
In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

author:Honors in History

The Nanchang Uprising can be said to be a major event that affected Chinese history, in which heroes emerged and many national heroes stood out. But there was such a general who could not be called a hero in this war, but also a traitor, but he played a huge role in the Nanchang uprising.

Although he went astray for a while, he later corrected the chaos and eventually became the vice chairman of New China, and he was Cai Tingkai. Such a peculiar general, so what did he do in the Nanchang uprising? What kind of twists and turns does this fantastic life have?

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" ></h1>

Cai Tingkai was born in a farming family in Luoding, Guangdong Province, because of the poverty of the family, he only read for three years when he was a child and dropped out of school. The ancients said: Therefore the heavens will send down great responsibilities, and the people will first suffer their minds, strain their bones and bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and confuse their deeds.

Cai Tingkai's experience is like this, he went from the academy to the field. When the farm is busy, I work hard with my family, and when I am free, I follow to learn how to sew. He struggled to find a way to survive in the midst of chaos.

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

The reason why Cai Tingkai gave birth to the bud of saving the people from water and fire is because he was influenced by Zhao Zilong in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". So when he grew up, he secretly left home and embarked on the road of resisting the war to save the country.

At the beginning, Cai Tingkai's journey to join the army was not smooth, and he surrendered four times, all of which ended in failure. One drum, then decline, three exhaustion, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that I will have retreated a long time ago. However, Cai Tingkai had lofty ambitions and was unwilling to give up, and finally showed his sharp edge on the battlefield after graduating from the Army Lecture Hall.

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="46" >2, Nanjing Uprising</h1>

Before Cai Tingkai's Nanjing uprising, he was already the commander of the Tenth Division in the ranks of the Kuomintang. Cai Tingkai's hands had a strong military strength, so he became the target of the uprising won by the Communist Party.

At that time, Ye Ting, the commander of the Twenty-fourth Division, had already seen through who was the team that saved China, and in his heart he had begun to yearn for the Communist Party and was ready to show his skills in the Nanjing Uprising. Ye Ting could see the situation clearly and wanted to pull Cai Tingkai to revolt together.

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

Ye Ting admired Cai Tingkai very much, first, he thought that Cai Tingkai was a rare talent, and second, he was optimistic about the Tenth Division in Cai Tingkai's hands. He knew that as long as Cai Tingkai revolted together, the Nanchang uprising would definitely succeed.

At that time, Ye Ting secretly talked to Cai Tingkai and wanted to figure out his attitude, and Cai Tingkai knew in his heart what Ye Ting meant. But he still had hope for the Kuomintang at the time, and vaguely confused the past. But what Cai Tingkai did not expect was that this made Ye Ting mistakenly think that he had agreed to the uprising.

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

Therefore, during the Nanjing Uprising, Ye Ting directly led Cai Tingkai's Tenth Division to revolt. At that time, Cai Tingkai was not in Nanchang, and after hearing the news, he hurried back and wanted to bring back his team. But he also knew that he could not rush to make a move, so he pretended to be an urgent uprising, pretending to revolt, but in fact regaining the military power.

Ye Ting and Cai Tingkai had a good relationship, and Ye Ting was ecstatic when he heard the news. He was both happy with his friend's awakening and happy that the Communist Party had a better chance of winning, and he didn't know that he had been deceived.

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

The Communists had absolute trust in Cai Tingkai, who wanted to revolt, and had already made him his own, even letting him lead his Tenth Division. But what the party did not expect was that this was to hand over the power to the Kuomintang, which was equivalent to letting the tiger return to the mountain.

Cai Tingkai nevertheless abandoned the uprising, and his departure led to turmoil in the Communist army, but was soon stabilized by people's firm belief in the party. But it was also at this time that the Party Central Committee deeply realized that if a person did not have a firm belief in the Communist Party, he could not become the mainstay of the Communist Party.

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="47" >3. Fight for liberation</h1>

After the "918" incident, in order to continue to invade the northeast region, Japan chose to capture Shanghai first, and war broke out in Shanghai. Cai Tingkai led the Nineteenth Army at that time and became the main force defending Shanghai at that time. This battle is known in history as the "128 Songhu War of Resistance".

At that time, the Japanese army launched a total of four general offensives, each more fierce. Shanghai was in danger, and the troops led by Cai Tingkai fought bloodily with the Japanese army for 33 days. Because Cai Tingkai was already brave and good at fighting, coupled with the determination to defend his family and defend the country, he led his troops to resist the Japanese attack again and again. In the end, the situation in Shanghai was overcome under the command of Cai Tingkai. In the end, Cai Tingkai won the reputation of "Anti-Japanese National Hero" by virtue of the Shanghai War.

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

Although the war won Cai Tingkai a good reputation, in the war, it exposed the corruption within the Kuomintang, and Chiang Kai-shek actually withheld military salaries. This practice undoubtedly forced Cai Tingkai to the desperate road, and also made Cai Tingkai gradually chill his heart against the Kuomintang led by Chiang Kai-shek.

Cai Tingkai later, according to Chiang Kai-shek's instructions, entered Fujian to "suppress the Communists." In the beginning, Cai Tingkai carried out this so-called "suppression of the Communists" order. But gradually, he found that if he continued to fight like this, it would only be a fight between Chinese and Chinese, and in the end it would be a lose-lose situation, but the Japanese would see the joke.

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

Coupled with Chiang Kai-shek's active civil war and passive external practices at that time, Cai Tingkai was greatly disappointed in Chiang Kai-shek. In order to truly save the people from water and fire, Cai Tingkai decided to cease war with the Red Army, signed the "Preliminary Agreement on Anti-Japanese and Anti-Chiang Kai-shek" with the Red Army, and embarked on the road of anti-Chiang Kai-shek and resistance against Japan together with the United Nations.

So on November 20, 1933, Cai Tingkai established the People's Revolutionary Government of the People's Republic of China. He also formally issued an arrest warrant for Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei, and used this to warn the people of the world that they must unite with the outside world, resist Japan and save the country, and cannot turn their guns on their own people.

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

Unfortunately, the new government has only existed for two months. But this could not affect Cai Tingkai's passion for anti-Japanese resistance, so Cai Tingkai chose to study abroad. He exposed japan's ugly face to his compatriots abroad, and also criticized the Nanjing government for facing the Japanese army and only caring about the civil war and not committing the crime of resisting Japan.

Unsurprisingly, there was applause everywhere Cai Tingkai went, and he was deeply respected by overseas Chinese at that time. Although Cai Tingkai is out of the battlefield, he is still struggling, and the contribution made by the confrontation day should not be underestimated.

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" >4</h1>

By the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Cai Tingkai had fully become a staunch supporter of the Communist Party, and he was no longer shaken or confused. He finally firmly chose the bright path of the Communist Party of China and fought for it.

Cai Tingkai and the Chinese Communist Party have experienced 22 years of separation, but in the end they have achieved their wishes. After the founding of New China, Cai Tingkai was elected as the vice chairman of the people's government and finally threw himself into the embrace of the party.

In the Nanchang Uprising, Cai Tingkai led 5,000 people to break away from the ranks, and later became an anti-Japanese hero, and in his later years he joined the CPPCC I, the chaotic world joined the army II, the Nanjing Uprising III, the battle for liberation IV, and the summary

We cannot judge a person's life from only one aspect. Cai Tingkai's life has ups and downs, from an obscure peasant boy to a famous anti-Japanese general, how many difficulties and criticisms have been suffered. But Cai Tingkai persevered, and this revolutionary spirit deserves to be remembered.

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