
For the first time, I felt the Eighteen Monsters of Yunnan, "The car is not as fast as the carriage, and the bait is called bait."

author:Carry your backpack one by two

At 5:00 p.m. on December 14, 1979, the troops finally arrived at their destination, Yanshan County, Wenshan Prefecture.

The convoy stopped in front of the Yanshan County Party Committee (i.e., the regimental headquarters of the 3555X unit), and the tall officer gathered all the recruited officers and took them to the regimental headquarters, and we had to wait in the car and look at our third "home".

Maybe the architectural model in Yunnan is similar, the cinema is always inseparable from a basketball court, Yanshan is also the same, there are not many pedestrians on the street, but a scene of traffic, military vehicles and local cars continue to pass by the street, and the most eye-catching thing is that horse-drawn carriages and ox carts are slowly driving on the street, taking up most of the street. The air in the city is naturally filled with a strange smell, which makes people sick, small traders and vendors occupy both sides of the road, there are melon seeds, rice noodles, selling rice balls (locally called bait blocks), the shops are ordinary two- and three-story buildings, and the roadside is some unknown trees...

"Look, here it comes!"

"Those who are officials are at least big cadres."

I looked in the direction of everyone's fingers, more than a dozen cadre-like people appeared at the mouth of the regimental department, I don't know who took the lead in clapping, everyone clapped mechanically, I looked at them carefully, try to guess who is the regimental commander, the political commissar, saw a fat and whirring "big hanging belly", about fifty years old, must be him, either the regimental commander or the political commissar, in the applause, he raised his right hand to salute us a military salute, in a few words in Mandarin that is difficult to understand, probably the content is that the comrades have worked hard, I welcome you on behalf of the troops.

After about fifteen minutes, we did not get out of the car and went back to "home", and the car continued to carry us forward.

"Haven't we arrived?" Where else are you going? ”

"Hey, that's bad luck! How far to sit is to finish! ”

"I don't know which ghost place to drive!"

Everyone said everything without stopping, and only then did the captain of the wang platoon comfort us and say, "Two kilometers ahead will arrive." ”

Talking about the car drove out of the county town, drove to the suburbs, before and after only a minute, Yanshan County gave me the feeling: really small!

At a fork in the road, the car drove to the right of a small road that can only drive one car, after turning a sharp bend, it is a steep slope, and the body is shaking with the car, I am really worried about the accident...


At this time, a village appeared in front of us: the walls of adobe were used to enclose the simple houses in the center, the walls were covered with cacti, quite large and large, and occasionally a few probes on the side of the road looked at us with surprised eyes, whether adults or children, whether women or men, their dress and demeanor made people enter another world: black faces, tattered clothes, heads wrapped in circles of black cloth, speaking inaudible minority languages, each with a demented expression. It is hard to believe that this place is part of China, and it should be a primitive tribe that humanity has forgotten, is it that they lack sanitary conditions? Lack of nutritional supplementation?

The soil wall eroded by the wind and rain is mutilated, even dogs can jump in, the ancient big pear trees are everywhere, tall and tall, the two can be closed, the cold wind blows the branches "creak", falling pieces of dry yellow leaves, covering the ground, the desolation in front of the eyes, reminiscent of the scene in the movie "Tunnel Warfare", the wall and the simple house that were eroded by the wind and rain are not like the ruins left after the Shelling of the Japanese devils? Isn't that old pear tree the big tree at the head of Gaojiazhuang Village?

Seeing everything in front of us, our hearts are half cold, and we unconsciously feel sad, sad, regret... Some comrades-in-arms had moist eyes, and in order not to let others see them, they had to turn their backs to wipe away the tears, after all, everyone was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and they were still children who were spoiled in front of their parents at home.

After entering the village, we got out of the car in a clearing where we had just finished harvesting crops, sat on our backpacks in shifts, and our comrades felt that everything was finished, and sat there waiting for God's fall.

"Unforgettable Military Life" series 6

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