
Cultivation methods of hairy crabs

author:Seed Gang

1. Seedling selection

When choosing crab seedlings, you need to pay attention to the selection of color distribution is relatively uniform, and lively and active, the size of the body size specifications are relatively symmetrical, and the need for more sound limbs of the variety, and pay attention to observe its shell, do not have spots, no disease, and no damage to the hairy crab crab seedlings for feeding, generally such hairy crab survival rate will be very high, while its growth rate and its reproductive ability will be stronger than the general woolen line of about 15%, so the selection of crab seedlings is also a very critical step.

Cultivation methods of hairy crabs

2, stocking

Before stocking hairy crabs, crab seedlings need to be disinfected so as not to contaminate the water quality and affect the healthy growth of other crab seedlings. First of all, the crab seedlings are soaked in diluted disinfectant liquid for 1 hour, and then the water depth of the stocking is set at about 1 meter 5 or 2 meters, of which the temperature of the water should also be regulated, and the most suitable temperature for crab seedling growth is between 20 degrees and 25 degrees.

After a month, after the crab fry slowly adapts to the water temperature, it can be appropriately lowered, and the crab fry after disinfection is observed for a period of time without abnormal reaction, and then put it into the farm. Finally, the density of breeding is general, a pond can stock 300 word crab seedlings so that crab seedlings have enough room for activity, and the amount of food ingested is also relatively sufficient, which is very conducive to the growth of hairy crabs.

Cultivation methods of hairy crabs

3, seedling fattening

The most suitable season for the growth of hair crabs, you need to seize this opportunity to feed some more nutritious substances to the hairy crabs, and high-protein substances, you need to supplement the protein content of more than 35% per day, which can promote the rapid growth of hairy crabs and achieve the effect of rapid fattening.

It is generally based on plant-based foods, such as wheat, corn, and pumpkin. And other grain material feed, then in the autumn in September, that is, the key period of fattening of hairy crabs, it is necessary to add more snails, small fish, shrimp and river mussels to the farm, improve the appetite of hairy crabs and the conversion of feed, so that hairy crabs can quickly achieve the effect of fattening, and the growth is relatively fat, which can improve the output value and yield.

Cultivation methods of hairy crabs

4. Daily management

To observe the water quality in the farm at any time, good water quality is a more critical factor for the growth of hairy crabs, in the spring and autumn, the temperature of these two seasons is relatively mild, so generally half a month to change the water can be, but the summer temperature is relatively high, especially easy to breed bacteria, so about seven days need to change the water, the temperature in winter is relatively fast, it is not easy to produce diseases, so 30 days to change the water, followed by the need to disinfect the farm every 15 days.

PS (like friends a little bit of attention)

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