayas, and protected the mountain from infringement, and later this cat slowly entered thousands of households, began to guard people, so everyone gave it a very kind name, it is called himalayan cat.

The Himalayan cat is a kind of cat with a relatively high appearance among cats, and it has a very typical feature, that is, it has a small face, at that time, the center of her face is dominated by black hair, and then the face is surrounded by white cats, so it seems that the entire feature of its face is like a ring with a black circle. And its eyes are blue, and in most cats, its eyes are very prominent, so maybe some people don't know what kind of cat it is, but when it sees this cat, it has a pair of very blue eyes, and it is blue like a sapphire, and the person may say its name, and its name is himalayan cat.

For the Himalayan cat, not only is the central part of the face black, but there is also some hair on its back, which will also be mixed with some black, and then some people are wondering, will this cat grow darker and darker? I once heard a friend of mine say that he had a Himalayan cat, and when he just bought it, it only had a slight black face, but when the cat grew up, it had a lot of black hair on its body, and then slowly looked like a black cat, so my friend was very distressed.

So is this the case with all Himalayan cats? Of course not, some Himalayan cats will grow darker and darker because of the influence of the environment, but when it is in a more suitable environment for its growth, it will not appear.

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