
Fried sauce noodles, why eat so disturbing?

author:AI movie watching

I am this person, no smoke and no alcohol, eat not pick, nothing else, I like to eat fried sauce noodles, strong hand-rolled noodles cooked and fished up, poured with red and bright fried sauce, delicious and salty, and then accompanied by cucumbers, toon, bean sprouts and other seasonal dishes, a mouthful of noodles, a bite of garlic, that is called a beauty!

A few years ago, "garlic" you fierce, "ginger" you army, the price of repeated bombardment, eat noodles do not eat garlic, the taste is less than half, who let themselves love this bite, I eat!

Who could have imagined that "African swine fever" came uninvited, the second master brother soared into the sky, eating meat is simply cutting meat, the price of onions is not far behind, a vigorous forward "onion", alas, I eat less! [Shy]

It was not easy, the marshal of the canopy came to the mortal world, the pork was free, the onion, ginger, and garlic were still stable, and I was secretly happy in my heart and prepared to eat it. Excitedly fried the sauce, cooked the noodles, peeled the garlic, but found that NND, the dish code could not afford to eat! [Stunned]

Why is this fried sauce noodles so disturbing that they don't make people happy to eat noodles!?

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