
Iron casting should be ruyi, the inscription has not yet been made clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall walk pen iron casting when Ruyi, Yan inscription has not yet been clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall pen

author:Fengcheng Online

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > iron casting when ruyi, the inscription has not yet been made clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall pen</h1>

Liang Jianzhang

Iron casting should be ruyi, the inscription has not yet been made clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall walk pen iron casting when Ruyi, Yan inscription has not yet been clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall pen

As a guest in Gaoyi County, he chatted with Mr. Chen Jinsuo, who once served as the chairman of the Gaoyi County CPPCC Committee, about the historical and cultural celebrities of Gaoyi. Chairman Chen smiled and said, I will take you to see the Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall. Therefore, I got close to Zhao Nanxing and the Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall named in honor of this historical celebrity.


Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall, also known as Zhao Zhongyi Ancestral Hall, is located in the south of Zhao Jia Street, Dongguan Village, Chengguan Town, Gaoyi County, originally named Zhao Clan Ancestral Hall, and later renamed today in honor of Zhao Nanxing. It was built in the Ming Hongwu period, qing jiaqing in the first year of the flat roof to the top of the bois hard mountain, although it has been rebuilt in the past, but basically maintained the original architectural pattern.

Iron casting should be ruyi, the inscription has not yet been made clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall walk pen iron casting when Ruyi, Yan inscription has not yet been clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall pen

The existing Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall sits south and faces north, with a length of 26.8 meters from north to south and 8.45 meters wide, and is divided into two halls before and after and a small courtyard in the middle, covering a total area of 0.5 acres. The front hall of the ancestral hall is the entrance court in the middle, and the rear is hugged to the left and right side rooms, forming a unified layout. The lintel plaque "Zhao Zhongyi Ancestral Hall" was written by the calligraphy master Qi Gong himself. A painting on the door of the temple reads: "Iron casting should be as desired, and the inscription is not yet clear." It is unique ingenuity to compile two important cultural artworks closely related to Zhao Nanxing's political career, Tie Ruyi and Dongfang Mingyan. The gables on the left and right sides of the front hall are inlaid with the sacred beast Xiangruitu, whose brick carving knife method is smooth and vivid, which is the most original cultural heritage of the ancestral hall. The wooden lacquer plaque of "Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall" hangs above the ticket door of the main entrance, which was originally hung at the entrance of the main hall, but was later moved here because of the inscription plaque of Qi Gong. The "Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall" of Pingfeng Yimen introduces the establishment and history of the ancestral hall, and records the exchanges and anecdotes of people from all walks of life with this ancestral hall. One of the passages is that during the Republic of China, Wu Peifu, the leader of the Warlords directly under beiyang, led his troops through Gaoyi, and when he learned that this place was the hometown of Zhao Nanxing, one of the "Three Princes of Donglin", he found Zhao Yunzhang, a member of the Zhao clan, gave him two silver gifts, reprinted the writings of Nanxing, and repaired the ancestral hall. Why Wu Peifu did this at that time is unknown, but he also did a good thing for the ancestral hall.

Iron casting should be ruyi, the inscription has not yet been made clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall walk pen iron casting when Ruyi, Yan inscription has not yet been clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall pen

Passing through the front hall, there is the middle courtyard of the ancestral hall. The courtyard has a large water tank built-in, and the lower half is cut into the soil for water storage and fire prevention. On the side of the east wall, several plants are planted in the month, and the green leaves and green branches bloom in the sun, adding a little vitality.

Cross the courtyard to reach the apse, which is the main hall, which is arranged in three bays. The couplet outside the main hall door is taken from the dialogue in Zhao Nanxing's poem "On the Top": "In the last days, the hairpin should be less flavorful, and in the later years, the water stone has Yuqing." The joint sentence condenses Zhao Nanxing's philosophical thoughts and self-discipline sentiments in his life, and is written by Mr. Sun Xuedong, vice chairman of the Hebei Calligraphers Association. The portrait of Zhao Nanxing is hung in the middle hall of the main hall, elegant and charitable, loyal and resolute. It is said that it was the 22nd grandson of Gaoyi Zhao and the 15th grandson of Zhao Nanxing, Zhao Li, who devoted 26 days to painting. The Zhongtang couplet is also written by Zhao Limin, excerpting the dialogue sentences in Zhao Nanxing's poem "Eight Songs of Autumn Huai": "Yi Pu still wants to go up in nine days, and his name remains for thousands of years", revealing Zhao Nanxing's bright and upright mind. On three sides of the hall are 14 drawings drawn by the present-day people, from Zhao Nanxing's birth, ascension to the throne, serving as an official, entering the counsel, being cynical, writing articles, and even the main process of life from the end of the wrong to the rehabilitation of Zhao Xue.

Iron casting should be ruyi, the inscription has not yet been made clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall walk pen iron casting when Ruyi, Yan inscription has not yet been clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall pen

On the west side of the ancestral hall, is the Zhao Nanxing Memorial Garden opened up by Gaoyi County around the protection of the ancestral hall, covering a total area of 10 acres, and there is a bluestone statue of Zhao Nanxing in the garden, with his eyebrows locked, he is arrogant, holding a wat board, pulling a robe, and slowly walking calmly to the heroic posture. The garden is full of pines and cypresses, green bamboo, small bridges and pavilions, and flowing water winding paths, restoring a period of scenery when Zhao Nanxing was alive. The northeast corner of the garden houses several stone tablets left over from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Among them, the sacred monument and the Zhao ancestral tomb inscription have important reference value for studying the meritorious deeds of Gaoyi Zhao and Zhao Nanxing.

Iron casting should be ruyi, the inscription has not yet been made clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall walk pen iron casting when Ruyi, Yan inscription has not yet been clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall pen


Zhao Nanxing (Chinese: 赵南星; pinyin: Zhāng shīng), also known as Zhao Nanxing (Chinese: 赵南星; pinyin: Zhōngngīng Đại Đạng Đại Đồng

Zhao Nanxing lived in an era that coincided with the special period when the Ming Dynasty slid from its peak to its decline, and he experienced five generations of emperors in his lifetime, Jiajing, Longqing, Wanli, Taichang, and Tianqi, and in the complicated political environment showed the integrity of being an official and the indomitable enterprising spirit, and became an influential politician who eliminated evil and promoted honesty and righteousness.

Zhao Nanxing has been conghui since childhood, and was known as a "prodigy" at the age of 9. He was a 14-year-old food student, a 21-year-old middle-aged student, and a 25-year-old middle-aged soldier. After entering the army, he was initially appointed as the governor of Henan Runing, and because of his honesty and honesty, he was promoted to the head of the household department. In the tenth year of Wanli, he was transferred to the post of chief of the examination of the official department, and because he was not accustomed to the courtiers forming factions for personal gain, he was led to return to The Imperial Court, which was the first time he was expelled from the imperial court. In 1584, he began to serve as a civil servant of the bureaucracy, and witnessed the social shortcomings and neglected the "four major harms" of the current government, thus violating the interests of the powerful and once again being expelled from the imperial court and returning to the court. In 1592, Zhao Nanxing was appointed as the official Kao Gong Langzhong, assisted Shangshu Sun Huan in planning the Capital Official, did not favor personal feelings, did not fear the magnates, and first deposed his in-laws, Sanyu, Sun Hui's nephew Lü Yinchang, and a number of corrupt officials. However, due to the corruption of the current government, the courtiers were in charge, they were falsely impeached, denounced as a citizen, and lived idly at home for 28 years. During this period, he actively wrote books and lectures, taught apprentices, and echoed with Wuxi Gu Xiancheng and Jishui Zou Yuanbiao in the north and south, and was well-known in the world, known as the "Three Kings of Donglin", and had a high reputation at home and abroad.

In 1621, Emperor Mingxi ascended the throne, and the 70-year-old Zhao Nanxing was once again appointed as the Right Attendant of the Ministry of Works, and a few months later he was promoted to Zuo Du Yushi. Three years after the Apocalypse, he entered the Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials. At that time, the imperial program was still unstable, it was a common practice in the official field to buy and sell officials, and some people openly used their power to ask for officials for others, resulting in chaos in the examination and election of officials. After Zhao Nanxing presided over the bureaucracy, he reformulated the rules, acted according to the rules, sent the officials to the palace as errands, and the interlocutors were dismissed from their posts, and even the powerful people of the imperial court did not let go. Zhixian Shi Sanwei used the embezzled silver two smuggling to seek the difference of the imperial history, and when he saw that he was about to take office, he was discovered by Zhao Nanxing and sent to the palace as an errand according to law, which played a great deterrent effect.

While resisting unhealthy trends, Zhao Nanxing also paid attention to promoting upright and talented people. Cheng Yingxiang, the chief of the Nanjing bureaucracy, was very famous when he was in charge of Qishan and Guangshan ZhiXian, and Zhao Nanxing transferred Cheng to the official department and entrusted him with a heavy responsibility. In just a few months, a miasma of officials was brought to justice. In zhao Nanxing's later years, he finally offended Wei Zhongxian and was punished by a series of "crimes" by Luo Weaving, and died in the Dai prefecture. Later, after The Chongzhen Emperor ascended the throne, the facts were clarified, and Zhao Nanxing was reinstated as an official and was posthumously given the title of Prince Taibao (太保) with the posthumous title of "Zhongyi".

In feudal society, Zhao Nanxing was an honest and upright official, who was as vicious as a vendetta, upholding justice, distinguishing right from wrong, eliminating evil and upholding rectification, and carrying out official reform within the scope of his ability. Although his thinking and practices have historical limitations, his integrity and style of work and the spirit of daring to stubbornly resist corrupt forces are worthy of study and admiration by future generations. "Xu body chases after the deed, powerless to be righteous", is the true psychological portrayal of Zhao Nanxing when he entered politics.

Iron casting should be ruyi, the inscription has not yet been made clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall walk pen iron casting when Ruyi, Yan inscription has not yet been clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall pen


If we say that in politics, Zhao Nanxing showed the spirit of being upright, supporting the society, and worrying about the country and the dynasty; on the other hand, Zhao Nanxing's literary achievements cannot be ignored. As a politician at the core of power, the eunuch sea is floating and sinking, and the hardships are prepared, which makes his observation perspective more special and penetrating, and naturally has a lot of thinking to talk about. He was degraded several times and lived in seclusion in the countryside, which made him find a breakthrough in literature. In the days when he was idle in the countryside, he used a variety of styles such as literary endowments, poems, and scattered songs to express the feelings of worrying about the country and the people, and expressed the atmosphere of unevenness. He pays attention to the changes in current affairs and politics, and expounds his views as a retired person who has experienced the officialdom; he pays attention to the lives of ordinary people and complains about the hardships and hardships they have suffered; he hides in the mountains and forests, integrates into the folk, lectures and apprentices, and imparts his life experience and literary knowledge to the common people; whether he is alone or at an assembly, he can write beautiful poems from the heart for people to read. It can be said that the days of idleness in the countryside are the most prosperous stage of Zhao Nanxing's literary creation.

Iron casting should be ruyi, the inscription has not yet been made clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall walk pen iron casting when Ruyi, Yan inscription has not yet been clear - Gaoyi Zhao Nanxing Ancestral Hall pen

Zhao Nanxing belongs to a poet of the realist genre, he advocates "poetry with Taoist temperament", advocates "poetry must be from enlightenment", so that poetry creation returns to the expression of "temperament". He opposed the behavior of blind simulation, attached importance to the formation of poetic "fun", and demanded that true "fun" be combined with true bone and true strength. In terms of creation, he is rigorous in his studies, poetry from the sages, and poetry must follow the ancient path to become daya. He said: "Poets, the words of the saints also." If you grasp the will of the commandment, and if you will see the ancestors and do it, then you will go to the righteousness and righteousness, and if you are in harmony with the author, you will become a moral voice. Therefore, when talking about Zhao Nanxing's works, the famous artists of all generations have pertinent evaluations of "more nostalgia for the world", "generous wandering, unable to help themselves", and "shenhun Hongbo, beautiful and delicious".

Zhao Nanxing wrote a lot of works in his lifetime, and there are 18 works circulated in the world, including the collection of essays "Zhao Zhongyi Gongji", "Wei Barberry Zhai Anthology", "Shi Yun", "Xueyong Zhengshu", the poetry collection "Zhao Zhongyi Gongshi Collection", the scattered song collection "Fangru Garden Music House" and so on. These are not only his own literary achievements, but also valuable documents for the study of Ming history and Ming Dynasty literature.

When he shook hands with Chairman Chen and said goodbye, the sunset glowed golden through the clouds. I think that the imprint left by Zhao Nanxing in history is also like the light of the Xia, which warms the hearts of the people of Gaoyi.

October 14, 2021

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