
Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

author:Lan Yun

Many people have asked me, Mr. Wei, along the way, it is not easy, you have suffered a lot.

To be honest, since I was 17 years old, dropped out of high school in my second year of high school, and at the age of 19, I obeyed the arrangement of my parents to marry the second generation of farmers in the next village, and after my baby was divorced by others, after sweeping the floor out of the house, I chose to drift north in order to escape ridicule...

Along the way, I didn't really feel much bitter.

Especially physical suffering, in my opinion, is not bitter, after all, since I was a child, I have followed my father to farm and raise pigs, and physical work is used to doing. On the contrary, these bitternesses, whenever they are exchanged for achievements, followed by a happy mood, full of sweetness.

It's just that the pain in my soul really takes a lot of effort to swallow.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

Those who are ridiculed by those around them like fools, scornful eyes, treated impatiently, reprimanded, deliberately pitted, deliberately made bad, and ruthlessly betrayed by Zhao Bo and Honghong...

These are the real sufferings.

The body was slashed, at most it hurt for a few days, leaving a scar, just fine.

When you're well, you'll forget how it hurt.

But the wounds in the heart will never heal.

From time to time, in occasional free moments, seizures occur. Ulceration and pus, followed by pain into the bone marrow. In the darkness of the night, bandage alone, lick and lick.

Coming from a remote rural area, I don't have much insight and experience in dealing with people, so I have a lot of shortcomings in the relationship between people.

Therefore, whenever I encounter some interpersonal destruction and squeeze, I am particularly uncomfortable, not to mention that doing business is a road that must be tested and understood.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million


Since the company's A round of financing, the company has expanded rapidly, and as a leader, my personal shortcomings and disadvantages have gradually emerged.

As I said earlier, I will listen to whoever is excellent, and in decision-making, I often feel that I am a part-time worker, and the employees are the boss. Teacher Kun said that I was doing nothing.

In fact, on the other hand, it is also a manifestation of my soft ears and soft heart.

Because of this weakness, the first person to take advantage of this was my mother.

After my relatives in my hometown, the children of the seven aunts and eight aunts, were arranged by their mothers to be stuffed into our company, they did not think about me like my mother said, and looked at the company for me, but they were lazy and slippery, dogs were popular, and often fished for black money.

They saw me respectfully and respectfully, touted me as a capable and successful family leader, and when they looked back, they did not obey the management of the company, either late for work or unable to complete the prescribed performance.

Among them, the most representative is my brother-in-law.

When he was at work, he openly organized the logistics leaders, played cards, and drank. Someone stopped him, and he actually said, you go to my sister-in-law and say go, you are old. Total contempt for company rules and regulations.

Everyone who comes out of the mix is a human spirit, everyone knows that he is a real relative of mine, who will touch the mold head and really come to me.

In this way, over time, the atmosphere of dissatisfaction among the employees at the bottom of the company gradually spread.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

The second person to take advantage of my weakness is Zhou Yu.

He runs the so-called brand department, hangs on the name of a vice president of the company, spends millions of dollars a year on a budget, and disappears all day. Every time he was at a critical time, he couldn't be found, only one of his men came out to carry things. When asked, he said that he had dinner with the president of so-and-so cooperation, or that he was playing golf with so-and-so fashion media and attending a cocktail party.

The whole company knew he was my boyfriend, so no one dared to ask about his whereabouts.

And we were in a relationship for more than three years, because he said that the family discipline was strict, so he never officially lived together, he always occasionally came to my place to stay with me for a few nights, and then said that he was home.

As long as he was with me, he talked about the company's branding, planning, how much effort he put into it, always like he really thought about me and the company, and was very warm to me in all aspects, so I never doubted anything.

But the capital does not recognize the account, A round of investors are large enterprises, supported several brands listed, the overall company planning and management are very professional, they evaluated all of our senior management, Zhou Yue is particularly dissatisfied, think that he has no relevant experience in brand building, two before doing things Mediocre results, and there is no system, arbitrariness is too strong.

After a while, the investor strongly demanded to replace Zhou Yu, but I insisted that I did not agree.

Because I talked to him, he didn't want to move the place, said that he liked the brand piece, and wanted to make a big brand with one hand.

Second, I think the investor may mind that he is my boyfriend, not that he is really incompetent.

At that time, I actually did not find that I was controlled by the love brain, and his so-called good was entirely because of my selfishness towards him.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

People, once you have done a high position, your weakness will be infinitely magnified, and the chain reaction brought about by it is also something you cannot avoid.

Not long after, because of the negligence of one of my relatives, the warehouse caught fire, and the loss was close to hundreds of thousands. Not long after, there was another low-level employee taking sides, the two sides made physical contact, were taken away by the police, and locked up for three days, and the lawyer took a lot of effort to finally get it out.

In the top management, Wang Shi, Yu Cen, Chen Si, and the operation executives sent by the investors, several people at the same time told me that it was more and more difficult for Zhou, saying that the so-called brand advertising and activities he invested in did not bring any performance growth, and there was no increase in brand effect, and it was suspected that he had made black money.

Because of the fan economy deployed by Yu Cen before, the sales volume that allowed us to channel traffic to the store through WeChat members increased greatly, and various membership plans were also the first driving force for growth.

Indeed, on the surface, Zhou Yu's so-called brand promotion has not played a role.

I was confused and deliberately intended to defend him a few words, so I dragged on these arguments without giving a clear statement.

When my head was a mess, one night, Zhou Yu said that he wanted to surprise me and gave me a very high-end restaurant address.

My heart was pounding, and I wondered if he was going to propose to me. Instantly, I was filled with joy. I thought, if we get married, it will be better that he can choose to leave the company, help him open a photography studio, and be his own boss as before.

I pulled out the best clothes and dressed them up to the appointment.

As a result, I found that he was introducing the boss of an advertising company to me, eating the whole meal, all the bosses were in Amway, let me vote for their ads, only 5 million can guarantee the rate of return or something. Zhou Yu helped on the side, saying that it was worth voting for Barabala.

I ate tastelessly.

After the meal, Zhou Yu said to send me home, I said I want to walk around the neighborhood, you accompany me.

We walked to the back sea, the evening wind blowing, but my heart was restless. Finally I couldn't help it, and asked, Zhou Yu, when are we going to get married?

He seemed visibly stunned.

Doesn't seem ready to answer that question.

Immediately, he said in a relaxed tone, Hey, we are still so young, what a hurry.

My heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

I was no longer as stupid as Zhao Bo was then, and asked him mockingly, if you want to marry me, you can reject me very early. After so many years, you don't reject me, what are you waiting for?

He got impatient and said, Lin Weiwei, what's wrong with you, do you doubt my love for you?

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

After A big fight with Zhou Yueda, the next day, the third day, I didn't have much energy at work.

One day at noon, I was about to drink some coffee to refresh my mind, when suddenly, Sister Lan came in with a suitcase.

I was taken aback.

I asked Sister Lan why she didn't say hello and suddenly came back, what happened?

Sister Lan took a sip of water, fixed her mind, and said that I came back on the fastest flight, otherwise I was afraid that something would happen to you.

I wondered, what can I do?

Before Sister Lan could speak, Chen Si and Yu Cen entered the room and locked the door back.

I was even more amazed.

Chen Si looked at Sister Lan, and Sister Lan nodded and said, Show it to Wei Wei.

Chen Si came over and took a notebook and opened a Weibo. When I looked, it was a photographer's account Weibo, which was full of very large-scale photos of young and beautiful girls, dressed in bikinis.

The location of the photo is basically the girl's home, in various beds, bathtubs, etc., the posture is seductive, the look is feminine. There are more than 100 girls filmed.

Because they are all large-scale photos, they are very eye-catching, and this blogger has hundreds of thousands of fans. Many people asked him why he could shoot so many beautiful women, and asked him whether these girls paid for him or used their bodies as money.

I asked, who is this? What are you doing showing me this picture?

Chen Si said that this is a photography blogger on the Internet, specializing in photographing the bodies of young girls on a large scale. The identity behind this blogger is Zhou Yu.

You can see if you look at the private message of his account.

Immediately, Chen Si clicked into the inside of the account, and a large number of Weibo private messages were exposed in front of my eyes. It was all Zhou Yu and the young girl's flirtations, and various indecent photos of the bed.

Counting, extrapolating from the chat records on Weibo, at least he has had relationships with dozens of girls.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

My head buzzed.

Reluctantly took a sip of coffee to calm down.

Sister Lan looked at me with a bad face and said, Wei Wei, you don't care about Chen Si, this is not the first thing he knows, nor is it the first thing he found.

I said, Sister Lan, I know, I'll break up with him right away and then let him leave the company, I'm fine.

Sister Lan sighed and said it wasn't that simple.

The first person to find out was the investor, who quietly collected a lot of evidence and had already reported it to the investor. Zhou Yu he was outside, borrowing his identity as the vice president of our Lanwei enterprise, hooking up with beautiful little mm, saying that he let them endorse, choose models, and secretly unspoken rules for these girls.

Not only that, but now the investor has some evidence that his advertising campaign has eaten a large kickback, and this investor suspects that you instructed him to do this in order to launder money from the company.

I was completely dumbfounded.


So, Lan Jie said, the investors asked you to go down, and they found a CEO to replace you.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

Later, I forgot what I said to Sister Lan, and I forgot how to send her back to the hotel (she came back quietly, she didn't want to bother her parents, and wanted to get everything done and go back to her parents).

In my head, just a word, why? Why did Zhou Yu do this to me?

Over the years, I have become accustomed to saving myself, almost no cost, and the actual money I earned was either sent to my parents or spent on Zhou Yue. Buying a car, buying a camera, going abroad to play, and various gifts from his parents for the New Year's Day are basically paid for by me. The rest of the money is also on Zhou Yu's card.

It's not that I have the heart to raise a small white face, but I remember the words of my parents, looking for a husband, I want both husband and wife to work hard together and take more care of the face of the big man outside.

Although I am engaged in some advanced Internet industry, in my mind, I still have the ancient human morality, the husband as the wife, and the needs of men as the most important.

But I never expected that again and again to pay, again and again to really entrust, each time in exchange for betrayal. Why is that?

For a few more days, Zhou Yu didn't come to the company, didn't go to my place, and I didn't call.

Sister Lan told me that after her mediation, the investors have temporarily lost a lot of anger, she has also made a package ticket, trust my character, and Zhou Yu's bad deeds must have nothing to do with me.

Now the investor is asking him to leave the company as soon as possible.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

Another day later, Zhou yue came to work, and with big black circles under his eyes, I silently went to his office and said that I would come to my house after work and talk together.

He also said with a hippie smile that Wei always didn't miss me.

Not surprisingly, originally I just wanted to say goodbye calmly, but then I pestered, and I had a big fight with Zhou Yue, and I asked him if he had ever loved me.

It may be that the secret was suddenly punctured, and to the point where everyone knew it, he was a little embarrassed and angry.

He sneered and said, you are a woman in the countryside of Henan, divorced with a child, who has not even studied in a university, and the poor people in the family are all pig dung, and I am a Beijing family, a person with a glorious ancestor? Do you feel a match?

I felt humiliated like never before.

I howled and asked, then you used to say that I am better than others, don't be inferior or something, is it false? Why are you with me?

Zhou Yu said, think for yourself, you think of why, why. If you want me to leave the company, at least give me 1 million, otherwise, you don't dream.

I suddenly understood that the more a person emphasizes not caring, in fact, the more he may care, but he refuses to admit it, and people are often so divided.

Just like some people laughed at some people for showing off their wealth, in fact, they only stabbed his own poor self-esteem.

I have not dealt with the problem of Zhou Yu because I am afraid that I will look at the wrong person again, I am afraid that I will be hurt again, and I will fail again, but I am afraid of what will come.

And Zhou Yu, at all, does not value birth and class, does not value whether I am married, does not value money, this is all false, he simply cares about these things the most, and everything with me is just for money and false fame.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

For several days, I didn't go to the company, and Sister Lan accompanied me.

Zhou Yu went to work with a big wave, looking like you can help me.

But he did not have long to be arrogant, and the investors came to threaten him, showed him the evidence, and said that he was not only cooperating with the investigation, but also going to jail.

This guy couldn't get up, and he slipped up to pack up his things and greet him and left without hitting.

Not long after, the human resources issued an announcement of absenteeism, walked through the procedure, and terminated the labor relationship with him.

But this is not the end, this time let him feel the blow and shame that he has never had before, and soon, he was angry, through the industrial and commercial taxation, reported that our company evaded taxes.

One day the tax collectors rushed in and seized all the ledgers, computers, warehouses and supplies, saying they would investigate thoroughly.

Wang Shi kept apologizing and blaming myself, saying that she had introduced Zhou Yu and didn't know he was such a person. I can't stand it or something.

The company was panicked and shaken, and I couldn't continue to be decadent, after all, more than 100 people were waiting to eat. So I struggled and went to the company to deal with the problem.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

After several months of tossing and turning, the tax industry and commerce did not find out the big problems, and found that we are indeed a serious industrial and Internet enterprise. Only a few minor faults were found and fined.

Investors are not willing, they want to send Zhou Yue into the bureau, saying that such a big loss must always be borne by someone and pay a price. I said it badly, and they dispelled this idea.

And after a series of betrayal blows, and corporate crises, I suddenly fell ill.

I feel like people all over the company are talking about my emotional jokes.

My illness is also some headaches and colds, and I feel that it is just a small problem, which is caused by psychological discomfort.

But after getting better, others repeatedly asked me to do a systematic physical examination, and as the head of a company that rushed forward at full speed, my body was not only my own, but also the company's.

That day I received a medical examination card from my friend and went to the medical examination center as promised.

I usually don't want to go to the hospital at all, and the physical examination is in my head, just a lot of people queuing up noisily, and then the smoke miasma ends.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

But when I experienced this physical examination, I realized why people should be human beings.

This medical examination center is located in the CBD, and when I entered the door, I found that it was a high-end office building, which looked like luxurious decoration and layout.

There was a special front desk lady who took me to the shower and change clothes.

In fact, this is the first time I have experienced such a high-end physical examination, and it turns out that I can still take a bath for free.

After taking a shower, give me a thick and comfortable bathrobe and tell me not to worry, the whole floor is full of female guests. I wanted to laugh when I put it on, and I thought I was in the sauna center.

Then the special lady took me to draw blood, and a nurse greeted me first, and then easily comforted me and said quickly, like a child.

In this way, I was led, all the way through the order. All the examining doctors will say hello first, and then explain the situation to me gently and carefully while examining.

Not long after, my project was tested, and the guide lady took me to the cafeteria, where Chinese and Western food were mixed, which was worse than the cafeteria of the five-star hotel.

After eating, I arranged for me to go to a special senior room to change clothes and rest, and the physical examination I thought was completely different concepts.

If it wasn't for the card given to me by a friend, I wouldn't have known that this is how rich people enjoy it.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

Although the physical examination experience was very good, I had a heavy heart, because the B ultrasound doctor said that I had a thyroid problem and told me to go to a high-end hospital and find a specialist.

I didn't go, dragged until the New Year, and after the spring, the summer began, and after all the big things and small things were handled, I went to the hospital for follow-up. Originally, the capital had doubts about my ability to run the company, they prefer people who graduated from prestigious universities and had various halo glittering titles, I gambled, and I could not let them look down.

My test results were very bad, thyroid cancer.

Although the doctor reassured me that this was a cancer with a high chance of survival, it was a cancer after all, and I was like a thunderbolt.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

I took a long vacation and began to reflect on my experiences.

I just think that God is fair, the water is full and overflowing, the moon is full and the loss is complacent, the self-esteem is foolish, maybe this is God reminding me, don't want anything, I am lucky enough.

When I learned that I had cancer, the reactions were interesting.

Lan Jie was eager to care, and entrusted someone to find the best surgical expert in this area.

The relatives in the family who worked in my company quickly reached an agreement with me, one of them took a compensation payment and left, no longer relying on mixed food, they did not understand, thinking that cancer would definitely die, and once I died, they would not get any benefits.

My sister and brother-in-law, before I said that I would ask them to go back to their hometown to do business in the city, they refused. Now that I have heard that I am seriously ill, Ai Ai's expression of the period is that he is willing to go back. It's not interesting in Beijing, the children are separated from each other.

I took the previous dividend, hundreds of thousands of cash to my sister, and the two of them went back.

And my mother and father, after a while of anxious crying on the phone, also calmed down.

Intentionally or unintentionally, my mother asked me where my money usually existed, and I really wanted to lose it in the future, how to deal with things... To give the sister more money, after all, in the future, you will also point to the sister to provide for the elderly, and the child will also be entrusted to the sister. He sighed and said that there still had to be a boy in the family, and the girl couldn't do it after all...

I suddenly felt that everything in this world was boring.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

After my surgery, my sister came from home to take care of me, and to my surprise, she also brought obedience.

The eldest girl who is obedient is already 12 years old and is in junior high school. This time she cried and said that she was going to take care of her mother, no way, her sister brought her.

Over the years, I have had no contact with the obedient, and I dare not even face her in my heart. Because she represents the cowardly, stupid me of the past.

And when I think of her, I think of my ex-husband, I think of the years that I have had that have left me speechless, and the unhappiness of the marriage and love she has brought me, although I do not admit it, I must hate her in my heart.

So I only give money and don't care much.

But the arrival of this obedience made me suddenly find a truth that was contrary to my cognition: there may be parents in the world who do not love their children, but there are very few children who do not love their parents.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

Obediently did not have the past I did not care about her and separation of the half a point of complaint, but has been saying, Mother these years you for grandma and me, too hard, tired like this, in the future do not work hard, do not get sick anymore, our family's money is enough to spend. When I go to college, I'll raise you later...

Every day, she skillfully went into the kitchen to cook, fry Chinese medicine, help my sister sort out the housework together, accompany me to the hospital for follow-up consultation, and tell me funny things about classmates and tell me small jokes.

When I took the medicine and vomited, she made the pills very small, broke the large pills open and turned them into small particles, and cut the fruit pieces at the same time, so that I could take the medicine and eat the fruit.

She said Mom, don't be afraid, I ate like this when I was a child, so that it wouldn't be bitter.

I couldn't sleep with a headache, so she massaged my scalp until late at night, and I woke up in the middle of the night to find her sleeping next to my pillow, I don't know how long it was pressed.

I burst into tears.

I searched for half my life, found someone to love me, and gave me all that I could give, but I never expected that what I really loved was this child that I had been ignoring and hating for 12 years.

I threw her at home, didn't fulfill the slightest mother's responsibility, didn't give her a hug, didn't change her diapers, didn't help her write her homework...

But now, when I was most vulnerable, it was she who really paid without a little hesitation and calculation.

I slapped myself a few times and vowed to love her for the rest of my life.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

After I recovered from my illness, I changed from the previous shabby and simple, directly near a private middle school, rented a large house, and hired a live-in nanny.

I contacted everyone's relationship and tried my best to send obediently to a private middle school in Beijing.

I told everyone that this was my daughter and that she was going to stay with me from now on. I myself have made plans to not get married again.

I no longer evade, nor do I avoid talking about the past, often in and out of the company, I also take the obedient with her, let her learn interpersonal relationship handling in advance, learn the operation of the enterprise, at the same time, also see how I work, how to make money.

I thought she was very unaccustomed, and who knew that it would not be long before she adapted to life in Beijing. And her academic performance is also good, the teacher said that she was naturally smart.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

In 2018, the company's Series B was introduced, and our brand is already a new logo that stands out. There are also 12 specialty stores in the north, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen.

At this time, everyone was very confident and talking about going public.

After this financing, the three capitals together felt that I was not suitable as CEO, because they wanted a better packaging company, and I also felt that my limitations could not steer the company.

But the company is the painstaking effort of me and Lan Jie and so on, and the old employees do not want me to let go.

After several rounds of negotiations, Lan Jie finally decided to return to take charge of the company.

I am the chairman, she is the CEO, the company's development and performance burden, fell on Lan Jie's head.

The employees are very happy, because Lan Jie is at the helm and I am the same, and I have not let the capital take away, and I am still at ease.

In 2019, not long after the B round, because the company's flow has been very good, a large listed clothing company came to talk about acquisitions, and wanted to expand their market value by acquiring us.

In other words, if the acquisition is completed, we can also be regarded as a backdoor listing.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

I discussed with Sister Lan repeatedly, she said, the current financing so many times, if it is acquired, it is also a good thing, with our ability, and so many shareholders at present, it is difficult to be a completely own business.

After more than half a year of negotiations, the acquisition plan was finalized.

For a time, we are already very sure that according to the current market value, 2 years after the completion of the acquisition, the stock lifting period will be opened, and Lan Jie and I will have at least 100-300 million yuan of funds per person.

I have become a successful entrepreneur in the entrepreneurial circle of the capital circle, especially my background, which adds to the legendary color. Everyone else's business is a 9-1 win, but I've been a successful person in one fell swoop.

By this time the acquisition was completed, I had dismissed all of my duties in the company and was only a holder of the shares. After I left all my duties, I ate and slept at home, slept and ate, and no one answered the phone.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

At night, I did nothing to drive the newly bought Maserati (I was tricked by Wang Shi into buying it, not to say that it was good-looking), passing by Xidan, I saw the shop of me and Lan Jie, and the neon lights were still open at night, and I was full of emotions for a while.

In November, obediently said he wanted to see penguins. I flew her to The Intelligence and took a cruise ship to Antarctica for a ride. We were excited along the way and we talked a lot to each other.

I didn't expect that obediently did not resent me at all before, she was so naïve and kind, with a positive heart, and she did not behave in Beijing to study, or so simple. She said she wanted to be a scientist who studied penguins in the future, and I smiled and said that my mother would definitely support you.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

On the boat, we met Lin Hang, who was teaching at a university in Hangzhou. It's very interesting, he and we all have a surname, he came alone again, the three of us on the boat Chinese, speaking a kind native language, plus a month of slow time on the ship, soon we are very acquainted, in order to pass the time, we even talked to the ancestors and ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend.

Lin Hang is a native of Wenzhou, the same age as me. With a height of 190 and a weight of 200 pounds, there is no image of a weak reader at all, but it is very similar to the underworld. It is said that in his class, his classmates did not dare to skip class.

Lin Hang University and Ph.D. have always studied biology, he also once stayed in Beijing, when he was a doctor, and married his college girlfriend, but his ex-wife's ambitions were very large, and he always wanted to go abroad and get greater achievements, while Lin Hang did not want to, during Lin Hang's doctorate, they had too many disputes due to money and desire, and finally his ex-wife filed for divorce.

After graduating with a doctorate, he chose to teach at a university in Hangzhou and has been single. Obediently said happily, Great, Uncle Lin, my mother is also single, which makes me embarrassed.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

This month, no signals, no KPIs, no chores, I admired the quiet and picturesque Paradise Bay on the boat, the undulating mountains on both sides, the "strait", the Lima waterway with constant ice floes; all kinds of giant icebergs, different shapes, straight into the blue sky of Vermina Bay, the aurora, and the penguins in a cute state, while recalling my past life.

I kept writing down all the accumulated emotions in my heart, those that were disappointed, sad, and unwilling. As a friend guided me, I pondered my mission in this world, my destiny, what is it?

Mission, she says, is hidden in your childhood and must be in the service of others. If you find it, your heart for the rest of your life will no longer be bitter.

I carefully sorted through my childhood and found several of the deepest buried attachments.

The first is the patriarchal cultural atmosphere.

As a result, my parents felt that the girl did not need me to study, persuaded me to drop out of school, and regretted that I did not go to the university I wanted to go to. Unconsciously, I also accepted the cultural setting, and I was grumpy about being a girl, although in my consciousness I thought that girls were no worse than boys, subconsciously, I still felt that it was wrong to be a girl.

The second is that the original family did not give enough love.

My parents themselves lacked love and were not strong enough, so they vented a lot of unsatisfactory and unconsciously to their children. As a result, my sister and I are not confident enough in our hearts, we will not love ourselves, we do not believe in ourselves, we always wait for the affirmation of others, the attention of others, as if only others admit it, we are worthy of existence, so we always want to find a boy to love us and give us a foundation.

The third is the acceptance of the culture of the weak.

Because he had never seen the outside world, because he was afraid, he had no opinion, agreed to his parents' arrangement, married the second generation of farmers, and gave birth to a daughter obediently, always feeling that all this was arranged by others, so it was someone else's fault.

In fact, I myself can resist and struggle, but I don't, the reason is that I don't know at all, there are other options, the voyeuristic effect of the poor, so that I don't know that there are other options.

The fourth is...

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

I wrote a dozen, I looked at the ice, watched the icebreaker let the ice flash to the sides, and suddenly, my heart suddenly opened up.

Yes, since I came out of the countryside and now have achievements, why don't I help people like me who were once helpless and passively chosen?

Why not give them the opportunity to know that they have other options, that there are other possibilities in life?

After returning to Beijing, I believe that I have found my mission in life.

Sister Lan and I said that I wanted to do a live broadcast team, specializing in poverty alleviation and agricultural assistance, and I wanted to support a group of rural girls or women as anchors to introduce the specialties of my hometown.

Lan Jie listened very supportively, saying that it was a good thing, Yu Cen listened, and also introduced me to several people, saying that it was a very experienced planner to do live broadcasting.

Lin Hang heard that I was going to do live broadcasting, so he said, why don't you come to Hangzhou, I heard that Hangzhou is the largest live broadcast base.

As soon as he said it, my heart also moved, yes, Hangzhou is good.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

My relationship with Lin Hang has changed from the style of the past.

I paid almost nothing, even cooking and washing the laundry. With him, most of them also brought their daughters, and he carefully taught her various knowledge, helped her make up lessons, and took her to interest classes.

After only half a year, he invited me to meet his parents.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

I went with the obedient, his parents were very happy, and the seven aunts and eight aunts sat at a table. When they heard that I was doing live broadcasting, they were even more excited, and the enthusiasm almost overwhelmed me.

It turned out that Lin Hang's entire family was a businessman in Wenzhou, and they also wanted him to do business, but this child was stupid in reading and refusing to do business.

Now that they had married a wife who was a great businessman, they felt that Lin Hang was not so annoying.


I don't know what's going on with God, but when I want something, it makes me suffer. When I didn't want it at all, firmly no longer, God picked a good hard plug for me.

In 2020, Lin Hang and I got married.

After marriage, he handed over the salary card to me, and then said that he would leave him at least 1,000 pocket money a month, otherwise he would go on strike with housework, which made me cry and laugh.

Teacher Kun said that the so-called "edge" is the magnetic resonance of the five elements of the magnetic field of two living organisms, or some kind of reaction produced together.

I met Lan Jie because I was attracted by some kind of self-"fate", and I met Zhao Bo and Zhou Yu as well.

Now, because I have an epiphany, the magnetic field that I attracted to them has disappeared, and another positive condition has arisen.

I said, Teacher Kun, I didn't understand, you said how many red envelopes you give when I get married, just call Alipay!

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

I may really have the luck to do business, due to the epidemic, the live broadcasting industry suddenly caught fire, the team is reliable, we just started to try it and the effect was very good.

Later, now, I have stopped dwelling on some things, and the people who inexplicably hurt me, the people I think about day and night, and the questions that never give me answers, have been relieved.

With persistence and at a cost, I burned all childishness and humanity, and reason, indifference, and sobriety grew in the wilderness.

Yesterday's abyss, today's shoal.

Divorced at the age of 20, he finally learned to love himself after his assets exceeded 100 million

End of full text!

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