
Pu Songling studied the persistent life of the first man road wilderness

author:Qilu one point

Author: Jiangzhou Wanderer

On the evening of January 4, 2019, the third episode of the fifth season of CCTV4's "Remember Nostalgia" aired "Quancheng Old Street - The Wind of the Weeping Willow Gentleman in Quancheng", in which when telling the story of old Jinan, a person was mentioned, this person is known as the "first person in Chinese Puxue research" Lu Dahuang, whose former residence is located on Jinan's famous Qushuiting Street, so he had the idea of visiting, but because the Spring Festival was approaching to go to Shanghai for the New Year, he could not go. On the third day after returning to Jinan on May 2, it was during the "May Day" holiday, so I did not hesitate to go.

<h3>8 Qushuiting Street</h3>

Lu Dahuang's former residence is located at No. 8 Qushuiting Street, Jinan City, and the spring water flowing from the Wangfu Pond in front of the door flows slowly through and flows into Baihuazhou Lake not far away. During the "May Day" period, tourists are weaving, bustling, many young people pass by when turning their heads to look at the words "Road Wilderness Former Residence" on the lintel, perhaps do not understand who the road wilderness is, they walked over, and some went to the door to probe, to see if it was very forced inside and turned their heads and left.

And I'm here for it.

To tell the truth, the courtyard door of Lu Dahuang's former residence is really inconspicuous, ordinary can not be more ordinary, but if you look carefully, see a piece of horse stone hidden next to the moon flower, you can estimate that this family is not ordinary, if you seriously read the couplet on the gate "a stream of curved water is full of wells, twenty books nest notes Liaozhai", you can realize that Mr. Dahuang and "Liaozhai" must have an indissoluble relationship, and at the same time will surge up the heart to want to go in and see.

But after reading it, it must not be satisfied, because in addition to a sign on the courtyard wall of "Introduction to the Life of Lu Dahuang" and several bungalows, other furnishings are not related to Mr. Lu Dahuang, and the former residence has now been transformed into a "leisure bar" in the course of historical changes, mainly tea. When I entered, there were several young tea guests discussing tea. The items on display inside are full, mostly old items that have been retired in the past forty or fifty years. The owner of the shop was a middle-aged owner, and when I asked him if he was a descendant of Mr. Lu, he said he had nothing to do with him.

According to relevant information, Mr. Lu Dahuang lived here from 1951 until his death on June 6, 1972, where he lived for 21 years.

Road wilderness, name Hongzao, character Lisheng, also known as Kasa sheng, number of the wilderness. On February 18, 1895 (the 24th day of the first lunar month), he was born in an ordinary poet family in Caiyuan Village, Zichuan County ,Zichuan County,Shandong Province (now Zichuan District, Zibo City). He died on June 6, 1972 (the 25th day of the fourth lunar month) at the age of 77.

He joined the League in his early years and participated in the famous May Fourth Movement, vowing not to participate in Japanese and pseudo-japanese work during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. He devoted his life to the study of Pu Songling's life and works, and was the first famous scholar in China to organize and publish the Complete Works of Liaozhai and was known as "the first person to study Pu Songling in the twentieth century".

<h3>A life of attachment</h3>

Mr. Lu Dahuang's persistent life can be divided into three stages.

The first stage, before 1936, was in the hometown of Zichuan. From his 20s, he began to pay attention to collecting the original manuscripts and manuscripts of the works of his fellow villager Pu Songling. While making a living, he devoted himself to the collection and collation of Pu Songling's works and the study of Pu Songling's life, and in 1936, he was introduced by a friend and published the "Complete Works of Liaozhai" edited by him under the supervision of the Shanghai World Bookstore. The book contains more than 290 articles, more than 350 poems, and 10 kinds of slang songs. The first issue of the volume contains his own "Chronology of Mr. Pu Liuquan", lineage, birth year examination, etc. This was the largest and most informative edition in the publishing history of Pu Songling's works at that time, which had a wide impact at home and abroad, marking a new starting point for Puxue research and laying a solid foundation for Mr. Ohra's position in Puxue research. This is also the first peak of Mr. Lu Dahuang's "Pu Xue" research.

The second stage, from 1937 to the liberation of Jinan in 1948. Due to the publication and distribution of the "Complete Works of Liaozhai", it has attracted the attention of scholars at home and abroad. At the end of 1937, the Japanese army invaded China and captured Zichuan County, in order to plunder the Lu family's collection of books and precious Pu Songling manuscripts, the enemy and puppet government first imposed favorable conditions on Mr. Dahuang, knighted him, and invited him out of the mountain, but Mr. Dahuang sternly refused. The Japanese were so angry that they wanted them. At the same time, a strict search was carried out on Mr. Dahuang's ancestral house, and all the cultural relics, calligraphy, paintings, and ancient books and rare books that Mr. Dahuang had not had time to transfer were snatched away, and before leaving, a fire burned down the house.

The road that had been guarded against for a long time had been transferred out before the Japanese Kou searched, and some of them were secretly hidden in the wall of Boshan's cousin's house, and some other precious copies were hidden in the walls of the old man's home of his student Zhang Mou's father-in-law, Tian Mingguang. Unexpectedly, Rikou still searched Mr. Dahuang's collection of books and tracked down Tian Mingguang's old man's home, and the old man refused to admit that there was a collection of books in the Youlu family, and was actually killed by Rikou. In Mr. Lu Dahuang's view, keeping these manuscripts is also guarding the context of the country, which is as important as the warriors guarding the land.

Mr. Lu Dahuang, who was wanted by the Japanese Kou, had to hide his name and come to Jinan to live in seclusion in Qiuliuyuan Street on the shore of Daming Lake. During this time, his life was very unstable, and he sometimes made a living selling calligraphy and paintings or doing antique business, and his life was very poor. But he still did not forget to collect Pu Songling's anthology. Once, he found a 6-volume "Liaozhai Anthology" in the "JuwenZhai" on Qushuiting Street, and he liked it very much, but he was shy, so he had to find a way to borrow it home and copy it day and night.

During this time, Mr. Lu Dahuang maintained his national integrity without fear of strong enemies, and at the same time, he used the ancient method of "Lubi Library" to preserve the precious Pu Songling manuscript. According to his granddaughter's recollection, Mr. Dahuang was sad and indignant whenever he saw the collection of books stored by the elderly Tian Mingguang, and always thought that only by making achievements in the study of Pu Xue could he live up to the deep kindness of the elderly Tian Mingguang, and he believed that the publication of the "Pu Songling Collection" in 1962, the elderly Tian Mingguang should be the first to do. These Pu Songling manuscripts were later donated by Mr. Lu Dahuang to the Shandong Provincial Library and became the treasure of the town hall of Shantu.

The third stage, from the liberation of Jinan to his death. After the liberation of Jinan in the autumn of 1948, the people's government successively appointed Mr. Lu Dahuang as the chairman and deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Book Collation Committee and the deputy director of the Shandong Provincial Editorial Committee for the Collation of Pu Songling's Works. During this period, he attached great importance to the collation, rescue and protection of Shandong's cultural relics and cultural heritage, participated in the investigation of the "Great Wall of Qi" and wrote the "Memorandum on the Survey of the Great Wall of Qi", at the same time, that is, in this small room on Qushuiting Street, he devoted himself to the study, collation and publication of the "Pu Songling Collection", which includes poems, fu, piaowen, prose, slang songs, And Yang Lian, etc., a total of 1.23 million words, which is the second peak of his "Pu Xue" research life. It also provides valuable information for those who study Pu Songling and his writings.

During the ten years of unrest, Mr. Lu Dahuang was also treated unfairly. In September 1980, the Shandong Provincial Bureau of Culture restored his reputation.

Mr. Lu Dahuang has been influenced by his family since childhood, and he has studied hard and has a high degree of achievement in cultural relics archaeology, version identification, calligraphy and painting seal engraving. He can write and draw, especially mei. It is also a good seal, which can be described as versatile. And good at martial arts, which is rare in the cultural and artistic circles. These authors only see the text introduction on the Internet, hoping that one day, his former residence can be opened into a showroom, so that visitors can see both words and physical objects, and more comprehensively and systematically understand the life of Mr. Lu Dahuang.

(One Point No. Qingwei Literature)

The content of this article is published by the author of One Point and does not represent the position of Qilu One Point.

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