
What should I do if the medication for psoriasis is ineffective? Doctor: These 7 drugs are extremely effective, but the side effects are greater 1, avi A2, cyclosporine 3, methotrexate 4, etanercept 5, infliximab 6, adalimumab 7, Ustekinumab

author:Ivy Pharmaceutical

As far as prescription drugs are concerned, there are many drugs and different formulations that are very effective against psoriasis, and when it becomes more aggressive, or starts to affect more systemic things, like our hearts and joints, there are many systemic drugs that can reduce the inflammatory response.

What should I do if the medication for psoriasis is ineffective? Doctor: These 7 drugs are extremely effective, but the side effects are greater 1, avi A2, cyclosporine 3, methotrexate 4, etanercept 5, infliximab 6, adalimumab 7, Ustekinumab

For mild or moderate psoriasis, topical treatment is usually the first line of defense. They appear in the form of ointments or creams and are used in the same way as lotions.

These treatments don't usually work immediately, but if they work, the results should appear in about six weeks. For people with scalp psoriasis, treatment can also include a mixture of ointment and shampoo.

This is followed by phototherapy, a treatment that involves exposure to natural light and/or artificial light. The devices used to perform such treatments often look like tanning beds, but they do function differently. Depending on the type of phototherapy, there may be risks if persisted for a long time, but milder forms are generally considered safe.

What should I do if the medication for psoriasis is ineffective? Doctor: These 7 drugs are extremely effective, but the side effects are greater 1, avi A2, cyclosporine 3, methotrexate 4, etanercept 5, infliximab 6, adalimumab 7, Ustekinumab

After other treatments have failed, tablets, capsules, and injections are usually used only in the most severe cases of psoriasis. As a last resort, systemic therapy has the potential to be extremely effective in treating psoriasis, but there is also a risk of potentially serious side effects.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" >1, Avie A </h1>

Taken orally, Avi A reduces the rate at which skin cells are produced. Usually, it is only used in severe cases of psoriasis. There are a variety of potential side effects, but the most common are dry lips/nasal passages and cracked lips. In some extreme cases, it even causes hepatitis.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="36">2</h1>

By suppressing the immune system, cyclosporine has been shown to be effective in treating all types of psoriasis. However, it may require close monitoring by a doctor as it increases the chances of developing high blood pressure and kidney disease.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" >3, methotrexate</h1>

This drug can alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis by slowing down the production of skin cells and inhibiting inflammation. It should not be taken by anyone with liver problems, and it is important not to drink alcohol while taking it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38">4 </h1>

Injected twice a week, etanercept is a potent drug with some more serious potential side effects on this list. The main side effects are only a rash at the injection site, but due to the nature of the drug and its effect on the entire immune system, there is also a risk of serious infection.

What should I do if the medication for psoriasis is ineffective? Doctor: These 7 drugs are extremely effective, but the side effects are greater 1, avi A2, cyclosporine 3, methotrexate 4, etanercept 5, infliximab 6, adalimumab 7, Ustekinumab

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" >5, infliximab</h1>

Infliximab is administered by infusion. Since it is another more effective drug that can be used to treat psoriasis, it is important to be aware of infections that may be caused by a weakened immune system. Fortunately, the most common side effect is just headaches.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" >6, adalimumab</h1>

Another treatment by injection, adalimumab, taken every two weeks, is a powerful treatment specifically designed for safe cases. Unfortunately, like other potent psoriasis medications, it weakens the entire immune system, leading to serious side effects. Patients are monitored due to the risk of side effects, and if there is no improvement, treatment will end after 16 weeks.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43">7、Ustekinumab</h1>

Ustekinumab requires much less frequent administration than other injectable alternatives. It also has similar side effects, accompanied by a weakened immune system. In addition, it can cause throat infections and rashes when injected.

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