
The tomatoes in the pots, without small bees, can also blossom and bear fruit

author:Mushroom roses

My daughter exchanged a fruit and vegetable cultivation cup on the learning software, and after sending it over, she found out that it was a tomato seed.

This reminds me of my life as a child, as soon as it comes to summer, I will shuttle through the tomato field, see which one is red, I will pick it, rub it and bite it, sweet and sour, juicy, too thirst-quenching.

The tomatoes in the pots, without small bees, can also blossom and bear fruit

Images from the Internet, if infringing must be deleted.

At that time, I was still living in the countryside, and our family had a big yard, and the front and back of the yard were built with houses, and all the vegetables were planted in the middle, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cauliflower... It is varied and colorful.

My tomatoes are a good harvest every year. The tomato plants grew very tall, so my dad gave them a support and used a rope to help them fix them to the shelf.

The shelves were all sticks that were picked up everywhere, and my dad would carefully cut them into the same length and bury them in the tomato field, looking the same size, neat and beautiful.

In my impression, the skin of the sticks was dried up, gray-black, and stained on the sticks, as if they were about to fall, but they were very tenaciously attached to the sticks.

On those green plants, there are red, black, and gray strips of cloth, which my father tied up one by one, and the fixed tomato plants are attached to the shelf, growing upwards, and will not be crooked.

Although the fruit of the tomato is red (there are also yellow ones, which my family has grown), its flowers are yellow, the flowers are quite small and inconspicuous, and the petals are only one layer, which does not look amazing at all.

The tomatoes in the pots, without small bees, can also blossom and bear fruit

Picture selfie, tomato blossoms.

But when these flowers wither, they will grow small green fruits, slippery, hard, hidden in green leaves, and cannot be found without looking closely.

At that time, I went around the tomato field every day to see the green fruits that were gradually growing, hoping that they would ripen quickly and feast.

When one side of the green fruit of the tomato begins to turn red, I become more and more hungry, and when I think about this summer with tomatoes, I think the summer is really good!

My tomatoes can pick a big basket every day, red, big, and two grow together, like a conjoined baby.

In my summer, tomatoes are my water source, and when I am thirsty, I pick tomatoes and eat them, almost without drinking water.

After the age of 10, I went to live in the city, and the taste of tomatoes could no longer be tasted. The tomatoes in the wet market are absolutely beautiful, without a trace of scars, all the same size, but the taste is too far away, hard and sour.

Nowadays, growing tomatoes in my own house feels very special, so familiar plants, all in distant memory.

The husband planted the seed according to the instructions, and we waited for it to germinate.

Soon a few small seedlings grew, green and lush, touched with their hands, shook their heads, the whole family was overjoyed, the daughter was very happy, she said: "We can eat the tomatoes we planted ourselves", the son also shouted with her daughter.

After a few days, the tomato seedlings grew a lot, a total of 5. It's a shame they didn't get pictures of them thriving.

The father-in-law said, "This cultivation cup is too small, you have to move the pot." ”

We said just do it, and on the weekend, we took out the flowerpots that had been hoarded, and looking at these flowerpots reminded me of the green plants that I had raised to death. Sadly, gardenias, fairy balls (watered too many rotten roots), and some have forgotten their names.

I told my husband about the tomatoes in the family when I was a child, thinking about the green plants that I raised to death, I felt a little embarrassed and worried, I was worried that the tomatoes would not live well.

As it turns out, worrying is redundant. After these seedlings moved the pot, they grew very vigorously, tall, and the leaves were also very luxuriant, and soon they bloomed, which was the yellow flower in the memory.

The tomatoes in the pots, without small bees, can also blossom and bear fruit

I don't believe these flowers can bear fruit, because they are kept at home and there is no insect pollination.

I should let my child look at the tomato plants and flowers to add some joie de vivre.

Unexpectedly, one night, my daughter said to me, a small tomato, green.

The tomatoes in the pots, without small bees, can also blossom and bear fruit

Picture selfie, cute little tomato.

I was overjoyed, and after 23 years, I could see the little tomatoes that had just grown and touch the slippery green fruit.

Our whole family gathered around the pot of tomatoes, one by one, as if they were rare, and after half a day, our daughter and son had to touch this little tomato with their hands.

It was as big as a pinball in a checkers, green and glowing white.

The tomatoes in the pots, without small bees, can also blossom and bear fruit

Picture selfie, second little tomato.

It turned out that my father-in-law put these pots of tomatoes together and carefully touched the flowers with his hands, so that the pollination was successful.

The daughter said, "I didn't expect Grandpa to be a little bee!" ”

A joke, making us laugh, I thought to myself: I didn't expect my daughter to be so humorous.

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