
When the flames of love burn out, only devastation remains

author:Want to get Zhou Lang Gu

How do literati pursue love?

Yu Dafu, a talented son of Jiangnan who "once rode a famous horse drunk and was afraid of being tired of beauty", met Wang Yingxia, a beautiful person who "reads at night with red sleeves and incense". Just like the romance stories of those winds and snows, the story of the talented and beautiful people stretches out in the red dust.

That year, Yu Dafu wore a new leather robe sent from Beijing by his wife Sun Quan and visited his old friend Sun Baigang. Sun Baigang has always been hospitable, and the house is often full of high friends. Yu Dafu was afraid that he would not have imagined that he would meet his sweetheart here that he would never forget.

When they first met, he was confused by Wang Yingxia's eyes that were "bright as water and a flood of autumn waves".

Yu Dafu, who has always loved beautiful people, is a vulgar man.

Although when he met Wang Yingxia, he also had a matchmaker's words and a hair-tied wife who was right at the door- the talented woman Sun Quan. He also thought of hiding in the rivers and lakes with his wife, looking for mountains and living with his wife. However, after meeting the great beauty Wang Yingxia, they all forgot.

Yu Dafu looked at Wang Yingxia's bright and moving eyes, a pair of eyes only for Wang Yingxia to wander around, he had long forgotten his intention to come to his friend's house, and he forcefully threw Sun Baigang and his wife aside and talked with Wang Yingxia in the north and south.

When the flames of love burn out, only devastation remains

Wang Yingxia once said: "When I met Yu Dafu, I was only twenty years old."

Yes, it is no wonder that the goddess is squeamishing this good age. It should be known that At that time, Wang Yingxia was the first of the four beauties in Hangzhou, and it was rumored that "the number of women in the world is Suhang, and the number of women in Hangzhou is Yingxia." "With a beautiful flower-like appearance and meeting Yu Dafu at this right age, I don't know if it is her luck or misfortune.

Immediately, the talented Yu Dafu launched a passionate pursuit of Wang Yingxia, and used his delicate and flower-like pen to write a letter of hot love and longing for Wang Yingxia.

"When I saw you this time, I was amazed at the essence of love, and I realized that my state of mind was so tense when I wanted to love my lover very passionately. Thereafter, I want to keep you in my soul forever."

"I have never loved a person like this, my love is unconditional, it can sacrifice everything, it is like a fierce fire, it must burn society, it is impossible to burn itself." 」

"For you, I would rather throw away my family, my reputation, my status, and even my life, and my love for you is finally sincere." 」

In that era when only words and faces were read, no woman could resist this sincere love story. Not to mention that it is a woman who is new to the love field, romantic and talented in her heart?

When the flames of love burn out, only devastation remains

However, the wife who was married to Yu Dafu Ming media became a pain that Wang Yingxia could not erase, and the identity of the concubine still cut her heart that loved him.

Wang Yingxia has long admired the talented Son Yu Dafu.

She had read his "Sinking", read his "Spring Breeze Drunken Night", and had been deeply attracted by his words for countless nights. Although she admired him so much, she had a married wife by his side, and there was a twelve-year age gap in the middle. What's more, Wang Yingxia, a young woman, is also a goddess in the minds of many suitors, and the suitors around her are all talented, powerful people, and want to make her a concubine, which makes her proud and delicate How can she bear this grievance?

In order to pursue Wang Yingxia, Yu Dafu racked his brains, and the love letters were sealed and densely written to Wang Yingxia. The context was hot and hot, and finally a song "Come early to the dark high-rise buildings, with the hidden name of the mountain oath whitehead, good things only worry about the heavens jealous of me, buy a five-lake boat for Junxian" captured her heart.

A glamorous wedding was witnessed by friends and family on the shores of Hangzhou's Xizi Lake.

Perhaps no matter what era this world is, as long as a man is a multi-talented and golden man, he should be three wives and four concubines, and there are countless confidants with red faces! At this time, who would pay attention to Yu Dafu's original wife, Sun Tsuen? She is an abandoned woman, and she only explains that the matchmaker is marrying the right wife.

When the flames of love burn out, only devastation remains

For some time after marriage, they were happy and sweet. Wang Yingxia was born in a beautiful family, but still put down her body to make soup for Yu Dafu's sleeves. Uddhav took good care of tuberculosis.

Yu Dafu also recorded the bits and pieces of their lives with his own clever pen. They will stroll in the West Lake, read books together, watch the sunset and sunrise together, so that the two of them will have the reputation of "immortals on the Fuchun River".

Five years later, with the arrival of the children's continuum, such a smooth and sweet feeling began to have a hidden lurking.

Yu Dafu is neglected to socialize, but Wang Yingxia is accustomed to living under the praise and gaze of everyone, she is only because of her emotional life, briefly returned to family trivia, once into Yu Dafu's words: "Wang Yingxia adheres to the famous yuan style, cloth warm vegetables and roots, not her ideal life." ”

This is how the discontent and rift of Uddhav arise, and so does the separation between husband and wife.

Just one day, when Yu Dafu returned from abroad and saw three love letters written by one of Wang Yingxia's admirers, his self-sustaining heart could no longer be suppressed, and the love he had promised to Wang Yingxia had vanished, and he spoke evilly to each other. Wang Yingxia had nothing to do in her heart, and naturally could not accept his ridicule, because Xu Shaoli, the admirer who wrote a love letter to Wang Yingxia, was the director of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education at the time, and he did not have the intention of blaspheming the goddess, he was just a deep admirer.

Therefore, a stormy incentive quarrel was staged, and Wang Yingxia ran away from home after the quarrel.

I thought that my running away from home would calm this family affair.

However, Yu Dafu, who was narrow in love, published a notice in the newspaper "Warning to Run Away" in the second weather, and made Wang Yingxia's cheating and departure from home public.

Even after being persuaded by relatives and friends, and publishing an "apology notice" in the newspaper, Wang Yingxia, who lived in the upper echelons of society and sat in the position of a goddess, was still heartbroken. The rift in their marriage was deeper, and there was no possibility of repairing it.

Once a fairy couple, now they will only quarrel over trivial things.

Trivial marriages, too. The rift that has already emerged cannot be truly restored as before because of forgiveness, because of compromise, because of the will.

Once the rift begins, it is forever engraved there. How can a broken mirror be reunited?

When the flames of love burn out, only devastation remains

The real fuse is still the ambiguous relationship between Wang Yingxia and Dai Kasa. Their marriage broke down completely.

In another fierce quarrel, Yu Dafu published "The Poetry of Destroying the Family" in the newspaper, telling the world all kinds of original tastes of Wang Yingxia, which once again made Wang Yingxia feel self-conscious. The final 12-year marriage ended dismal in Singapore.

Even after that, Yu Dafu was unforgettable for her and wanted to reconcile, but Wang Yingxia's heart was already resolutely determined to leave.

Time flies, and they later marry separately. His and her story came to an end. It turned out that the love to the point of desolation was also desolate.

Later Wang Yingxia was beautiful and long-lived. In 2000, she died in Hangzhou at the age of 92.

After Yu Dafu, she married a man named Zhong Daoxian, and for 38 years of companionship, he always regarded her as a "heart and liver", and she did her best to be kind to him, and during these 38 years, they lived a harmonious and warm life, and they stayed together for the rest of their lives. Their marriage has also been rumored to be a good story.

Once she said something like, "He (Yu Dafu) went, and he (Zhong Daoxian) went." If there had been no former him, perhaps no one would have known my name, and no one would have been interested in my life; without the latter him, the rest of my life might have been uncertain. In the midst of blandness, she spoke of her life.

In marriage, there is no need to be frightened, love has to die and live, companionship and acquaintance are the best marriages.

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