
The Age of the Golden Age: The Awakening and Assertion of Chinese Sexual Literature (XI)

author:Three hundred and sixty Wu Li Road

People, all for the sake of performing, have lost their own existence. ——Wang Xiaobo

Regarding the influence of Nietzsche's thought on Wang Xiaobo's "Golden Age", I originally planned to write a section, but I ended up with four verses, and this section focuses on the carnival of the absurd world - the Dionysian spirit of "The Golden Age" (I).

In my opinion, there are three core concepts of Nietzsche's thought: the will to power, the philosophy of superman, and the spirit of Dionysus.

To talk about the spirit of Dionysus, we must first begin with a quote by Nietzsche— "We have art so that we will not die of truth." (The Strong Will) "What do you mean by that?" What truth is so frightening? In fact, the truth that Nietzsche speaks of here is one of the three ultimate questions of philosophy: Where to go? That is the truth of life. So what is the truth of life? It is said that it is called nothingness, and the tragic consciousness of life is the recognition of nothingness. The Birth of Tragedy Chapter 7: "Once he realized the truth he saw, Hamlet looked around and saw the horror or absurdity of existence. The "truth" in both contexts means the same thing, both refer to the inevitability of the destruction of life.

The most famous tragedy in the history of Chinese literature is "Dream of the Red Chamber", the fifteenth time in "Dream of the Red Chamber", "Wang Fengjie's Langquan Tiezhan Temple, Qin Whale Qing Dequ Mantou Temple", "Tie Si Si Temple", "Mantou An", and Song Fan Chengda's "The Land of The Nine Days of Heavy Camp Shouzang": "The family mountain can be used everywhere, and the lotus hammer carries a pot like a drunken Liu." Even if there is a thousand-year-old iron threshold, there must eventually be an earthen bun. Three rounds of the world are still gray, and the four major skeletons are strong. The ant crow is thick and thin, and the wind is holding the chrysanthemum in autumn. "Sixty-third time" he (Miaoyu) often said: "Since the Han, Jin, Five Dynasties, Tang, and Song Dynasties, there have been no good poems among the ancients, only two good sentences, saying: 'Even if there is an iron threshold of a thousand years, there must always be a steamed bun.' So he called himself 'The Man Outside the Threshold.' "Like flowers and beautiful flowers, like the flow of water", Tiezhan Temple, Mantou Temple, this atmosphere is already very tragic, Miaoyu, empty karate people are typical nihilists, Buddhism is the culmination of nihilism, think about how can Miaoyu stay out of the matter? The twenty-second time in "Dream of the Red Chamber", "Bao Yu saw that what he said was so good, so he approached and said: 'Good sister, read and listen to me.' Bao Chao then said, "Tears of the hero, separation from the virgin's house." Xie Mercy shaved under the lotus platform. There is no reason to separate the first. Red stripes come and go without concern. Where to ask for smoke and rain rolls one-way? A ren of the shoes of the broken bowl with fate! Bao Yu listened, clapped his knees in circles with joy, and praised him endlessly. The words "red stripes come and go" hold on to the lifeblood of the ultimate inquiry of philosophy, and the limitations and inevitability of existence clearly show that there is nothingness (one-by-one Sartre).

The Age of the Golden Age: The Awakening and Assertion of Chinese Sexual Literature (XI)

Xue Baochao's birthday point "Lu Zhi is deeply drunk on Wutai Mountain"

The stubborn stone is better than human beings, the wind and rain hit the millennium is not different, and life is thirty or forty years, the folds of the first white hair invaded the head; the creek is more than the human, the trickle of the thousand autumns does not dry up, and people sweat like rain, can not wetland millimeter; the moon is more than human, the moon bend has accompanied Jia Island to deliberate, the full moon has been illuminated too white peach and plum garden night feast, and now Taibai and Jia Island, "its people and bones are decayed." Since life will eventually be cleared to zero, what is the reason for that person to live as a human being? In fact, Nietzsche is also a nihilist, the reason is very simple, he does not recognize nothingness, "God is dead" thesis can not be established, since God is nothing, then you have to carry the recognition of the nothingness of life. Nietzsche devoted his life to addressing this extreme form of skepticism, and he decided to divide nihilism into two types: positive nihilism and negative nihilism. He said: "He wants to become a noble nihilist, to face the nothingness through the will to power and the superhuman ideal, to overcome the nothingness, and ultimately to become the master of life and the world." And as art, "art is the most transparent and intimate form of the will to power." This is the conclusion he came from his examination of ancient Greek tragedy, and his artistic ideas are mainly recorded in The Birth of Tragedy, so Nietzsche's conception of life is actually an artistic life or an aesthetic life.

Nietzsche found a life-saving straw for mankind, which is the sentence at the beginning of this article: "We have art so that we will not die of truth." He further emphasized: "Art is the supreme force against all denial of the will to life, and it is the most outstanding hero of anti-Christians, anti-Buddhists, and anti-nihilism." Nietzsche divided art into heliothea and Dionysus, with heliotic art expressing the spirit of the sun and Dionysus art reflecting the spirit of Dionysus. All of his revelations of art and the spirit of art stem from the study of dionysus, the festival of Dionysus, which existed in the ancient Greek period (800 BC - 146 BC), which spanned the Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC - 256 BC), the Qin Dynasty (221 BC - 207 BC), and the early Western Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 BC). Dionysus worship was the most influential and largest religious worship and festival in society at that time, and directly promoted the birth and development of Western cultural opera, dance drama, comedy, tragedy, band, lyric poetry, script, music and other art forms, and was also the source of Western value liberation and free thought.

It is generally believed that dionysus was introduced to ancient Greece (around the Mediterranean) in the 13th century BC from Asia Minor or southern Italy or ancient Egypt, and was initially limited to women and was in secret. Around the 8th century BC, song and dance began to appear in the rituals. With the rise of the ancient Greek city-states in the 7th century BC, the Dionysian Festival was held every March and was already very grand. Around the 6th century BC, the Dionysian Festival was officially recognized, and the scale of the song team was unprecedented, representing the prosperity of ancient Greek theater and music. (Myths about Dionysus are omitted here).

The Age of the Golden Age: The Awakening and Assertion of Chinese Sexual Literature (XI)

Known as the "sun among the stars", the father of oil painting In the 16th century, the famous Italian painter Titian Vecellio's work "Dionysus Festival"

In my understanding, the development of anthropology has towered two peaks, one is Morgan's "Ancient Society" and the other is Fraser's "Golden Branch". Marx and Engels have borrowed and inherited the theories of "Ancient Society", and "Golden Branch" has been praised by Nature magazine as "one of the greatest books of mankind", which mainly records the customs, religious beliefs, and witchcraft of primitive ancestors around the world. Despite the world-renowned, the author still thinks that it hangs a leak, there is a generality, such as the Part involving China, less than one page, and the Chinese ancestors' sorcery is extremely prosperous, Song Zhaolin's "Witchcraft and Witchcraft", Hu Xinsheng's "Ancient Chinese Witchcraft", Zhang Zichen's "Chinese Witchcraft", Gao Guofan's "General History of Chinese Witchcraft", Li Zero's "Examination of Chinese Magic", Li Zehou's "Tradition of Speaking Witch history", etc., are all tomes of research, and the author's reading of Hu Jianguo's "Witchcraft and Witchcraft" is also a thick book, so Fraser recorded, dragonflies are a little water, fur only, Maybe he focuses on Western folk culture.

If you talk about the main mythological figures of ancient Sylas, you may not be able to find the shadow of Dionysus, china introduces the earlier works of Greek history, lu Wendi's "History of Greece" published during the Republic of China: "The most important gods concentrated in the Greek faith are Zeus, Apollos and Athena. But it is probably not them who have the greatest influence on society, and the Golden Branch says that Dionysus "became the most famous of the Greek gods (though Homer did not favor him)... We have heard that almost all Greeks worshipped the tree god Dionysus. "The forty-third chapter of the Golden Branch, Dionysus, is dedicated to the celebration of the Dionysian Festival in ancient Greek society." The Cretans held festivals in memory of Dionysus every two years... The worshipping crowd tore a living bull with their teeth on the spot, then ran around in the woods, shouting wildly. Someone walked to the front of the crowd holding an elaborate box, which was said to contain the sacred heart of Dionysus. With the cacophony of flutes and drums, people imitate the bells of the young gods' victimization, and also play the mythological description of the resurrection of Dionysus. "Everywhere the time of worship is either in winter or in spring. Dionysus sometimes appears as a wood god, tree god, ceres, or baby, bull, goat, etc. Customs are different, and the main content is similar.

The Age of the Golden Age: The Awakening and Assertion of Chinese Sexual Literature (XI)

The French 19th-century academic painter William Adolf Bouguereau, "The Youth of Bakus"

One of the main elements is indulgence. Ancient Greek women were of low status in their daily lives and were generally not allowed to go out, while Dionysus Was originally a festival attended by women, and after development, important positions such as priests were still selected from the best women, and these women were usually of very high status. According to the spring effect, the stronger the pressure, the greater the rebound, and the liberation of the body and mind, there is nothing that cannot be done, which is one of them. Second, in The Golden Branch, Chapter 51: Eating Divine Flesh is a Kind of Homeopathic Sorcery: "God is Ceres, and grain is his subject; God is the grape god, and grape juice is his blood; so when a believer eats bread and drinks wine, he eats the true flesh and blood of his God." So drinking wine at a ceremony like Dionysus was not a joyous act, it was a solemn communion. In fact, even in ancient Roman times, the festival coincided with the climax of the performance, and if a man or a sheep or a cow broke in, or prepared a man in advance, it was considered to be the embodiment of God, and the practice was to tear it up and eat it. Having eaten God's flesh, drunk God's blood, and having the protective body of God, he can be as free as God, omnipotent, and do anything. Third, the anesthetic and stimulating effect of the wine itself. Fourth, the widow of the original marriage system. Fifth, the legacy of fertility worship. Sixth, the rebirth of all things, the connection between sex and agricultural sowing. The above several are the reasons for the phenomenon of indulgence in Dionysus.

Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy Chapter 1 paints a vivid picture of the atmosphere of Dionysus: "Under the magic of Dionysus, not only was the unity between men once again consolidated, but even the alienated, hostile, and subservient nature once again celebrated her and her prodigal son, humanity. The earth paid generous tribute, the beast came peacefully from the precipice and desert, the chariot of Dionysus was decorated with a wreath of flowers, and the tiger and leopard drove under his yoke. ...... At this time the slaves were also free men; at this time, the tyrannical rites and the 'shameful customs' were suddenly overthrown by the stubborn antagonistic barriers erected between men; at this time, in the gospel of the world unity, man not only felt united, reconciled, and harmonious with his neighbor, but also united in one heart. ”

The slaves of the ancient Roman Saturnalia festival can be transformed into masters and slave owners, as evidenced by the third section of the Golden Branch, Chapter 58: Scapegoats of Ancient Rome and Greece, "The Feast of the Gods of Agriculture in Ancient Rome". This verse goes on to say: "Many peoples have had a period of wantonness every year, when the constant constraints of law and morality have been cast aside, when the whole people are indulging in pleasure, and when dark lusts are vented, these are absolutely impermissible in the more stable and sober daily life." The suppressed forces of human nature erupt in such a sudden way that they often degenerate into carnal and sinful orgy drinking. ”

The Age of the Golden Age: The Awakening and Assertion of Chinese Sexual Literature (XI)

"Golden Branch" includes the world famous painting "Bacchus" by the genius Italian painter Caravaggio in the 16th century

The picture above is "Golden Branch" illustration The masterpiece of the famous 16th-century Italian painter Caravaggio "Bacchus the God of Dionysus", and the label below is: Bacchus, the god of Wine. Bacchus's Greek name was Dionysus, and it is said that his friend died in a duel, he buried his friend with tears, and soon the grave grew grapes, and he took the grapes and squeezed them to drink, and he was suddenly excited. Since then, people have made wine from grapes, and Bacchus has become the god of wine. It is the first work to depict Bacchus, the god of dionysus, in a homosexual gesture, in which a very strong lust is expressed, in which the rotten fruit symbolizes the youthful and depraved flesh.

The author has another view on this, the portrait of a woman's face, a garland on the head, a man's body, is a combination of men and women, showing the fusion of men and women's bodies, is a sexual hint. This understanding is in line with the ancient carnival and indulgence of the Ancestors Dionysian Festival, and it is a quiet remembrance of history. Of course, he buried his friend with his own hands, which means that he can also be gay, which is a pun.

In the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods of China, which was the same as ancient Greece, there were also customs similar to indulgence, and the Zhou Li Diguan Media Clan said: "The moon of the middle spring makes men and women meet, so the time is also, and the runners can't help it." The time coincided with February and March, "Poetry Classic, Yongfeng Sangzhong": "I am in the middle of the period, I am in the palace, and I am sent to the top of the Qi." "Notice that the land is in present-day Hubei Province. "Wind and July": "Spring carries the sun, and the female holds the basket." Follow the path of the other, and ask for the soft mulberry. "Sangzhong" and "Rousang" here refer to the place where men and women meet, the so-called Sangjian Pushang, Zheng Wei's voice. "Book of Han and Geography Chronicles": "There is an obstacle in the Weidi, and men and women are also eager to gather, and the sound is vivid." "It has been made very clear, which shows that the degree of social openness at that time far exceeded that of later generations."

The author suspects that the Zhuang people (the servants of the ancient books) march 3, it is very likely that the ancient spring runners can not help but be the relics of the commonplace. Although the Zhuang people lived in the south and the Zhou Dynasty was in the north, Qin Shi Huang pacified the south with three counties, and moved a large number of northern populations to the past. It just so happens that the main program of the Zhuang people on March 3 is to catch up with the song, singing between men and women, throwing hydrangea balls, and talking about love. It also happens that these ethnic minorities have been relatively open since ancient times, and after men and women get married, women have to go back to their mother's home to live, which is the case until the birth of the child, during which the woman is in a state of sexual freedom, called "not leaving the husband's family". This custom existed not only in the old Zhuang people, but also in other ethnic minorities such as the Miao, Buyi, Dong, Mulao, Yi, Hani, and even in some areas of the Han nationality. Folklorists believe that it is a matriarchal clan social marriage system, and the author believes that these customs are not related to the ancient spring running people, the mulberry forest meeting is a inheritance relationship, or it is mutual influence, or it belongs to the original marriage system, and it is not known.

Chinese and Western culture, ethnicity, geography are different, but in The Spring of March, all things recover and flourish, according to the concept of the unity of heaven and man, as a member of the natural world, human feelings and nature are both opposite and unified, we have noticed that in the ancient Chinese cultural elements, all the images involving sex are generally used to replace it with "spring", such as spring palace, called spring, huaichun, aphrodisiac, etc. Therefore, we see that in this season of spring, in China and the West, there are customs of sexual liberation, which is of course not unrelated to the low productivity of that era, the low survival rate of infants, the slow development of human life, and the derivation of reproductive worship activities.

It is not difficult to see from the above quotation that once the legal and moral ropes are cut, there is no longer a rule and bound, the cloak of human civilization is taken off, the nature of man is liberated, and the plating is peeled off, which is the return of the attributes of natural persons. Nietzsche put it well (The Other Side of Good and Evil): "What living things seek is first and foremost the release of their own power—life itself is the will to power." ”

(Literary responsibility and ownership belong to 360 Wu Li Road)

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