
Choose a bath shampoo for Himalayan cats
Choose a bath shampoo for Himalayan cats

Now the size of the pet market is relatively large, for the cat's daily necessities are also more detailed, such as cat shampoo, now whether it is a pet shop or online about the cat shampoo can find out a lot of different effects, even involving the breed of cat shampoo, so when you raise a Himalayan cat, how will you choose a shampoo for it?

Himalayan cats have their own unique body structure, the structure of the skin and the texture of the hair are also very unique. Therefore, when choosing a bath for a Himalayan cat, be sure to pay attention to the selection. It cannot be replaced by simply using the shower gel of a person or other pet. There are many varieties of pet cat shower gels sold on the market now. For example, tea tree oil pet bath liquid, flea killing lice removal bath liquid, medicinal skin disease bath liquid, brightening hair washing essence and so on. Different varieties of shower gels are also suitable for cats with different hair textures. The owner should choose the appropriate shower gel according to the hair texture and actual situation of the Himalayan cat.

Strictly speaking, different types of shower gels also have different effects. For example: tea tree oil has a good ability to antibacterial and prevent skin diseases, after washing the cat can keep the coat smooth for a long time without rolling felt; flea removal bath liquid has a good effect on the prevention of parasites, is the need for long-term use. However, when the cat already has parasites, it still needs to be treated with drugs, because prevention and treatment are not the same; the auxiliary effect of medicinal dermatological bath liquid on drug treatment; brightening hair detergent is very suitable for white and light-colored cats, which can make the coat whiter after washing and keep it for a longer time.

When choosing a shower gel for a Himalayan cat, it is best to first understand the efficacy and role of the shower gel. Then refer to the specific conditions of the pet cat's skin and hair to choose a suitable one. This is not only conducive to cleaning the hair of the cat's body, but also protects the hair of the Himalayan cat, and can also play a role in preventing parasitic diseases.

Choose a bath shampoo for Himalayan cats

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