
The dawn is a new beginning of the day, knowing how to release grievances and brew the happy sweet wine of life

author:Little postman

Happiness is not demanded, trust is not demanded. Many times, we are always naïve, always reverie of happiness in the distance. After the innocence, we realize that the future is far away, the reverie is boundless, we have designed the most perfect path of life, but we have rarely gone anywhere. Good morning!

The dawn is a new beginning of the day, knowing how to release grievances and brew the happy sweet wine of life

There is no absolute difference between good and bad circumstances in life, and blessings and misfortunes depend on and misfortunes and blessings lie. The clarity and wisdom of the Self is the source of all thoughts. The sun and the moon are menstruating, and the world is impermanent. All of this, we should not escape, do not force, everything with fate, with a calm heart, calmly deal with it.

The dawn is a new beginning of the day, knowing how to release grievances and brew the happy sweet wine of life

Time condenses the past into memories, you can look back, but you can't turn back, everything you encounter, what you know, what you have, what you lose, can't change. Even if fate is unbearable, we all have to move forward, decadence in the past, you will not get anything but cocoon yourself.

Blog posts are not about how deep, naturally casual; friends are not about how many, natural and casual. Friends, light friendship, slow place, in order to be long-lasting; feelings, shallow taste, fine tasting, only to have an aftertaste. Friends are like tea, need to be tasted; fellowship is like water, need to be light. Wealth is not eternal friends, but friends are eternal wealth! Good morning!

The dawn is a new beginning of the day, knowing how to release grievances and brew the happy sweet wine of life

Happiness is a feeling. Do not rely on intimidating power, do not rely on superior wealth, do not rely on superhuman talent. Rely on an ordinary heart: always have a smile on the cold and warm heart of life, and there is always a round and full joy that is always accompanied. Happiness is like wearing shoes, tight and self-evident; happiness is like drinking water, cold and warm self-knowledge. If happiness is physical, then happiness is spiritual. Happiness is to use the bitterest life to brew the sweet wine of life.

The dawn is a new beginning of the day, knowing how to release grievances and brew the happy sweet wine of life

Tolerance, the most important thing is to tolerate people, it is the basis for tolerance and tolerance. People, there are also high and low points, and the strength of scholars is the basis for tolerance and cultivation, so it is easier to do. However, tolerating the shortcomings of others, especially the shortcomings of those who hold different views, requires greater boldness, so it is necessary to observe the strengths of others with a sincere heart and accommodate the shortcomings of others.

Tired to sleep, crying to get drunk, the dawn comes and a new beginning of the day, the earth will not stop spinning because of any suffering. We must strive to survive in the red dust, but we can not care about gains and losses, try our best in the world, but know how to release grievances, with a tolerant, calm, strong and open-minded heart, all the way to life. Good morning!

The dawn is a new beginning of the day, knowing how to release grievances and brew the happy sweet wine of life

The most puzzling thing in life is the choice, and the most heartbreaking thing is the loss. But no matter what, we can't hide in a world that doesn't belong to us every time we feel that life is hard. Sometimes, all we need is a little more courage to be brave enough to say no to a life we don't want.

The dawn is a new beginning of the day, knowing how to release grievances and brew the happy sweet wine of life

Smiling is the shortest path we can reach into another person's heart. Don't let your kindness become a burden on others. Those who speak must have enough confidence in themselves; those who obey must also have a broad mind. Give someone a word, it is as heavy as a pearl.

The dawn is a new beginning of the day, knowing how to release grievances and brew the happy sweet wine of life

The way out, when it does not pass, choose to turn, the heart, when it is not happy, choose to look down; love, when it is drifting away, choose to be casual. Some things, quite a bit, passed. Some people, just to be cruel, forget. A little bitter, a smile, and it is released. If you have a heart, if you hurt, then you are strong. Good morning.

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