
The prairie is connected to the sea! The Qi Baoligao Horsehead Concert plays the charm of the south of the city

author:Popular Daily

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As one of the "Fashion Qingdao Ledong Shinan" cultural public welfare performances, on the evening of April 26, the "Sea Connects the Grassland" Qi Baoli Gao Matouqin Concert was held at the Qingdao Concert Hall, and the world-class matou piano master Qi Baoli High Artists played the famous horses' head piano songs such as "Ten Thousand Horses Galloping" and "Hongyan", which made the island city music fans shout "Enjoy".

The prairie is connected to the sea! The Qi Baoligao Horsehead Concert plays the charm of the south of the city

"Hongyan in the sky, the pair of rows, the river is long, the autumn grass is yellow, the piano on the grassland is sad; the hongyan to the south, flying over the reeds, the sky is vast, the geese are going, the heart is the hometown of the north..." A song "Hongyan" made the Qingdao Concert Hall resound thunderous applause again, if the previous song "Ten Thousand Horses Galloping" exploded the whole audience, then this song "Hongyan" let the audience once again appreciate the deep melodiousness of the horse's head piano, low back and forth, the beauty of the grassland and the vastness of the sea formed a magnificent harmony, and the notes poured on the stage like flowing water. Eventually converge and flow to the sea.

The prairie is connected to the sea! The Qi Baoligao Horsehead Concert plays the charm of the south of the city

The 78-year-old Qi Baoligao is the soul of the world's horsehead piano, he reformed the horsehead piano three times, founded the world's first horsehead piano orchestra, created and played about 80% of the world's horsehead piano music, pushed the horsehead piano art to the world stage, and is the only Chinese player who has entered the world music capital - Vienna Musikverein to hold a special horsehead concert, and he has made outstanding contributions to the artistic development of the horsehead piano and the national music to the world.

The prairie is connected to the sea! The Qi Baoligao Horsehead Concert plays the charm of the south of the city

"I'm just an old man who lives for the harp, and I've done nothing all my life and played the harp." When it comes to the horsehead, Chits Bolligo is still passionate. In his speech, you can feel the cheerful character of this world-class master Mongolian Hanzi, as well as the sincerity and humility of treating art, and these precious qualities are also revealed in his works.

The prairie is connected to the sea! The Qi Baoligao Horsehead Concert plays the charm of the south of the city

In order to highlight the musical theme of "grassland connected to the sea", this concert integrates horse-head piano music with local folk music, and the repertoire is diverse. There are both well-known "Ten Thousand Horses Galloping" and other horsehead piano famous songs, as well as "Desert Memory", "Grassland under the Sky" and other modern music horsehead piano music, a well-known "Hongyan" is even closer to the distance with the audience, Qingdao Bajun Chinese Music Chamber Orchestra with a very strong Shandong musical style of "Concubine You Twist" as a response, should be in harmony with the harmony of the grassland.

The prairie is connected to the sea! The Qi Baoligao Horsehead Concert plays the charm of the south of the city

The concert uses solo, ensemble and other forms to allow the audience to fully appreciate the playing skills of the horse head and the unique charm of national music. After the performance, everyone did not want to leave for a long time, and paid tribute to Master Qi Baoligao with repeated applause.

A music fan from Hulunbuir said: "The performance is so wonderful, I have been working in Qingdao for 10 years, I really did not expect to hear the concert of Master Qi Baoligao in Qingdao, last year because of the epidemic did not go home to visit relatives, listening to the music of the master, as if seeing the grassland of my hometown." ”

The prairie is connected to the sea! The Qi Baoligao Horsehead Concert plays the charm of the south of the city

Since the beginning of this year, Shinan District has aimed to improve the satisfaction of the residents, focusing on enhancing the cultural soft power of the urban area, creating a demonstration area for the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings, and promoting the popularization and universalization of high-end art activities through the implementation of upgrading public cultural carriers and cultural benefits, and effectively meeting the expectations and pursuits of residents for a better life. As one of the "Fashion Qingdao Ledong Shinan" cultural benefit series of public welfare performances, the concert tickets are all free, and Shinan District has opened a free ticket-grabbing port on multiple platforms such as the "Fashion City South" client and the public number of the Shinan District Cultural Center to meet the ticket-grabbing needs of music fans as conveniently as possible.

Culture adds to the beauty of the night, and the Qi Baoligao Ma Tau Qin Concert kicked off the night of charm in The Southern District of Shinan. Shinan District will actively introduce various types of literary and artistic performances, highlight high-end positioning, use cultural consumption as a night economy to help, gather popularity for the old city, and create a "Shinan Model" for the integration of cultural and tourism merchants with distinctive cultural characteristics, performances and beautiful regional environment.

(Reporting by Bo Keguo, client reporter of Dazhong Daily)

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