
National competition surprised "send veteran" suicide? Restored to the true and complete events of Zhang Shenhong in Youhua, after paying attention to the chess prince headlines, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, learn the opening, middle and endgame system courses for free, and improve the practitioner 1 to industry 8. WeChat search for the Prince of Chess, pay attention to the WeChat public account of the Prince of Chess, watch the on-site news, chess scores, videos, behind-the-scenes messages of the Chess Tournament, and there are extra large lectures, classic battle scores, opening games, middle games, and endgames at any time, and the whole field is free!

author:The Prince of Chess

<h1>Pay attention to the chess prince headline number, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, learn the opening, middle and endgame system courses for free, and improve the practitioner 1 to the industry 8. </h1>

On September 15, at the 2019 Jinlup Cup Chess Elite Open, there was a scene that attracted the attention of chess fans across the country.

National competition surprised "send veteran" suicide? Restored to the true and complete events of Zhang Shenhong in Youhua, after paying attention to the chess prince headlines, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, learn the opening, middle and endgame system courses for free, and improve the practitioner 1 to industry 8. WeChat search for the Prince of Chess, pay attention to the WeChat public account of the Prince of Chess, watch the on-site news, chess scores, videos, behind-the-scenes messages of the Chess Tournament, and there are extra large lectures, classic battle scores, opening games, middle games, and endgames at any time, and the whole field is free!

Master Zhang Shenhong, the commander of the chess world, in the case of winning, the next move is about to be killed, encountering the national champion, "Desperate Sanlang" Yu Youhua's extraordinarily large car two into seven sinking bottom car, the black chess in the middle of the second floor of the veteran, took the initiative to 5 back 1 to send the general, Yu Youhua immediately decided, picked up the black general and ate it, Zhang Shenhong was surprised, this is Yu Zhang's "sending the veteran" incident.

In fact, chess tournaments are endless, and there are countless chess matches, why Yu Youhua and Zhang Shenhong, veterans, are so eye-catching.

Let's say that in this competition, Yu Youhua and Shen Peng's battle, Yu Youhua as the sending general, was also Shen Peng will 5 into 9 to eat the old coach, suicide will be lost.

In the case of tense time, the pressure of the chess player is great, and many things that do not usually happen will appear.

Among the elephant armor, there have also been many suicides and killings.

In this competition, Miao Liming won a set of Zhao Yanghe, and the double cannon light old coach won the pawn Xiang Quan, which was also sent by the black side.

Maybe people are not concerned about suicide, or sending people to kill, which is very common.

It is the way of suicide and killing, which is exactly the focus of the incident of sending veterans.

National competition surprised "send veteran" suicide? Restored to the true and complete events of Zhang Shenhong in Youhua, after paying attention to the chess prince headlines, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, learn the opening, middle and endgame system courses for free, and improve the practitioner 1 to industry 8. WeChat search for the Prince of Chess, pay attention to the WeChat public account of the Prince of Chess, watch the on-site news, chess scores, videos, behind-the-scenes messages of the Chess Tournament, and there are extra large lectures, classic battle scores, opening games, middle games, and endgames at any time, and the whole field is free!

At that time, Zhang Shenhong had already achieved a victorious plate after fierce fighting, and was one step away from the killing.

At this time, the red side took a step out of the car two into seven, Zhang Shenhong mistakenly thought that it was a general, took the initiative to retire the veteran, and the red chess car erping five ate the black side veteran general and completed the counterattack.

Sinking car empty point bottom line, Yu Youhua is not the first to go out, in the national competition, Lu Qin and Jiang Chuan also played once, Jiang Chuan was very tight at that time, was preparing to lay down the general, before leaving found something wrong, shocked, panicked to take another step of chess, dodged a disaster.

Sinking car empty point, in the amateur color chess, often appear, especially the package of dry color chess, many people use this trick, see the other side of the time tight, the disk is unfavorable, put in the veteran's next step, the opponent habitually thinks that it must be the general, otherwise it is not a waste of chess, but unexpectedly it is just a stroke.

Although this move has been rumored in the jianghu for a long time, when used, the opponent will repeatedly hit the trick and try it repeatedly, becoming a must-have skill for color chess players.

National competition surprised "send veteran" suicide? Restored to the true and complete events of Zhang Shenhong in Youhua, after paying attention to the chess prince headlines, the first time to know the major events in the chess world, read the wonderful battle game of the chess master, learn the opening, middle and endgame system courses for free, and improve the practitioner 1 to industry 8. WeChat search for the Prince of Chess, pay attention to the WeChat public account of the Prince of Chess, watch the on-site news, chess scores, videos, behind-the-scenes messages of the Chess Tournament, and there are extra large lectures, classic battle scores, opening games, middle games, and endgames at any time, and the whole field is free!

Back to the incident between Yu Youhua and Zhang Shenhong, the reason why it has attracted so much attention is not to send the veteran general or send the killing itself, send the general, send the killing, under today's fast pace, it has long been common.

It is the bottom line of the red side's two-step car into seven empty points, what does it mean, cutting into the secret psychology of many people. The black side also just returned 5 to 1, and was recruited. And black chess is still the next step to kill.

These factors add up to a hot spot.

According to Yu Youhua's on-site narration, it was originally going to be a general, but the time was tight and the position was misplaced, and at that time, Yu Youhua was really only a few tens of seconds, which was understandable.

Zhang Shenhong was still more than five minutes away at that time, and without thinking, he sent out the next veteran.

So Yu Te Da picked up Zhang Shenhong's veteran general and ate it.

The two began to argue, Zhang Shenhong veteran general ate, thinking that the red side could not walk into the bottom car such a useless chess piece, and the general did not call the general, which of course was the commander's panicked statement.

Yu Te Da said that it was indeed the bottom car that entered, and everyone saw that it was originally intended to be a general.

Later, Yu Te Da also explained in the Taizhou chess group that he originally wanted to lose before he would give it another shot, but he did not expect to go directly to the bottom line.

Zhang Shenhong naturally can't accept this, the victory that is about to arrive, the next game of chess is not easy, winning a game of chess, especially the opponent is also strong, more difficult.

The commander defended himself in many ways and could understand his feelings.

At this time, Yu Juda took the initiative to throw an olive branch and proposed a chess game.

Although Zhang Shenhong has been talking about this chess, the next move will be killed, it is impossible.

But still accepted the form of a draw.

The referee lin jin and the deputy referee zhang wuwei in charge of the upper half of the district came over and asked about the situation of the two sides, and the two agreed to the chess, and the chess was subject to the chess.

After the game, some people had opinions on the extraordinarily large, or Zhang Shenhong, or even the referee.

In essence, everyone should maintain a sense of awe for the master, playing chess, this is a very hard thing, to spend a lot of energy and brain power, for everyone to dedicate such a wonderful chess game.

Everyone wants to win, no one wants to lose, to put it bluntly, if in the face of death, anyone will try to fight. And if in the face of opportunity, who wants to go away?

As for some people saying that the referee should judge Zhang Shenhong according to the rules according to the live video playback, in this regard, the famous national referee Teacher Liu Jinqi in his orange joke, the authoritative interpretation " From the referee's point of view, the referee is not the third hand of the chess player, can replace the chess player to influence the outcome of the chess game." If the chess players of the two sides find a referee at that time, the two sides must argue the merits and demerits, and the referee must directly judge the loss based on the facts. However, neither player took the initiative to ask the referee to decide, and the referee could not take the initiative to intervene. Unless there is hard evidence of unethical behavior such as selling and buying chess, the two sides can intervene from the perspective of Psiphon and discipline. Obviously, there is clearly no "immoral behavior" in this example, so if one of the players proposes peace, one party agrees, and both parties sign and approve, the result is valid, both compliant and legal."

Some chess players asked to watch the video replay to re-adjudicate, so happy to take revenge on the idea, I first clicked a "like". However, such an idea is clearly inconsistent with the rules of the chess competition. It is clearly stated in the rules: one party proposes to sum, one party agrees, and the result of the chess game is valid. Then, to exert pressure on an effective result to impose a heavy sentence is obviously unreasonable, both in terms of reason and rules. To relieve the hatred in the heart, it is certainly a kind of pleasure to draw the sword and kill the enemy. However, in the presence of the brothers, isn't it another kind of happiness to meet and laugh and take revenge"?

The brothers are here, and they meet each other with a smile and a vendetta, which is a good thing.

Or praise the wonderful chess games of the chess players, more understanding, support and tolerance, do not criticize too much!

(The Prince of Chess)

<h1>WeChat search for the Prince of Chess, pay attention to the WeChat public account of the Prince of Chess, watch the on-site news, chess scores, videos, behind-the-scenes messages of the Chess Tournament, and there are extra large lectures, classic battle scores, opening games, middle games, and endgames at any time, and the whole field is free! </h1>

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