
Write an immortal epic between the white mountains and black waters

author:Guangming Daily
Write an immortal epic between the white mountains and black waters

Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army (Chinese painting) by Huang Hongtao

Write an immortal epic between the white mountains and black waters

Zhao Shangzhi Memorial Hall in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, Xinhua News Agency

【Spiritual Genealogy of Chinese Communists】

"We are the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army, the first route army that created the united army. The sound of ping-pong charging and disarming is the ironclad evidence of the victory of the revolution..." At the Memorial Hall of General Yang Jingyu in Baishan City, Jilin Province, the stirring "Military Song of the First Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army" sounded, and it was Ma Jimin, the grandson of General Yang Jingyu (formerly known as Ma Shangde), who took the lead in singing.

This year, returning to the place where his grandfather once fought, Ma Jimin not only wanted to pay tribute, but also formed the "Baishan Red Story Propaganda Group" with more than 100 revolutionary soldiers, veteran party members, experts and scholars, etc., to go down to the grassroots level to preach the red story and carry forward the spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance.

From the outbreak of the "918" incident in 1931 to the signing of the instrument of surrender by Japan on September 2, 1945, in the 14-year-long arduous struggle of blood and fire, life and death, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army led by the Communist Party of China made important contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and forged the precious spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance with ideals and beliefs.

Times change, spirit eternal. At the symposium commemorating the 75th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the great spirit of the War of Resistance is a precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese people, and will always inspire the Chinese people to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

As an important part of the great spirit of the War of Resistance, the spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition is the source of strength for the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China to win victory. In the process of promoting the comprehensive and all-round revitalization of Northeast China, it will continue to play an important role.

Save the people and survive, and serve the country loyally

"My home is on the Songhua River in the northeast, where there are forest coal mines and soybean sorghum that spreads over the mountains." When the song sounded, the picture that came to people's minds was that the rich land of the motherland was trampled by the iron hooves of the invaders.

On September 18, 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army blew up the Shenyang Wicker Lake section of the South Manchuria Railway, creating the "918" incident that shocked China and foreign countries. This was Chinese the starting point of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression against Japanese Aggression and the beginning of the World Anti-Fascist War.

Saving the Chinese Communists is the unshirkable duty of the Chinese Communists! Zhao Yimin, then a member of the Standing Committee of the Manchurian Provincial CPC Committee and director of propaganda, decided to draft a declaration overnight to express the attitude of the COMMUNIST Party of China at the first time.

On the morning of September 19, the sound of gunfire did not stop, and the Manchuria Provincial CPC Committee held an emergency meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee, after which the "Declaration of the Manchurian Provincial Committee of the CPC for the Armed Occupation of Manchuria by Japanese Imperialism" drafted and revised by Zhao Yimin was issued. "Expelling imperialism from China" led to the birth of the first declaration of the anti-fascist war in world history.

Inspired by the patriotic feelings of the Chinese communists, compatriots of all nationalities united as one, anti-Japanese guerrillas, national salvation forces, self-defense forces and other anti-Japanese detachments appeared one after another, and finally united under the call and leadership of the Communist Party of China to form the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, forming the backbone of the 14 years after the enemy.

Among the anti-Japanese coalition forces, there were countless benevolent people who destroyed their families and relieved their difficulties. Despite their different identities and occupations, they resolutely went to the battlefield and jointly resisted the Japanese Kou with the same determination, their will to serve the country loyally and bravely go to the country was the same, and the patriotic genes flowing in their blood were the same!

On December 30, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the 29th collective study of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee that patriotism is the core of the Chinese national spirit. The spirit of patriotism is deeply rooted in the hearts of the Chinese nation, is the spiritual gene of the Chinese nation, maintains the unity of all ethnic groups on the land of China, and inspires generation after generation of Chinese sons and daughters to make unremitting efforts for the development and prosperity of the motherland.

Brave and tenacious, former servants and successors

In October, the Wusihun River in Heilongjiang is rolling with waves and cool breezes. The monument towers on the riverbank, and the eight big characters of "Eight Heroic Souls Illuminate the Thousand Autumns" are solemn and solemn. In 1938, in October, which was also a chill, 8 female fighters led by Leng Yun, instructor of the Women's Regiment of the First Division of the Fifth Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance, took the initiative to attract the firepower of the Japanese puppet army in order to cover the transfer of the main force, and after the last bullet, they swore to die and threw themselves into the river arm in arm.

Of the eight female fighters, the oldest was only 23 years old and the youngest was just 13 years old. Their average age is only 19 years old, only 19 years old! In the Eight Girls Toujiang Ruins Memorial Hall, the docents have high-pitched voices and tears in their eyes.

The Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army is such an awe-inspiring steel team! Zhou Baozhong, who drafted the "Program of the Guerrilla Movement of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army to Save the Country" and swore to die to save the country; Zhao Yiman, who shouted "Down with Japanese imperialism" and "Long live the Communist Party of China" in the face of the enemy's butcher's knife; Zhao Shangzhi, who circled with the Japanese army in the snowy fields of Linhai and galloped on both sides of the Songhua River, and was called "the lion of the northern country" by his fathers and fellow countrymen in the northeast...

They fought bravely and well in the face of a brutal enemy; they followed in the interests of the people. By the time of the July 7 Incident in 1937, the Anti-Japanese Coalition Army had grown to 11 armies with more than 30,000 men.

The Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army is also the earliest, longest,and longest-lasting heroic contingent in the anti-fascist forces in China and even in various countries in the world. From 1931 to 1945, under the extremely disparity between the enemy and our forces, the northeast anti-Japanese armed forces made more than 200,000 attacks, an average of more than 52 times a day, eliminating a large number of living forces of the Japanese puppet army and writing a glorious history of the northeast anti-Japanese battlefield with blood.

On February 20, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the mobilization meeting for the study and education of party history that in the course of one hundred years of extraordinary struggle, generation after generation of Chinese communists have stubbornly struggled and struggled unremittingly, and a large number of revolutionary martyrs who regard death as their homecoming, a large number of heroes who have stubbornly struggled, and a large number of advanced models of selfless dedication have emerged.

The northeast land that nurtures the spirit of the Anti-Coalition is a fertile land where heroes are born, and the power of example continues here. The energy of faith, the great love of the heart, the spirit of selflessness, and the enterprising spirit possessed by Lei Feng, Guo Mingyi, and Luo Yang are the best portrayals of the national spirit; from Jiang Zhuying, who "is willing to be a paving stone," to Huang Danian, who "is willing to be a small wave to join the torrent of devotees," countless scientific and technological workers have turned their patriotic feelings and aspirations to serve the country into a driving force for progress; Wang Jinxi, Ma Yongshun, Wang Qimin, Liu Yongtan, and other advanced models have used wisdom and sweat to forge the history of arduous pioneering, reform, and innovation on the black soil.

Unyielding and dedicated

"Comrades come quickly to hold high the red flag of victory and swear with their blood to overthrow Japanese imperialism." The "Victory Song of the Western Expedition" composed by Yang Jingyu in that year was widely sung among the armies of the Anti-Japanese Coalition and the people of northeast China, which not only expressed the determination of the Communist Party of China to resist Japan, but also showed the heroic spirit of the soldiers of the Anti-Japanese League who were not afraid of sacrifice.

After the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in the northeast, Yang Jingyu led his troops to fight at the forefront. In February 1940, due to traitors informing, Yang Jingyu's troops were heavily besieged by japanese puppet troops. At the critical juncture, he resolutely left the hope of life to his comrades, and single-handedly circled with the enemy for 5 days and nights, and finally martyred the country. The enemy cut open his body and opened his stomach and intestines, and he could not find a single grain of grain, only undigested weeds, bark and cotton wool...

In order to have the courage to sacrifice more, dare to teach the sun and the moon for a new day. Zhao Shangzhi wrote in the poem "Ten Years of Bloody War and Striving for the Last Dynasty", "Dedicate yourself to the true glory of resisting Japan and saving the country, resist the brutality of the Wokou bandits, even if countless heroes are killed, the ten-year bloody war will still strive for the last dynasty." "I am loyal to the new homeland, full of enthusiasm for China", Zhao Yiman expressed his heroic ambition of wading through mountains and rivers and fearlessness with a poem "Lyrics by the River".

The spirit of the Anti-League, which is dipped in blood into poetry, forges ahead, and is not afraid of sacrifice, originates from the original mission of "seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation". The times have changed, the original intention has not changed, and the spirit of the Anti-League, which is not afraid of sacrifice, has a new mapping in the fight against poverty.

In September 2019, after graduating from university, Ma Chengming, the great-grandson of General Yang Jingyu, passed the selection and transfer examination and came to the last place where Yang Jingyu fought before his death, as the assistant secretary of the village party branch in Baoan Village, Jingyu Town, Jingyu County, Baishan City, Jilin Province, and undertook the work of guaranteeing 11 poor households. He said: "I want to go back to the land where my great-grandfather once fought, to dedicate my youth and blood." ”

In Bao'an Village, the village party branch and all party members formed a poverty alleviation and guarantee group to adjust the planting structure and led all 558 households and 1697 people in the village to get rid of poverty. On April 11, 2020, Jingyu County and other 9 counties (cities, districts) officially lifted themselves out of poverty, so far, all 15 poverty-stricken counties in Jilin Province have achieved poverty alleviation.

Held training courses on cadre poverty alleviation business and poverty alleviation policy knowledge, opened an online "Shangzhi Poverty Alleviation Product Column", and held on-site exhibitions... In the battle against poverty, the hot land of the War of Resistance - Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province, emancipated the mind, pioneered and innovated. The prototype of the novel "The Tempest" is The Yuanbao Village of Shangzhi City, which has long been transformed from the former "Guangzhitun" to the "Billion Yuan Village" on Xiaokang Road. In 2020, all 28 poverty-stricken counties in Heilongjiang Province were removed from the hat, and all 1778 poverty-stricken villages were listed.

In Liaoning, the internalization of the spirit of the Anti-Corruption League has become a source of struggle to encourage poverty alleviation. Focus on solving the "two worries and three guarantees", adapt to local conditions, and develop industrial poverty alleviation. In the deep mountains and dense forests of southern Liaoning, the high-quality red tourism project that re-takes the route of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War will connect the countryside into pieces and drive the vigorous development of regional industries. At the end of 2019, all 15 provincial-level poverty-stricken counties in Liaoning Province removed their hats, and 1791 poverty-stricken villages all cancelled their numbers, and the incidence of poverty dropped from 5.4% at the beginning of the establishment of the file to 0.06%.

Undaunted by difficulties and persevering

The flames are extinguished, but the memory remains. At the Memorial Hall of General Li Zhaolin in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, the walls are engraved with the "Camping Song" composed by him and his comrades-in-arms. "Shuo wind roars, heavy snow flies, the horses hesitate, and the cold air invades people and can't sleep at night." The fire roasts the chest warm, and the wind blows behind the cold. The harsh environment described in the lyrics is awe-inspiring against the heroes of the League.

From 2019 to 2021, the Memorial Hall of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army in Tonghua City, Jilin Province, received a total of 1.25 million visitors. The narrator spoke heavily about the difficulties and obstacles faced by the anti-coalition fighters: "By the winter of 1939, the Japanese Kwantung Army had reached 160,000 people, plus 84,000 puppet troops, a total of more than 240,000 people, while the Anti-League only had a few thousand people left. The Japanese army was clothed and fed, while the anti-Japanese coalition army was almost struggling on the hunger line. It was freezing cold, the snow was knee-deep, and because the camp was completely destroyed, the warriors had to camp in the snow and ice..."

In the spring of 1939, in Benxi, Liaoning Province, the anti-coalition team led by Yang Jingyu was besieged by a blizzard, and the grain and grass were exhausted. After a nearby old man knew, he carried a bag of brown rice into the mountain to find Yang Jingyu, but accidentally lost his way. Under the heavy snow, the cold wind was biting, and the old man put the bud rice under a tree before dying, and carved the words "to the anti-coalition to eat" on the tree.

"In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression against Japanese Aggression in Chinese, the Anti-Japanese Coalition struggle began earliest, lasted the longest, and had the most difficult conditions." Shi Shoulin, vice president of the Jilin Academy of Social Sciences, said: "The spirit of arduous struggle of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, which is not afraid of difficulties and perseverance, has taken deep root in the northeast land. At present, the revitalization of the northeast is in the critical stage of rolling stones up the mountain and climbing over the obstacles, and the spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance and the spirit of hard struggle are needed to gather strength for the revitalization of the northeast. ”

On September 26, the 2021 Liaoning International Investment and Trade Fair came to an end in Shenyang. 260 key enterprises from 25 countries and regions participated in the exhibition, 168 projects were successfully signed, and 269.8 billion yuan of huge investment was injected.

As the founding place of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, the initiation of the Northeast Liberation War and the support place for the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the cradle of the new Chinese automobile industry, the cradle of the new Chinese film industry and the cradle of the Chinese civil aviation industry, Jilin relies on the red resources of "three places and three cradles" to promote industrial upgrading and transformation, cultural tourism to do excellence, talent training and scientific and technological research and development go hand in hand. From 2016 to 2020, the GDP of Jilin region will increase by an average annual rate of 4.3%, reaching 1,231.1 billion yuan in 2020, an increase of 2.4%.

As the birthplace of "national treasure" enterprises such as the first electric power generation equipment enterprise and the first heavy machinery factory in New China, Heilongjiang has accelerated the transformation of the structure in recent years, the "old brand" has been rejuvenated, the "original brand" extends the industrial chain, and the "new brand" continues to gather. China Yizhong achieved a net profit increase of 94.31% year-on-year in 2020; Daqing Petrochemical reached the scale of "10 million tons of refining, million tons of ethylene"...

Solidarity and solidarity

"When Chai Shirong led the small unit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition to return to the northeast, he took a group photo with the Soviet officers who came to see him off at the Sino-Soviet border" "Some officers of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League Teaching Brigade took a group photo after the field exercise" "The Soviet Red Army sent troops to fight against Japan in northeast China"... On October 1 this year, at the special exhibition of "Northeast Anti-Coalition Spirit, Beidahuang Spirit, Daqing Spirit, and Iron Man Spirit" held by the Northeast Martyrs Memorial Hall, these groups of photos once again brought us into the long river of history.

In the world anti-fascist war, Japanese imperialism is the common enemy of China, the DPRK and Russia. In 1910, Japan annexed the Korean Peninsula. After Japan invaded and occupied northeast China, it established the puppet state of Manchukuo. In the 14 years of arduous struggle, the Korean communists, represented by Kim Il Sung, Choe Yong Kin, Kim Choe, etc., have always fought side by side with the people of northeast China.

From November 1940 to July 1942, in order to preserve the living anti-Japanese forces, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army was reorganized, and the remaining troops were transferred to the territory of the Soviet Union, and retrained in the Soviet Union.

On August 9, 1945, Soviet troops marched to northeast China. With the full support and cooperation of the anti-Japanese army and people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Japanese Kwantung Army was annihilated in one fell swoop, and the overthrow of Japanese imperialism was accelerated.

For the sake of world peace, the people of Chinese and the people of the world have jointly composed heroic triumphs, showing the internationalist spirit of "proletarians of the world, united".

Changbai Mountain stands majestically, the Liao River and Ussuri River are gushing, and the large and small Xing'an Mountains are undulating. The spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Resistance League is the spiritual flower forged by the heroic group with blood and life, and is the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese Communists.

Trekking through the long river of years, the power of the spirit is precious. Standing at the historical intersection of realizing the "two hundred years" goal, the spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Resistance League will inspire the vast number of cadres and masses to continue to forge ahead, be determined to work hard, and make new and greater contributions to the realization of the comprehensive and all-round revitalization of northeast China!

(Reporters Ren Shuang, Liu Yong, Zhang Shiying)

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