
Tao Yuanming is not good at musical rhythm, and when he is happy, he caresses the "stringless piano", is this the reason for making a mistake?

author:Zi Qian reads

Qing Ji Xiaolan has a group of articles called "Ji Commentary on Su Poems", which is to annotate, comment and explain Su Shi's poems. One of them wrote to the effect that Su Shi had written four sentences casually, which were not poems, and were collected in Su Shi's works, so what genre should it be?

Su Shi's "Qin Poem" was written by the poet after hearing people play the piano:

If there is a sound on the piano, why not put it in the box? If the voice is on the finger, why not listen to the king's finger?

Su Shi's small poem, which is also two questions, is actually full of a philosophical thinking, saying: without people playing, the piano itself cannot make a sound; without the piano played; people's fingers cannot make sounds. Only when people play the piano will they produce pleasant music.

This shows that everything in the world is interdependent and intermingled. People can't do without things, things can't leave people, and the organic combination of heaven and earth and people is a harmonious world. Su Shi himself is a great writer full of philosophy, after hearing the beautiful piano sound, issuing such thinking and sighing, it may be difficult for others to imagine, for Su Dongpo, this is too normal, otherwise where there is a wonderful verse of "I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, only because I am in this mountain".

Tao Yuanming is not good at musical rhythm, and when he is happy, he caresses the "stringless piano", is this the reason for making a mistake?

Through thinking about the sound of the piano, there is also a famous allusion in ancient times, called the stringless piano. This allusion is about Tao Yuanming.

Tao Yuanming is not good at music, but he placed a piano without strings at home, and every time he drank and partyed, when he was happy, he stroked and played it to express his interest. Obviously, there is no piano sound popping up, what is the pinning? It seems that this realm is very high! According to some of the current accounts, is it mysterious?

In fact, the allusion of the stringless piano is that there are very few people who understand the true meaning, the meaning is elegant, different customs, and it is possible to understand the sound outside the string, not necessarily to play the sound. But the piano is interesting, and He Lao's strings are sounded. This allusion also reflects the deep meaning of Tao Yuanming's retreat.

Su Shi's piano poems and Tao Yuanming's stringless pianos have a deep meaning of a kind of philosophical thinking sent by the ancients to the world, and there is no standard answer, which lies in the experience and understanding of each person at different stages.

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