
The crested ibis's close relatives, the color ibis, are now in Zhejiang, will they give birth here?

author:Qianjiang Evening News

Qianjiang Evening News hourly news reporter Shi Wen

In the domestic bird circle, there was an explosive news in April, that is, the colored ibis, a national first-class protected animal, appeared in Xiapu, Fujian Province.

As soon as this news came out, it attracted bird lovers from all over the country, including Zhejiang, to flock to Xiapu to catch the figure of the colored ibis.

"Because the painted ibis is a summer migratory bird in the Yangtze River Delta, the last time it was found in Zhejiang was in Wenzhou in 2012. This time in Fujian appeared colored ibis, we Zhejiang bird friends have been looking forward to their northward migration to Zhejiang. ”

The crested ibis's close relatives, the color ibis, are now in Zhejiang, will they give birth here?

Colored ibises appearing in Zhejiang Wen Chaoran/Photo

During the May Day holiday, Wen Chaoran, an animal expert at the Zhejiang Forest Resources Monitoring Center, had the privilege of photographing a few painted ibises in the lotus pond of Jinhua Lanxi: "We think they should be the group that flew over from Fujian." ”

In fact, before Lanxi, at the end of April, some bird friends also photographed colored ibises in Quzhou Jiangshan, a total of 7.

The crested ibis's close relatives, the color ibis, are now in Zhejiang, will they give birth here?

After Lanxi, everyone has been looking forward to the colored ibises to come to Hangzhou. Because this bird likes wetland ecological environments such as swamps and paddy fields, it will also mix with herons of similar sizes such as egrets and herons. There are many wetlands around Hangzhou, including the natural habitat of two birds, Yuhang North Lake Caodang and South Lake.

Sure enough, a few days ago, a bird friend continuously photographed a painted ibis in the north lake grass swing.

Why one? Was it one of the group that flew in from Fujian? Experts believe that it is not yet certain.

The crested ibis's close relatives, the color ibis, are now in Zhejiang, will they give birth here?

From the end of April to June, the time of the colored ibis in Zhejiang is not short, is it possible for them to breed here?

In this regard, the analysis of experts from the Provincial Forest Resources Monitoring Center is that the colored ibis is a winter migratory bird in Southeast Asia, which will fly to our side in the summer, but Zhejiang has no breeding record before, so it is not clear whether Zhejiang is the breeding ground of the colored ibis.

There are 6 species of ibises in China, and the painted ibis is one of them, which is a rare bird, and the number in China was originally rare. It is mainly recorded in wetlands along the coast of China, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the west and north China; it is distributed on almost all continents except Antarctica.

With the changes in the ecological environment, the living conditions of the colored ibis have deteriorated in the past, so the "Red Book of Endangered Animals in China" once declared that the colored ibis is extinct in China.

In fact, in terms of rarity, the crested ibis, a close relative of the colored ibis, is more rare, and there is a protective base for the crested ibis in Deqing, Zhejiang.

The bird shines with a green metallic luster, and as it moves, the color changes, and it is accustomed to foraging and roosting in the seaside beaches and swamps by rivers and lakes.

Their calls are low-nasal-like grunts, and they also make a clanging sound in their nests. (The pictures in the text are all taken in Lanxi)

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