
The New Year grassroots | a pair of skillful hand steamed flower cakes from the rural sisters of Liaocheng City, with exquisite shapes, and a daily turnover of more than 20,000 yuan

author:Lightning News

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Qilu Network Lightning News February 9 news Steamed flower cake is the most year-round custom in Northwest Lu, which means that step by step, life is getting better and better every year. In the Liaocheng Development Zone, there are several rural women who, with a pair of skillful hands, produce exquisite flower cakes and become the "new favorites" that people rush to buy.

The New Year grassroots | a pair of skillful hand steamed flower cakes from the rural sisters of Liaocheng City, with exquisite shapes, and a daily turnover of more than 20,000 yuan

"This is 'Chinese blessing', this is 'blossoming rich and noble', this is 'more than every year', as well as 'step by step', 'blessing in the year of the ox'..." Walking into Li Ji's Li Po Noodle Studio, a beautifully made flower cake representing auspicious meanings and steamed buns with different shapes are dazzling.

The New Year grassroots | a pair of skillful hand steamed flower cakes from the rural sisters of Liaocheng City, with exquisite shapes, and a daily turnover of more than 20,000 yuan

"The shape of the flower cake can be ever-changing, I have about 35 kinds of flower cakes here, cartoon steamed buns have about 55 kinds, like the zodiac, vegetables and fruits are very popular." Li Ji said. They can produce about 300 pieces of flower cakes a day, which are basically pre-ordered by customers in advance.

The New Year grassroots | a pair of skillful hand steamed flower cakes from the rural sisters of Liaocheng City, with exquisite shapes, and a daily turnover of more than 20,000 yuan

Flour, dates and raisins are the main raw materials of Li Po flower cake, spinach juice, pumpkin juice and noodles, plus a pair of scissors, a rolling pin, a few small molds, in the skillful Li Ji and three apprentices of the division of labor, a colorful flower cake can be made in just ten minutes.

The New Year grassroots | a pair of skillful hand steamed flower cakes from the rural sisters of Liaocheng City, with exquisite shapes, and a daily turnover of more than 20,000 yuan

The Spring Festival is approaching, and Li Ji's orders are also coming, and they are already at the end of the month. These orders are not only from the local area, but also from outside the province, Li Ji often interacts with fans through short video platforms, and her flower cakes are also sold to the north and south of the river.

Li Ji began to make flower cakes in 2015, such as wedding cakes, birthday cakes for the elderly, birthday cakes for children, "Liu Niang cakes" for Runyue, etc., she can get her hands on them. This craft of hers not only spreads folk culture, but also opens up a way for her to get rich. "The daily turnover is about 20,000 yuan, and I also hope to pass on this traditional folk custom of our northwest Lu and strive to do it all over the country!" Li Ji said.

Lightning News reporter Zuo Xinxin Liaochengtai Liu Xiaowei Wang Yafei Liaocheng reported

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