
With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

author:Pick up historical events

Chen Hua picked up history events today

The people who practice martial arts have probably heard that "the king is not superior, but the general is not Li", which means that among the martial generals, the force value is the highest, and if it is from the king's point of view, it is Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu, who should not be tolerated; if it is only for the generals, the top of the list is the Flying Tiger general Li Cunxiao. Speaking of this, there will be people who will not be happy, Li Cunxiao I am not very familiar with, I only know that Bao Qiangge played Li Yuanba.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

Unfortunately, as I grew up and looked through more and more historical books, I was disappointed to find that Li Yuanba, who I had been extremely sure of, was actually a short-lived ghost, and he hung up before he was sixteen years old, when it was only the tenth year of the Sui Dynasty Emperor's great cause (614), and it was still three years before Li Yuanba started his army, and naturally it was not Li Yuanba's turn to hammer out and repulse the million-strong army of the Eighteen-Way Anti-King, so even if Li Yuanba really had the unique martial arts, he had no chance to show it.

Li Yuanba really didn't have it, but Li Cunxiao had it. Both of them were super fierce men who "hated the sky and hated the earth without a ring", and they were both people who could subdue the second good man who was recognized at that time every minute. The second millennium elder in Li Yuanba's period was the Tianbao general Yuwen Chengdu, and the second millennium elder in Li Cunxiao's time was the iron gun general Wang Yanzhang, and there was an unbridgeable gap between the two CPs. Yuwen Chengdu encountered Li Yuanba and pulled out, Wang Yanzhang encountered Li Cunxiao only to escape, and even after Li Cunxiao's death, the Jin army used a stand-in to pretend to be Li Cunxiao, pulled out the Flying Tiger Banner, and even scared Wang Yanzhang's younger brother, the equally courageous Wang Yantong, to vomit blood and die.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

Reading this, readers should be able to see that Li Yuanba is a pirate, Li Cunxiao is the real body, and people have transplanted the real story of Li Cunxiao to Li Yuanba's classmates. After all, at the end of the Sui Dynasty, all the anti-kings fought happily, but let the Li family that came up later pick peaches, which was reasonable, and they were all a bit surprised, simply come to a force to lower ten meetings, and make a fierce man support the façade for the Li family, isn't it psychologically more acceptable? Of course, if Li Yuanba's classmates have to look miserable, such as "the face is like a sick ghost, the bones are as thin as firewood", it is better, one is more dramatic, and the other is also somewhat ironic, which can always make the people who have failed in front of the Li family feel better. Of course, Li Cunxiao will definitely have an opinion on this, but no one has given him a good package, and he can only sleep in the shadow of history.

In order not to let Li Cunxiao be buried deep in the old paper pile of history, the author tried to scratch his roots so that he would not drift with the wind in the long river of history.

Li Cunxiao, born in 858 AD, died in 894 AD, only lived for 36 years, and sacrificed his precious youth to the inexplicable chaotic world. He was a flying fox man from the late Tang Dynasty, that is, in today's Lingqiu County, Shanxi Province, where there is a famous Flying Fox Pass, which is a dangerous pass through the Taihang Mountains. Li Cunxiao was born in a chaotic world, grew up in Xiongguan, and from an early age, he was fascinated by killing and fighting, coupled with extraordinary talent and courage, he was destined to usher in an extraordinary life.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

The image of the Shatuo people on ancient paintings of the Tang Dynasty

He was from the Turkic Tribe of Shatuo, a people who had been carved out like a meteor in the five dynasties of the Tang Dynasty, and was known for his bravery and good fighting. Under the leadership of its leader Zhu Xie chixin, the Tang Dynasty defected to the thin western mountains, and quickly became the gold medal fighter of the Tang Dynasty, trampling the once invincible Tang Dynasty Divine Strategy Army under its feet. As soon as the Tang Emperor was happy, he gave his national surname to Zhu Xie chixin and asked him to change his name to Li Guochang. Li Guochang is Li Keyong's father.

After Li Guochang fell into the gradually cold embrace of the Tang Dynasty, he also had a small quarrel with the Tang Court. At that time, all the soldiers with some strength did not have less trouble with the central authorities. Fortunately, the central bosom is wide, as long as it does not affect the Li family's world, let you make trouble.

When Li Guochang was old, the one-eyed dragon Li Ke used to become the head of the Shatuo clan. Li Ya'er, who had been the first to fight at the age of fifteen, shook hands with Tang Ting after becoming the leader and made peace, and threw himself wholeheartedly into the battle to suppress the Huangchao rebels.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

Li Ke used

Li Ke's crow army did not disappoint the Tang court, they swept into Chang'an with the momentum of the wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, forcing Huang Chao's army out of the imperial capital, that is, this fierce battle for Chang'an, so that this once prominent ancient capital of civilization has since lost its color and has no longer had its former glory.

The good drama came, and for the leading big brother of this assault battle, Yanyi and Zhengshi were not on the signs. In the main history, it is said that Li Ke personally led the Crow Army from Guangtai Gate into the city, fought with the rebel army at the Shengyang Hall of Wangchun Palace, forced the Huangchao army to retreat, fled south to Lantian, and from then on deteriorated until defeated.

In the "History of the Five Dynasties of the Tang Dynasty", the doctrine of taking is pursued, and all the merits of Li Keyong are attributed to Li Cunxiao and his eighteen horses. This is also too exaggerated, when the Yellow Nest enters Chang'an, there are hundreds of thousands of troops, you can use eighteen horses to get it, is it possible? However, from this exaggerated plot, it is not difficult for us to see that Li Cunxiao's divine courage is definitely not covered. Of course, on the other hand, it also shows that Li Cunxiao's position in Li Keyong's clique at that time was not high enough, and the number of troops that could be commanded was limited.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

Due to the lack of historical data, the author does not know when Li Cunxiao joined Li Keyong's military clique. There is a folk version that said that when Li Cunxiao was a child, he beat a big tiger to death with three fists and two slaps, and at that time, just when Li Keyong led the army to pass by, he saw this scene and was shocked, so he took Li Cunxiao for his own use. However, at that time, Xiao Li's classmate was not yet surnamed Li, and his family was still called An Jingsi, a very elegant name, it was Li Ke who had to adopt Li Cunxiao as a righteous son, and he was stunned to change his name and surname to clean, at this time, even Li Cunxiao's parents were afraid that they could not find their own tigers.

This bridge section seems to have also been seen, isn't Wu Song on Jingyang Gang famous for fighting tigers with bare hands? Whether their stories overlap or not, smart readers are sure to smile at what you know. Li Yuanba can borrow the story of Li Cunxiao, why can't I borrow it from Wu Song?

Here it needs to be explained that in fact, there is no age gap between Li Keyong and Li Cunxiao in the main history. Li Ya'er was born in 856 AD, only two years older than Li Cunxiao, of course, Li Keyong was born in a large family, well-informed, and precocious than Li Cunxiao. Therefore, if there is a gap between the two, it should be more reflected in the level of personality charm and political skill.

Therefore, Li Cunxiao's fight against the tiger and the encounter with the nobles are not very reliable, among which the age difference between the two deliberately widens, and li Ke has to use the comic strip of the grandfather who grew a beard, purely for the sake of more in line with the conjecture of "father and son heaven".

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

Sandy cavalry

In the main history, it is briefly explained that Er Li's encounter, Li Cunxiao was captured by Li Keyong's army during the military turmoil (it seems that the Shatuo people are not a monolith), and as a result, he was assigned to Li Keyong as a service soldier, and thus became acquainted with his big boss, because he was good at riding and shooting, brave and brave, often leading cavalry as the vanguard, and was appreciated by Li Keyong, who was promoted from a pro-soldier to a righteous son, becoming Li Keyong's thirteenth Taibao.

Speaking of the thirteenth Taibao, in fact, it is quite a headache, this so-called thirteen Taibao is not all Li Keyong's dry sons (Li Ke's dry sons are not enough, it is said that hundreds of them are not addictive), of which the twelve Taibao Kang Junli is not only not Li Keyong's dry son and is more than ten years older than Li Keyong, the Third Taibao Li Cunxun is Li Keyong's own son and his future successor. Moreover, in that era, the Taibao had nothing to do with the son or the son, the Taibao was one of the three dukes, the status was noble, and not all of these thirteen people had served as the Taibao, even if the honorary title of honorary head such as the inspection school was not owned by anyone.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

Film "Thirteen Taibao"

There are also people who speculate that their ranking is based on the time used to return to Li Ke, which is even more of a bad account, Kang Junli is earlier than who uses Li Ke, but ranks twelfth, looking for who to reason with. In the end, some people found the root cause, it was actually in a "Five Generations of History Plain Words", the list list arbitrarily saved by the author, it was really willful, no wonder there was no clue in the history at that time.

In any case, the fact that Li Cunxiao is Li Ke's son is basically certain, who said that the son must be much younger than the father, and Mr. Shi Jingyao, who is also a Shatuo, recognized the Khitan Jerude Guang, who was much younger than himself, as a father? How to say that Li Keyong is still two years older than Li Cunxiao.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

Shi Jingyao: Don't scold Lao Tzu for adultery Lao Tzu was originally a Shatuo person

Well, let's stop pestering Old Li and Little Li's Chen Sesame Rotten Grain. Let's take a look at the feud between the father and son.

The Shatuo people are a warlike people, and the heroes of the clan are like clouds, and it is not easy to convince them. Even Li Ke used the son of this patriarch, in order to show his martial courage, did not he rush and fight for many years on the battlefield, even if he was blind in one eye, and finally won the attachment of the clan? Fortunately, Li Cunxiao, who is also brave and invincible, invincible and invincible, has enough capital in this regard.

It is gold that always shines. The day when Li Cunxiao rose to fame with Li Ke with the group soon came. Li Keyong entered Chang'an, robbed Huang Chao of his first merit, and was made an envoy of Hedong Jiedu by the Tang Emperor. From then on, Li Keyong and his successors controlled the town of Hedong Domain, making Jinyang (Taiyuan) a stronghold for chasing deer in the Central Plains, no matter who it was, as long as they were entrenched in it, they would breed the heart of success.

Li Keyong was busy living in Taiyuan and was not too concerned about chasing huang chao. The strength of the Yellow Nest that withdrew from Chang'an was still there, constantly disturbing everywhere. Numerous towns often swept the snow in front of their doors, and there was nothing they could do about the skinny camel. In the endless slaughter and counter-killing war with many feudal towns, Huang Chao's army was like a locust crossing the border, devouring the central plains to a thousand holes, and the people of the central plains fell into an endless war. After the grain shortage, the Yellow Nest army, like the Liukou, even made a living by eating people, which aggravated the suffering of the people in the Central Plains.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

Under these circumstances, the Tang emperor had to order Li Ke again to send troops to assist in the battle. Li Ke, who was bent on living a small life, did not want to get too stiff with the imperial court, so he sent Li Cunxiao to lead three thousand flying tiger troops to the battlefield of the Central Plains with Xue Atan and the second general An Xiuxiu. On the one hand, he himself waited and watched the situation, and on the other hand, he reorganized his army and prepared to do a big job.

The so-called Li Cunxiao in the history books "from Li Ke's use of saving Chen and Xu, expelling Huang Kou, and being shipwrecked to the source, every battle is invincible" The remarkable battle achievements began from this.

Li Cunxiao rescued Chen Zhou and met Chen Zhou's assassin Zhao Yi, who was also a strange flower in the chaotic world. He was loyal to the Tang Dynasty, and used the land of one city to resist the millions of troops of the Yellow Nest, which can not be described as unfaithful, and later married Zhu Wen to seek benefits for his children and grandchildren, hoping to make his family always stand in an invincible position. Unfortunately, his son Zhao Yan was not angry, and sawed down the big tree that his father had worked so hard to water (Comrade Zhao Yan's advanced deeds were explained in Wang Yanzhang's article, and will not be repeated here).

Zhao Yi was not looking for a draw, he really had feelings for Datang and had confidence in guarding Chen Zhou. And this confidence came to some extent from Li Cunxiao and the Li Keyong Group behind him (at this time, he had not yet bridged with Zhu Wen). Li Cunxiao just gave Zhao Yi a great gift of meeting, and his Flying Tiger Army defeated Huang Chao's army and captured Huang Chao's close general Meng Kai (Comrade Xiao Meng had made Zhu Wen very embarrassed, so that Comrade Zhu Wen had to betray his old leader Huang Chao, thus carrying the notoriety of traitor).

With the strong blessing of Li Cunxiao, Zhao Xian played a style, so that Huang Chao's army was trapped in Chen Prefecture for a long time, and after several months of hard work, the defeated army, which was already short of food and pay, and the morale was low, completely scattered, either killed in battle or fled, and the chrysanthemums of Huang Chao were really crippled, leaving only a sea of corpses and blood on the ground as bright as the sun. After that, the various clan towns were not afraid or self-protective, but jumped out one after another and joined the team of beating the falling water dogs. The final defeat of the Yellow Nest is also a matter of minutes.

This time the battle to aid Chen really played the prestige of Li Cunxiao, and also let him occupy an important position in Li Keyong's heart, although it was the thirteenth Taibao, but those taibao in front of him had to bow their noble heads in the face of him.

After that, Li Cunxiao switched between Chen Xu, which was basically the aftermath of chasing the dead and chasing the north. And Li Keyong, who had been cultivating for a long time, also smelled the fighters, no longer watching from the sidelines, but quickly joined the turf wars in the post-Yellow Nest era.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

Zhu Wen

At this time, Zhu Wen, Zhao Yi's future good relative, also joined the ranks of the old leaders after the gorgeous transformation. Who knows, to the old leader Of Zhu Wen found that Uncle Huang is still Uncle Huang, although he has been defeated, he still can't afford to provoke, no way, old Zhu has a thick skin, and he can't pull sponsorship well. As a result, Old Zhu begged Li Ke to use it.

Li Ke thought with a thought, every traitor can work hard to fight the Yellow Nest, we are serious about fighting the Yellow Nest to make a fortune, we can not always fall behind, ah, so, happily extended the help of friendship.

Zhu Wen, who is suffering in adversity, initially cherishes Li Keyong's friendship. After all, they are all out of the mix, people have helped you, you are not good to repay, who will dare to help you in the future, who is still willing to help you. In a chaotic world, there must also be a law of survival in a chaotic world.

Li Ke was young and vigorous at that time, and saw that Zhu Wen was very respectful to himself, and after adding a heavy drink, he gradually let go, and he was very disrespectful to Zhu Wen outside his words. After all, Li Ke used to have strength, fame and prestige, and people also helped themselves, isn't it a few drunken words? When it is not true, when you wake up, you may forget. Partial Zhu Wen is an ambitious, Li Keyong has a strong strength at such a young age, will not be his own fierce enemy in the future, plus he can't look up to himself, how to work together in the future? He simply took advantage of his drunkenness and was on his own turf, and the result was over.

Just when Li Ke, who was put back at Luoyang Shangyuanyi, was unconscious, the assassination team sent by Zhu Wen quietly surrounded Shangyuanyi. Fortunately, at that time, lightning and thunder sounded, and Li Ke in the station used his subordinates to find Zhu Wen's killer. They could not wake up Li Keyong, so they had to inform Li Cunxiao, who was unusually awake at that time.

At this time, if Li Cunxiao broke out in a violent attack, it would be easy to break through alone, but he had a heavy responsibility to protect his righteous father. At the critical moment, General Feihu grabbed a spear on the ground and threw it at Zhu Wen, who was hiding behind to supervise the battle, and Zhu Wen, who was caught off guard, hurriedly lowered his head, but was knocked off his helmet, and Zhu Wen, who had been a thief, was momentarily frightened and rushed to retreat with his relatives. As soon as Zhu Wen left, Zhu Jun's offensive slowed down slightly.

Li Cunxiao saw the situation, carried Li Keyong on his back, danced yu Wang's hammer in his hand, and took advantage of the rain and fog to snatch out of the station under the desperate protection of other soldiers, fought a bloody battle all the way, and finally escaped to heaven. In this battle, Li Cunxiao's savior was highly meritorious and was more valued by his righteous father. Of course, this battle also made Zhu Wen and Li Keyong become enemies of life and death from then on.

After that, Li Cunxiao charged into battle under Li Keyu's tent, bi Yanlao in one hand and Yu Wang in the other. There are servants behind him who ride two horses, often easy to ride in the formation, light as a fly, brave to crown the three armies, and the one who is easy.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

Li Cunxiao's bravery earned him a good name after his death, and also brought him a tragic disaster in his life. Li Cunxiao was so powerful, naturally Li Ke was very useful, and he was also particularly important. That kind of unabashed praise is often the most hateful, and in the eyes of some people, the flame of envy and jealousy, once ignited, is difficult to extinguish, unless it burns out the opponent, or burns oneself.

In 888, Yin Zhangquan of Henan attacked Heyang. Heyang Jiedu caused Li Hanzhi to defect to Hedong and was placed in Zezhou by Li Keyong. Li Ke ordered Li Cunxiao to lead 7,000 cavalry, and together with his old partners Xue Atan and An Xiuxiu, assisted Li Hanzhi in his re-attack on Heyang. Zhang Quanyi hurriedly asked Li Keyong's sworn enemy, Xuanwu Jiedushi, to make Zhu Wen help. Zhu Wen then ordered his generals Ding Hui and Niu Cunjie to aid Zhang Quanyi and engage the Hedong army in the area around Wen County. The Zhu army preemptively held the Taihang dangerous point and defeated Li Jun. Li Cunxiao suffered the first fiasco in his life and had to retreat in a hurry.

The following year, Li Ke attacked Meng Fangli with his troops. At that time, Li Jun had Zezhou and Luzhou, and Li Keyi, the younger brother of Li Keyi, was the envoy of Zhaoyi Jiedushi. Meng Fangli had Xingzhou, Huanzhou, and Cizhou, also known as Zhaoyi Jiedushi. The town of Zhaoyi was split in two, which made Li Keyong very unhappy. Therefore, he sent a large army to vow to capture the three prefectures of Xinghuan and annex the entire town of Zhaoyi. Li Cunxiao was ordered to fight the former enemy, take Huanzhou and Cizhou, and defeat the Xingzhou army at Liulipi, capture the enemy's main general alive, and push the battle line to the city of Xingzhou in one breath. Meng Fangli was defeated and forced to commit suicide. However, the Xingzhou army refused to yield, and resolutely elected Meng Fangli to move from his younger brother Meng to Jieduliu, and asked Zhu Wen for help. Unexpectedly, Zhu Wen was busy with the Eastern Expedition at this time, and had no time to assist the town of Zhaoyi, but ordered the general to lead hundreds of elite troops to assist in the defense of Xingzhou. It is not easy to say that Old Zhu is not easy! Relying on Zhu Wen's spiritual encouragement, xingzhou jun struggled to support the crisis until the man who made them hate and fear appeared under the city again.

In 890, Li Ke, who could not afford to wait for slow work, ordered Li Cunxiao to attack Xingzhou. Seeing That Li Cunxiao was flaunting his might under the city, and that Zhu Wen would no longer send a reinforcement, the Xingzhou army was destroyed, and Meng Qian had to tie up Zhu Wen's men and ask for surrender. At this point, the entire territory of Zhaoyi Town was occupied by the Jin army. Li Kexiu can finally do the whole temperance.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

National comic "Bad Man" Li Cunxiao

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and the Luzhou army was dispatched to mutiny and requested to return to the warm embrace of the imperial court. Who does not know that the imperial court at this time is Comrade Zhu Wen's hand covering the sky, and that the imperial court is not obeying Zhu Wen's orders? In the final analysis, it was Zhu Wen's dissatisfaction with Li Keyong's occupation of the entire Zhaoyi, which staged a farce of great righteousness. The imperial court understood the spirit and quickly appointed Jingzhao Yin Sun Yu as the envoy of Zhaoyi Jiedushi, while Zhu Wen ordered the generals Ge Congzhou and Zhu Chongjie to enter Luzhou, and Li Chen attacked Zezhou, while also sending three thousand soldiers to escort Sun Yu to his post. When the officials of the imperial court took office, they had to worry about Comrade Zhu Quanzhong sending troops to escort them, which was really loyal and commendable.

When Li Keyong saw this scene, fire appeared in his eyes. Without such a bully, when did you Zhu Wen learn to blackmail the Son of Heaven to order the princes? If you do the first year, don't blame me for doing fifteen. You can send, I can kill, see who will dare to rob my turf in the future.

This kind of quick-strike killer, Li Ke's first choice is naturally Li Cunxiao. Li Cunxiao, who accepted the order, was extremely excited, personally led three hundred cavalry, ambushed Sun Yi and his party on the dangerous mountain road around the eldest son, beautifully defeated the escort army, and captured Sun Yun, happily repaying the revenge of the arrow. Immediately, Li Cunxiao commanded 5,000 cavalry to aid Zezhou.

At this time, under the city of Zezhou, Zhu Wen's soldiers were shouting at Li Hanzhi in the former Heyang Jiedu: "You used to fight taiyuan against the imperial court, and now Luzhou has returned to the imperial court, and the imperial court army has surrounded Taiyuan, those Shatuo people will not be able to find a nest to hide, see who else you can rely on?" If you want to survive and surrender quickly (history has evolved to this point, it is quite paradoxical, Li Keyong, who was loyal to the imperial court at that time, is now accused of rebellion by Zhu Wen, who once rebelled against the imperial court)! Li Hanzhi was terrified when he heard this. After hearing this, Li Cunxiao did not think so, and led five hundred elite horsemen to fight around the Liang army camp: "The reason why we Shatuo clan are looking for a nest is to use your meat to feed the soldiers, quickly find a fat one to come out and fight with me!" Zhu Junxiao's general Deng Jijun had always disobeyed Li Cunxiao, and after hearing this, he led his army into battle, and Li Cunxiao danced to meet the battle, and captured him alive in just one round. This battle frustrated the vigor of the Zhu army, and Li Chen was defeated and fled. Li Cunxiao and Li Han, who had put his heart in his stomach, led his army in a wild pursuit, and then returned to attack Luzhou. Ge Congzhou and Zhu Chongjie saw that the situation was not good, and also abandoned the city and fled, and Li Cunxiao easily regained Luzhou.

In the Battle of Fulu, Li Cunxiao contributed the most. However, Li Keyong appointed Kang Junli as Zhaoyi Liu, and only Li Cunxiao was appointed as the assassin of Fenzhou. This appointment was originally a trick that Li Ke came up with in order to balance the resentment of the generals in the army, but the premise was that he was afraid that Li Cunxiao's popularity might affect internal unity. After all, Li Cunxiao is still very young, and there will be opportunities for meritorious service in the future.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

However, Li Keyong forgot a little, people with ability are often temperamental, the most disliked is that there is merit and no reward, why do I desperately fight in the front, Kang Junli is picking peaches in the back, is he not an older military elder? What's great! The more Li Cunxiao thought about it, the more angry he became, and he did not think about tea and dinner for several days in a row, and had no intention of fighting. However, Li Cunxiao made a fuss for a while, and found that no one took care of him, so he had to lose his temper and what to do. However, at this time, what he thought in his heart, I don't know, thinking about it, he and Li Ke used the tragic ending to lay the groundwork.

The imperial court (Zhu Wen to be precise) did not care about the discord between the father and son of the Li family, but used zhang jun as an envoy to solicit and righteously conquer Hedong. Li Ke was not afraid of Zhu Wen, and if you dared to come to please, I would dare to resist the battle, so I ordered Li Cunxin and Xue Atan to lead an army to resist Zhang Jun, and also ordered Li Cunxiaotun to echo Zhao Cheng. This Zhang Jun was really angry, and was first defeated by Li Jun at Yindi Pass, and had to retire to Jinzhou. Then, it was attacked by Li Cunxiao's troops. Zhang Jun hurriedly faced the battle, and as a result, he was easily beaten down by Li Cunxiao, and from then on, he closed the city and did not dare to fight. Li Cunxiao, fearing that the capture of the chancellor would completely anger the imperial court (Zhu Wen), retreated fifty miles and allowed Zhang Jun to escape. There is actually learning in this, Li Cunxiao may have sprouted the idea of not wanting to use his death force for Li Ke again, to save some face for the imperial court, why not save some face for himself and Zhu Wenjian?

After that, Li Cunxiao changed to the post of Assassin of Yingzhou, and for a time left the home field to fight Against Zhu Wen. The hidden feelings can be imagined.

In March 891, Xingzhou Jiedu made An Zhijian secretly associate with Zhu Wen, and Li Ke used his investigation to ask the imperial court to replace him with Li Cunxiao (it seems that the Xingzhou army still could not let go of the grudge with Li Keyong, as for the above table, it was purely to disgust Zhu Wen). After An Zhijian heard the news, he was extremely frightened, afraid of following in Meng Fangli's footsteps and fleeing to Qingzhou overnight. This was of course impossible for Zhu Wen, who liked to dig up Li Ke's corners, so in the name of the imperial court, he appointed An Zhijian as the commander of the Shenwu Army, and concurrently served as the queen of Xingzhou, which was also to disgust the old wrongdoers. An Zhijian led his 3,000 men to Chang'an to go to Xie'en, passing through Yun Prefecture. The land snake Zhu Xuan and Li Keyong in Yun Prefecture were engaged in ji, and the enemies used by Li Keyong were naturally killed quickly, and without saying a word, they set up an ambush on the Yellow River, beheaded An Zhijian, and deliberately teleported An Zhijian's head to Li Keyong in Jinyang, just like when Sun Quan killed Guan Sheng and gave the head to Cao Cao. In this round, Zhu and Li were considered to have killed a draw.

Fortunately, At this time, Li Keyong was busy attacking Changshan, which was controlled by Wang Rong. Li Cunxiao, who had been idle for a while, was again used as a pioneer and successively attacked Lincheng and Yuanshi. Wang Rong had to call for help from Li Converse in Youzhou. Seeing that Li Converse's fresh army had arrived, Li Jun, who had been tired from the long war, hurriedly withdrew.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

In the first month of the following year, Wang Rong and Li Converse combined more than 100,000 troops to counterattack Yaoshan. This made Li Keyong very angry, and he busied himself with Li Cunxin as the commander of Mabudu of Han and joined forces with Li Cunxiao to attack Wang Rong. However, this time Li Ke used miscalculation. Because the Thirteenth Taibao Li Cunxiao and the Fourth Taibao Li Cunxin had been suspicious and jealous of each other for a long time, once each led an army, everyone stayed and waited and watched, and refused to march. In a hurry, Li Keyong had no choice but to reassign Li Sixun to lead the army, which defeated the troops of You and Zhenzhou, killing and capturing 30,000 people. At this moment, Li Cunxiao's misfortune came.

Li Cunxin returned to Li Keyong, and the evil man first complained: "Cun Xiao has two hearts, and often avoids Zhao and does not attack." "Li Cunxiao is a rectal, and he doesn't know how to find a dry father to defend, maybe he is afraid of arguing more and more like a star." In order to protect himself, he simply secretly linked up with Zhu Wen and Wang Rong, and planned to return the three prefectures of Xingzhou, Huanzhou, and Cizhou to the imperial court in exchange for the banner and jiedushi given to him by the imperial court, so that he could join forces with various Dao armies to fight Against Li Keyong (it seems that after the Middle Tang Dynasty, the title of Jiedushi was really coveted, and Li Ke used two breaks the contract to make Li Cunxiao not a jiedushi envoy, which really broke his heart, so Li Cunxiao simply asked Zhu Wen for the official title of jiedushi). With such a good thing, could Zhu Wen not accept the offer, and he appointed Li Cunxiao as the envoy of Xingzhou, Huanzhou, and Cizhou (this kind of official hat could be wholesaled for Zhu Wen, who controlled the imperial court). But to agree to Li Cunxiao's unification of the army, this is not OK, everyone has fought so many years of vicious battles, I can trust you, Zhu Wen just ordered Wang Rong to go to help the battle. Regardless of whether li keyong wins or not, Zhu Wen has no loss anyway.

Li Ke, who was already grumpy, really wanted to go violently this time, and before he didn't believe that Li Cunxiao would have two hearts, now the facts are in front of him, what to do? Li Cunxiao must be strangled in the cradle while he is still hesitating. Therefore, Li Ke used the united then Yiwu Jiedu to make Wang Chu Cun's combined army attack Wang Rong, you know, under the fury of the army is often easy to violate the taboo of the soldiers, as a result, the coalition army was defeated in the new city, Li Keyong had to lead the crowd to temporarily retreat to Luancheng.

In 893, Li Ke used his regrouping and personally led a large army to approach Changshan. If at this time Li Cunxiao could repent and lead the army to attack Wang Rong again, he might be able to save his relationship with Li Keyong, after all, in that era, the relationship between the military leaders was complicated, and everyone was still willing to stay on the front line unless they had to. Li Cunxiao, a political white, rushed to Wang Rongjun to discuss countermeasures. In a fit of rage, Li Ke completely tore off the veil of his loving father and formally sent an army to attack Li Cunxiao. Wang Rong first sent troops to rescue Xingzhou, but was defeated by Li Keyong (after all, Old Li was an outstanding commander of that era, and it was impossible to fall into the same river twice). Li Keyong turned to attack Zhenzhou, Wang Rong was very afraid, busy with the battle, "Beggars, 500,000 coins, 200,000 grain, please send troops to help save filial piety." This was the prescribed action of surrender in that era. Wang Rong's begging gave Li Ke a little comfort with his violent soul, and he agreed to Wang Rong's request and ordered him to join forces to defeat Li Cunxiao. Li Cunxiao soon fell into an embattled predicament. Li Cunxiao was really naïve, how could he trust Wang Rong, a warlord like Qin Anduchu, and Zhu Wen, who was good at playing with power.

After Li Ke personally led a large army to arrive, he ordered people to dig a ditch and besiege the city. Li Cunxiao had originally planned to send troops to attack, making it impossible to build a trench. However, Li Cunxiao's former friend, Yuan Fengtao, a tooth general of Li Keyong, sent someone to say to him: "All you are afraid of is the King of Jin (Li Keyong). When the king of Jin waits for the trench to be built, he will definitely leave his troops to besiege the city and retreat on his own, and all his generals are not your opponents, so what is the use of building a good trench? Li Cunxiao was once again deceived by his pig teammates, and he simply strangled the warhorse that was preparing to charge, and sat on the city with his arm to let the Jin army dig a trench. After the trench was built, the deep ditch was high and heavily guarded, and in the face of Li Keyong, who refused to leave for a long time, Li Cunxiao could not get close even if he had the Martial Arts of the World, and became extremely passive, and what was even more terrifying was that the grain in the city was about to be eaten.

With Xiang Yu's name, forcing Huang Chao to die and defeating Wang Yanzhang, who is Li Cunxiao?

In March 894, Li Cunxiao ascended the city tower and cried to Li Keyong under the city: "With the great grace of the king, the supreme general, are you willing to abandon the relationship between father and son and turn to the enemy?" This is due to Li Cunxin's framing. I hope to live to see the king, and to die if I say a word. Li Keyong was also very sentimental after listening to it, so he sent his wife Liu Shi into the city to comfort him. Liu Shi returned with Li Cunxiao, and he prostrated his head and pleaded guilty: "Eryu Jin has meritorious deeds and no faults, and the reason why he has come here is because of the slander in the letter!" When Li Ke saw that Li Cunxiao deliberately avoided the important and the light, he angrily said: "You wrote letters to Zhu Wen and Wang Rong, and in the letters you wantonly slandered me, is this also what Li Cunxin forced you to do?" Li Cunxiao was speechless about this.

Li Keyong escorted Li Cunxiao back to Taiyuan and executed him with a car split. It is said that when the knot was tightened, Li Cunxiao, under the action of stress reaction, suddenly stopped the running bull and made it impossible to split the body. Such divine power can be said to be the best in ancient and modern times (no wonder he will be revered as a mountain god after death, and even Lieutenant Touch Jin does not dare to approach his grave). In the end, it was the executioner who broke his foot and his hand before killing him. This prime-age first fierce general of the fifth generation of the Tang Dynasty ended here.

In fact, Li Ke did not want to kill Li Cunxiao, hoping that the people would intercede for him, so he was spared his sins. Who knew that all the generals were jealous of Li Cunxiao, and none of them were willing to intercede for him. Although Li Keyong deeply hated the generals for this, he did not condemn Li Cunxin (however, later Li Keyong reprimanded Li Cunxin because he had suffered defeat, making him landless and self-conscious, and even decadent. Another Kang Junli, who was jealous of Li Cunxiao, also gradually fell out of favor after that).)

Li Keyong was very sorry for Li Cunxiao, who ignored political affairs for more than ten days, and the military situation gradually weakened, while Zhu Wen's power began to become more and more powerful, until his son Li Cunxun took the throne.

This account is a NetEase News NetEase account signed by "each has its own attitude"

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