
84-year-old academician Zhong Nanshan recommended that you must eat more broccoli, add 4 eggs, and the more you eat, the more spirited you are

author:Uncle Water

Broccoli is definitely a particularly delicious, special nutritious, especially healthy, and particularly edible ingredients, even Academician Zhong Nanshan is also full of praise for broccoli, has repeatedly recommended everyone to eat more broccoli. Today I want to use broccoli to share with you a particularly healthy, especially delicious food, broccoli after doing this, the nutrition is not lost, and the taste is particularly good. The food I want to share with you today is the marinade broccoli egg soup, which is fresh and tender, nutritious and delicious, so let's go to see the preparation tutorial of this dish together.

【Broccoli egg soup with marinade】

【Ingredients】Broccoli, baking soda, salt, tomato, shiitake mushrooms, potatoes, eggs, chicken breast, bean paste, soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking oil

【Preparation steps】

84-year-old academician Zhong Nanshan recommended that you must eat more broccoli, add 4 eggs, and the more you eat, the more spirited you are

1, today to teach everyone that the cuisine is marinade broccoli egg soup, making it particularly simple, after making it is particularly delicious, the marinade broccoli egg soup needs to use all the materials prepared, prepare the right amount of broccoli, and then prepare 4 eggs, 5 shiitake mushrooms, a tomato, a potato, a small piece of chicken breast, continue to prepare the right amount of baking soda, edible salt, watercress sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking oil on it.

84-year-old academician Zhong Nanshan recommended that you must eat more broccoli, add 4 eggs, and the more you eat, the more spirited you are

2, first to deal with the broccoli, the broccoli we prepared with scissors cut into small flowers, the flowers should be slightly smaller, and then put the broccoli small flowers in a large basin put a little baking soda and water to scratch and wash again, baking soda can fully wash out the dirty things inside the broccoli, but also kill the eggs. After the broccoli is cleaned, let's put it aside and then boil a pot of boiling water.

84-year-old academician Zhong Nanshan recommended that you must eat more broccoli, add 4 eggs, and the more you eat, the more spirited you are

3, after the water in the pot boils, put a spoonful of table salt, and then put the broccoli into the boiling water again, the broccoli can be boiled for about three minutes, and then the water is fished out after three minutes. Take out the prepared tomatoes and put them in water to wash them, then use a knife to cut off the roots, then cut them into small pieces, and put the small pieces in a bowl for later. Then rinse the prepared shiitake mushrooms and cut them into small cubes, then put them together with the tomatoes.

84-year-old academician Zhong Nanshan recommended that you must eat more broccoli, add 4 eggs, and the more you eat, the more spirited you are

4, potatoes should be washed and then peeled, peeled and then sliced and then cut into strips, and finally cut into small potato cubes, the cut potatoes are put on the plate for later. We also cut the broccoli that we dry and let cool, chop it up a little, and put it in a large bowl.

84-year-old academician Zhong Nanshan recommended that you must eat more broccoli, add 4 eggs, and the more you eat, the more spirited you are

5, beat 4 eggs into a small bowl, then stir them thoroughly, stir them up and then put a little salt to continue stirring, then add the right amount of water to stir well, then filter it with a strainer, pour it into the broccoli, and then put it into the steamer, after the water of the steamer is boiled, put the broccoli egg liquid on it, steam on high heat for 15 minutes.

84-year-old academician Zhong Nanshan recommended that you must eat more broccoli, add 4 eggs, and the more you eat, the more spirited you are

6, from the pot to burn the oil, after the oil is hot, put in the chicken breast diced fried until the color changes, then add a little bean paste to fry the red oil, and then put the shiitake mushrooms, tomatoes, diced potatoes all into the stir-fry for a minute, then add a little salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce seasoning with high heat to fry them, two minutes later poured into the broccoli egg soup, our cuisine is thus completed.


1, broccoli as far as possible to cut a little.

2, when the broccoli is blanched, add a little salt to maintain its emerald green color.

Well, today's food and everyone to share here, I am the water uncle, a serious exploration of food fun, like friends can give me a free like, thank you for your support!

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