
Pot bun meat is also divided into factions, among the three factions, which faction do you like to eat?

author:Lime of struggle

Last time we learned about the origin of pot wrapped meat, it is time to carry out practical operation, today Xiaobian will teach you an authentic Northeast dish - pot bun meat, but pot bun meat is also divided into three genres, you know? In addition to the traditional pot bun meat in Harbin, there are also Liaoning improved Liaopai pot bun meat and Jilin improved Jipai pot bun meat. These three have their own characteristics, first of all, let's take a look at the most authentic from the traditional pot meat in Harbin, so that we can eat simple and easy to learn, sweet and sour old-fashioned pot meat at home.

First, the old-fashioned pot wrapped meat


Fresh pork tenderloin 350 g Ginger shredded 10 g Shredded green onion 15 g Shredded carrot 20 g Coriander 5 g, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, potato starch, salad oil each appropriate amount.

Production Process:  

1. Cured meat; Fresh pork tenderloin is cut into 8 cm long, 5 cm wide and 0.3 cm thick slices, and marinate with salt and cooking wine for 10 minutes

Pot bun meat is also divided into factions, among the three factions, which faction do you like to eat?

Slices of meat

Pot bun meat is also divided into factions, among the three factions, which faction do you like to eat?


2 paste: the marinated meat is covered with dry starch, and the water and potato starch and a little salad oil are mixed into a thick paste, as shown in the figure;

Pot bun meat is also divided into factions, among the three factions, which faction do you like to eat?

Wrapped in thick flesh

3 sauce preparation: Take an empty bowl and add a little soy sauce, 3 spoonfuls of sugar, 2 spoonfuls of rice vinegar, a little monosodium glutamate, water starch.

4 Frying: Cook the oil, wait to burn to 60% or 70% heat (put in the meat, the meat can float up the oil temperature can be), mix the marinated meat slices with the thick paste, put it into the pot one by one, fry until the skin is golden brown, fish out and set aside. After removing the oil residue, burn the temperature of the hot oil again, and put the freshly fried meat into the oil pan again for quick re-frying, to ensure that the ingredients are crispy and tender, and the re-frying time should not be too long, about a minute. Then fish out for spare, at this time the surface color of the meat is darker than just now.

Pot bun meat is also divided into factions, among the three factions, which faction do you like to eat?

Fried meat

5. Cooking: leave the bottom oil in the pot, add ginger shredded, shredded green onion, fried fragrant, and then add shredded carrots, stir-fry a few times, then add the fried meat slices and sauce, quickly stir-fry, stir evenly and then put on the plate, and finally sprinkle with coriander.

Pot bun meat is also divided into factions, among the three factions, which faction do you like to eat?

Old-fashioned pot wrapped meat


1. Do not cut the meat slices too thick or too thin, otherwise the meat is too thick, and the meat is hard if it is too thin.

2. The paste is to be thicker, if you do not grasp well, gradually add water not to add too much at one time, so that the paste is not easy to hang on the meat, generally use potato starch, if not, you can also use corn starch, but the effect of hanging paste is not as good as potato starch.

2. The sweet and sour ratio in the sauce is 3:2 sweet (three spoons of sugar and two spoons of vinegar), 3:4 (3 spoons of sugar, 4 spoons of vinegar), vinegar is to use rice vinegar, if you use aged vinegar will feel strange.

3. The re-frying stage is very important, the oil temperature of the re-frying should be a little hotter, and the re-frying time should not be too long.

This is the most traditional old-fashioned pot wrapped meat method, the aroma is fragrant, the outside is crisp and tender, the sweet and sour is moderate, it is simply the collision of vision and taste, slightly vinegary choking, will make people feel up and can't help but eat two more bites.

Second, Liao-style pot wrapped meat: Of course, according to the different tastes of various places, later the pot bun meat was improved in Liaoning, that is, the Liao-style pot bun meat represented by Shenyang, the point of innovation is that the sauce of this spice is different, compared to the old-fashioned sweet and sour sauce, the sauce of the Liao-style pot bun meat is added to the orange juice and tomato sauce, so that the pot bun meat presents a rosy texture.

Pot bun meat is also divided into factions, among the three factions, which faction do you like to eat?

Liao-style pot wrapped meat

Third, Ji-style pot wrapped meat: it is said that the Heiji Liao family is pro, so Jilin can not fall, in Jilin improved Ji-style pot bun meat is added to the Northeast people when they were children favorite to eat yellow peach canned, yellow peach and pot wrapped meat mixed, so that the meat with a fruity aroma, eat meat at the same time to some fruit is also a refreshing and greasy perfect match.

Pot bun meat is also divided into factions, among the three factions, which faction do you like to eat?

Ji-style pot wrapped meat

Now northeast restaurants are all over the country, every time you eat hometown food, you will also remember the memories of childhood, for people who work hard outside, hometown food is not only used to fill the stomach of food, but a kind of sharing with people, a unique nostalgia, and an unforgettable memory. I hope that everyone who is working hard outside the home will not forget the taste of their hometown after tasting all the food from all over the world in addition to their busy work.

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