
Modern love stories

author:Gardener 222

Many people use passionate and direct ways to explore the path of love, but it is too fast, so it is inevitable that sometimes they will be confused, and when the real adult has a broken trace in their hearts, many loves will complete the ending in a hasty posture, the end of the bland reality, and all the rebellion and passion that have struggled have been drowned.

Modern love stories

Love may be lonely alcohol, free lust, a silent game, a dark shadow dragging behind. Marriage is a way of life rather than an ending, and love is also a way of life rather than an ideal. So for most people love can be replaced, and perhaps prefer to be replaced, as someone said, he wants to keep an eternal distance from love - a distance that will not be disappointed and destroyed. Such affectionate and hopeless persistence, wearing a mask of indifference and non-committal, is full of contradictions.

I still often think that love turns out to be very much like a firework we go to watch, the moment they bloom is full of courage and the splendor before the disillusionment, we look at it, thinking that there is so much passion in our hearts, and then the fireworks are extinguished, the night sky is silent, and we will go home, that's it.

You can choose the person you like, but there is no guarantee that you will be happily married, it is easy to get along with each other, when you fall in love, everyone is under an overhead background, no matter the chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea out of daily life, you can spend the moon before, next to the willow by the lake, you can stir the best side with the best side of each other. But marriage is life, marriage is not only supported by love, it also needs a lot of things.

The advantage of our time is that because this object was chosen by me, I will admit it right or wrong in the future, whether I am happy or unhappy, and do not complain about the world. This is a good thing, let everyone learn to be responsible for themselves, to learn how to know each other, but also to know themselves, the process is painful, this is our modern strengths, after all, people have to learn to make their own judgments, to make choices about your life, choose what you love, love what you choose, so that personality will become more and more mature.


May you and I both live as we like

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