
Brown sugar sticky rice home-made method, soft sticky sweet, ruddy color, simple to make only 4 steps [brown sugar sticky rice] production tips: Summary:


Glutinous rice as an important ingredient in life, its method has many kinds, generally we are the most common and most familiar is zongzi, in fact, glutinous rice is not only wrapped in rice dumplings delicious, its other method is also very delicious, that is today to share for everyone, brown sugar glutinous rice. (It's not easy to create, kneel down and beg for praise, if you can pay attention, thank you!) )

Brown sugar sticky rice home-made method, soft sticky sweet, ruddy color, simple to make only 4 steps [brown sugar sticky rice] production tips: Summary:

As a method of glutinous rice, brown sugar glutinous rice is not only simple and easy to make in terms of production, but also its nutritional value is also very high, of which brown sugar, red dates, goji berries, raisins are all good tonics. Especially in the special period of girls, eating some brown sugar sticky rice is also very good for the body. Friends who are weak and have just recovered from a long illness can also eat in moderation, because these ingredients are easy to absorb tonics.

Brown sugar sticky rice home-made method, soft sticky sweet, ruddy color, simple to make only 4 steps [brown sugar sticky rice] production tips: Summary:

We can also eat some, the body is very good, if the family comes to relatives and friends, make some brown sugar glutinous rice, not only high-end atmosphere has face, and its taste is also very delicious, guests also like, of which the sweet taste can make people feel happy. Having said so much about the benefits of "brown sugar glutinous rice", let's take a look at the production method of this high-end atmosphere, simple and delicious and nourishing "brown sugar glutinous rice".

Brown sugar sticky rice home-made method, soft sticky sweet, ruddy color, simple to make only 4 steps [brown sugar sticky rice] production tips: Summary:

<h1>【Brown sugar sticky rice】</h1>

【Ingredients】: Glutinous rice

【Seasoning】: dates, brown sugar, goji berries, raisins

——【Production Method】——

Step 1: Wash the glutinous rice in advance and soak it overnight. Red dates, goji berries, raisins, wash well in advance and set aside.

Brown sugar sticky rice home-made method, soft sticky sweet, ruddy color, simple to make only 4 steps [brown sugar sticky rice] production tips: Summary:

Step 2: Prepare an empty bowl, then dip some cooking oil with a brush and brush the bottom of the bowl evenly.

Brown sugar sticky rice home-made method, soft sticky sweet, ruddy color, simple to make only 4 steps [brown sugar sticky rice] production tips: Summary:

Step 3: After brushing the bowl with oil, add dates, raisins, goji berries, then lay a layer of soaked glutinous rice, then press with a spoon, and then add a layer of brown sugar and press again. Then add the dates, raisins, goji berries, glutinous rice, brown sugar and press again, then add the right amount of water without the ingredients.

Brown sugar sticky rice home-made method, soft sticky sweet, ruddy color, simple to make only 4 steps [brown sugar sticky rice] production tips: Summary:

Step 4: Add an appropriate amount of water to the steamer, then put the bowl full of ingredients into the steamer, and the steamer starts to steam for 50 minutes.

Brown sugar sticky rice home-made method, soft sticky sweet, ruddy color, simple to make only 4 steps [brown sugar sticky rice] production tips: Summary:

<h1>Making Tips:</h1>

1, glutinous rice must be soaked in advance overnight, so that glutinous rice is fully soaked in water, so that it will be easier to cook thoroughly when steaming.

2, because everyone's taste is different, glutinous rice after a night of soaking, in the steaming glutinous rice does not need to add too much water, if you like to eat hard or soft friends, you can add water according to your own needs.

3, remember to brush the bowl with a little oil, so that it will be easier to pour brown sugar glutinous rice into the dish after it comes out of the pan.


Although brown sugar glutinous rice is delicious and nutritious, remember diabetes, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, friends should not eat. During the production process, the amount of ingredients and brown sugar can be added according to their own situation and taste.

That's all about how to make "brown sugar sticky rice", I wonder what you think about this dish? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and discuss it together.

Thank you all for watching! Thank you!

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