
Grandmaster Yu Youhua re-emerged from the jianghu, the killing power is not reduced, the double car cut down the chess world monster, the style is still concerned about the chess prince headline number, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, free to learn the opening, middle game, endgame system courses, practitioner 1 to industry 8.

author:The Prince of Chess

<h1>Pay attention to the chess prince headline number, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, learn the opening, middle and endgame system courses for free, and improve the practitioner 1 to the industry 8. </h1>

I was in Hansan and came back.

"Desperate Sanlang" Yu Youhua, who came back without end.

So that if you don't look carefully, you can't notice that there is another Yu Youhua on the elephant armor.

It is true that it is now the world of Wang Tianyi, Zheng Weitong, Jiang Chuan, Zhao Xinxin, Hong Zhi, etc., and it is Xu Yinchuan, Zhao Guorong, etc. who are also in the future, who are constantly fighting.

Grandmaster Yu Youhua re-emerged from the jianghu, the killing power is not reduced, the double car cut down the chess world monster, the style is still concerned about the chess prince headline number, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, free to learn the opening, middle game, endgame system courses, practitioner 1 to industry 8.

Yu Youhua has been away from the Xiangjia League for a long time, and feels that he has not returned since quitting the Zhejiang team.

But this time, with the Zhejiang Second Team, he killed back again, and Yu Sanlang, the next is not bad.

He had no defeat in the first few rounds, becoming one of the few unbeaten players.

And there is also a record of winning chess.

Grandmaster Yu Youhua re-emerged from the jianghu, the killing power is not reduced, the double car cut down the chess world monster, the style is still concerned about the chess prince headline number, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, free to learn the opening, middle game, endgame system courses, practitioner 1 to industry 8.

In this battle, Youhua played red chess against Chen Fujie, a chess master known as "Strange Jie".

The layout is yu Yuhua to put up a shi corner cannon, to surprise the victory, the black side vault.

The red chess piece swung out the left cannon and crossed the river to beat the pawn to suppress the situation.

The two cars are lit up and occupy two main roads.

Not to be outdone, the black side also swung cannons into the malays.

Grandmaster Yu Youhua re-emerged from the jianghu, the killing power is not reduced, the double car cut down the chess world monster, the style is still concerned about the chess prince headline number, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, free to learn the opening, middle game, endgame system courses, practitioner 1 to industry 8.

Of course, the red chess piece was not allowed, and it was waiting to see Yu Youhua abandon the soldiers to lead the black square river head car away, and the cross-cart directly hit the flank.

Black Chess sensed danger at this time and wanted to kill him.

Grandmaster Yu Youhua re-emerged from the jianghu, the killing power is not reduced, the double car cut down the chess world monster, the style is still concerned about the chess prince headline number, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, free to learn the opening, middle game, endgame system courses, practitioner 1 to industry 8.

Yu Youhua took the lead, stuck in the elephant's eyes, and the two cars were overbearing.

The red side is coming fast, and the black chess has not yet had time to organize an effective offensive.

Grandmaster Yu Youhua re-emerged from the jianghu, the killing power is not reduced, the double car cut down the chess world monster, the style is still concerned about the chess prince headline number, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, free to learn the opening, middle game, endgame system courses, practitioner 1 to industry 8.

After Yu Youhua slashed the elephant, he returned to the majin gun and made it in one fell swoop, and entered the game for 27 rounds.

Yu Youhua won first against Chen Fujie in the Xiangjia League

1. Cannon two flat four horse 8 into 7 2. Soldier three into one car 9 flat 8

3. Ma two into three cannon 8 flat 9 4. Ma Eight into Seven, 3 into 1

5. Cannon eight into four elephant 7 into 5 6. Cannon Eight Flat Three Cannon 2 Flat 3

7. Phase Seven Into Five Cannon 3 In 4 8. Car nine flat eight horse 2 into 3

9. Car eight into three horses three into 4 10. The car enters one and the pawn 3 enters 1

11. Che Yi Ping Liu 卒3平2 12. Car eight back two car 8 into 4

13. Car six into three car 1 flat 2 14. Car eight flat six horse 4 back 3

15. Horse Three Into Four Men 6 into 5 16. Soldier three into one car 8 flat 7

17. Rear car flat two gun 9 into 4 18. Car two into six horse 7 back 6

19. Cannon Four Advances Seven Soldiers 5 Retreat 6 20. Car six into four taxis 6 into 5

21. Car two into two Elephant 5 back 7 22. Car 2 flat 3 taxi 5 back 6

23. Car three back two 卒2平3 24. Che San Ping 5 Taxi 6 into 5

25. Vehicle five flat two gun 9 flat 7 26. Car two back one pawn 9 into 1

27. Horse four retreat two

Grandmaster Yu Youhua re-emerged from the jianghu, the killing power is not reduced, the double car cut down the chess world monster, the style is still concerned about the chess prince headline number, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, free to learn the opening, middle game, endgame system courses, practitioner 1 to industry 8.

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