
How to Pick a Tomato Three ways to pick a tomato

author:Xiaohui Life Encyclopedia

Friends who like to eat tomatoes must learn to pick tomatoes, see whether the tail of the tomato is male or female, the taste of female tomatoes is better, fresh and sweet, delicious and juicy to eat, learn the method to pick a quasi.

How to Pick a Tomato Three ways to pick a tomato

How to pick tomatoes

Tomatoes, also known as tomatoes, the fruit is nutritious and sweet and sour, can be eaten raw, but also mixed with vegetables, stir-fried vegetables, is an indispensable dish on the table, but how to choose delicious tomatoes?

1, the more red the color, the better

This means naturally ripe tomatoes and does not contain artificially reddishing tomatoes. Because the redder the tomatoes, the more mature and well-developed they are, so they are more delicious.

2. Identify artificially ripened red tomatoes

In order to go public as soon as possible, or to sell well, some merchants will artificially ripen tomatoes, so that tomatoes are not fully developed and not delicious. There are several ways to identify ripened tomatoes.

One is the shape

Ripening tomatoes are not round in shape and are mostly prismatic in shape.

The second is the internal structure

Break open the tomatoes to see, ripen tomatoes less juicy, seedless, or the seeds are green. Naturally ripe tomatoes are juicy, with red flesh and earthy yellow seeds.

The third is the taste

Ripe tomatoes have a hard, tasteless flesh, an astringent taste, and a naturally ripe taste that is moderately sweet and sour.

3, rounded skin thin elasticity is better to eat

You can choose tomatoes with a rounded shape first, those that are prismatic or have spots on the epidermis are not very good. Then pinch the tomatoes by hand, the skin is thin and elastic, and it is a good tomato that is firm and not fluffy to the touch.

4, the bottom (fruit tip) circle is small and delicious

Now many greenhouses in the tomato fruit tendons are more, not very tasty, can observe the bottom of the tomato (fruit stem), if the circle is small, it means that the tendons are less, more water, the flesh is full, more delicious, and the tomatoes with large circles at the bottom are more tendons and not delicious.

5, should not eat full blue tomatoes

Completely green tomatoes are not yet ripe, contain tomato alkali, if eaten in large quantities, the human body will have nausea and other uncomfortable symptoms, but if most of the surface of the tomatoes are red, only a small part of the green is not okay.

How to Pick a Tomato Three ways to pick a tomato

Three ways to pick a tomato

First, when picking tomatoes, look at the color. The tomatoes we generally see when buying vegetables usually have two colors, one is a pink color that is not fully ripe, and the other is a big red, how can you pick these two colors? In fact, this depends on your needs, the tomatoes with powder skin are usually relatively hard, suitable for eating when cooking vegetables, but if you cook porridge to cook rice, you have to pick big red tomatoes, such tomatoes are soft and juicy, and it is also very good to eat raw.

Second, look at the shape, although in the growth process, there will be a lot of force majeure factors to make the tomato become strange, but the general tomato is still very small, people also = in the selection will not be too concerned, some people also said that this strange shape of the tomato taste is far better than the general tomato, we can not be fooled by the vendor, strange tomatoes may be hit by hormones will become particularly large, and buy back you will find that this tomato is easy to burst and rot, So don't buy this kind of tomato.

Third, look at the weight, since the birth of various hormones, has been used by people with hearts to vegetables and fruits, from time to time there will be news bursting out, let us the people eat is scared, afraid of accidentally fried, tomato hormones are also rumored to be the same, but it is also very easy to distinguish it, look at the weight, the density of tomatoes that hit the hormone will become larger, the weight will also increase, you can go to the market when you compare, feel like the weight of an apple, this is certainly not normal.

How tomatoes pick male and female

Look at whether the tail of the tomato is a male tomato or a female tomato, the tail of the female tomato is sunken down, the smaller the nodule of the smaller the tail, the better, the male tomato is raised, this tomato will not be very sweet! The mother tomato is flat and round, the top position is round and full, there is no obvious bulge, and the feel is heavier. Such tomatoes are solid in the middle, sweet and juicy, and have a rich flavor. Male tomatoes are irregular, uneven, and most have a pointed round shape with a distinctly raised tip at the top. This tomato is hollow in the middle and has a hard and sour taste.

How to preserve tomatoes for a long time

First, the refrigeration method

Mature tomatoes are better to refrigerate between 2 and 4 °C, and can remain fresh and nutritious for 10 days. When the temperature is too low, the tomatoes lose their umami flavor and quickly decay due to frostbite. Tomatoes will emit a gas called "ethylene" when refrigerated, ripening vegetables and fruits placed together with it, shortening their shelf life, so tomatoes are best placed separately or packaged in plastic bags when refrigerated.

Second, the quick-freezing method

After buying it, wash it, dry the surface, put it in a food bag, and then place it in the freezer room with the refrigerator, and it will basically freeze after three hours. In this way, it can be put in the refrigerator and can be taken out at any time in the winter to defrost and cook, and the taste and nutrition are very good.

Third, the method of making tomato pulp

Wash after buying, dry the surface, choose a large bottle, cut the tomatoes into pieces, put the bottle into the steamer and boil for 20 minutes, close the lid by heat, take it out to dry and store it in the shade, take it out when there is a lack of vegetables, stir-fry, make soup are very good choices, the taste is very beautiful.

Fourth, bake drying method

Use the oven to make dried tomatoes and soak your hair when you eat.

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