
Don't forget why the head of General Zhao Shangzhi, a martyr of the Anti-Japanese War, was found in a monastery?

author:Chinanet Buddhist Channel
Don't forget why the head of General Zhao Shangzhi, a martyr of the Anti-Japanese War, was found in a monastery?

February 12, 1942, three days before the Spring Festival, is a day that will forever be recorded in the annals of the history of the Anti-Japanese League. The small detachment of Zhao Shangzhi, commander of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army and commander of the Third Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army, attacked on this day at the Wutonghe Pseudo-Police Station in Hegang County. The waxing moon is the coldest day in the north, and Hegang County is the north in the north, which is the coldest place in the north. On the way to the police station, Zhao Shangzhi was shot by enemy and pseudo agents who had infiltrated the inside, seriously injured and captured, and the enemy searched for the seal with "Zhao Shangzhi" written on him. He then refused to be healed, without a single groan, and denounced the enemy for dying 8 hours later, at the age of 34.

For more than 60 years, the party organization has been searching, and has also inspected the Changchun Banruo Temple many times, and even sacrificed two comrades for this purpose, but has never been missing.

On May 31, 2004, the Television Art Center of the Political Department of the Shenyang Military Region was organizing the filming of a large-scale documentary reflecting the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army in the Changchun area, "Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance". On the same day, The Banruo Temple in Changchun City found an unnamed head during the construction of the internal leveling of the land, which aroused the great attention of Jiang Baocai, a military writer in the film crew who has long been committed to the creation of the theme of the Northeast Anti-Japanese League, and after being studied by a number of experts and scholars, and invited zhao Shangzhi's relatives and veteran soldiers of the Anti-Japanese Coalition to jointly escort the skull to Beijing, and handed it to the Physical Evidence Appraisal Center of the Ministry of Public Security for inspection and appraisal, and the results of both appraisals determined that this was the head of Zhao Shangzhi, a hero who had been missing for 62 years.

Why was the head of General Zhao Shangzhi found in a monastery? What kind of relationship did the general have with this generation of abbots and monks? By consulting a large number of historical materials, the truth gradually surfaced.

Don't forget why the head of General Zhao Shangzhi, a martyr of the Anti-Japanese War, was found in a monastery?

Masao Dongcheng, who directly planned the murder of one of the martyrs of Zhao Shangzhi, was pardoned by the Chinese government in 1963 and returned to China, and the written material of the confession while in custody is preserved in our archives. In the 1980s, a Japanese female scholar engaged in the study of war history, Edako Yamazaki, interviewed the surviving Masao Tojo to give us a more complete picture.

In 1942, Masao Higashijo became the secret service chief of the Xingshan Police Station, and Hisajiro Tai served as the director, and planned to kill General Zhao Shangzhi. While waiting for the plane sent by the puppet Manchu military and political department, it was found that Zhao Shangzhi's body had been somewhat thawed, and the gunshot wounds on his body began to decay. They sawed off Zhao Shangzhi's head and threw his body into the Songhua River. On February 25, the Changchun Puppet Manchu Military and Political Department sent a special plane to escort Zhao Shangzhi's head, which had been loaded into a special wooden box, from Jiamusi to Changchun.

At that time, the Japanese Kwantung Army was preparing to publicly display Zhao Shangzhi's head in Changchun, and then seal it and preserve it, like the heads of martyrs such as Yang Jingyu and Chen Hanzhang, waiting for the opportunity to transport it to Japan to show off the remarkable achievements of Occupying Manchuria in China by force. Because the Japanese plane landed in Harbin to refuel, the entourage ate lunch before taking off, and 3 days after arriving in Changchun, Yu Zhishan, the puppet Manchu military minister, and a group of Japanese officers came to check, and the head had already emitted a rotten smell, and it was impossible to preserve it. Therefore, the Kwantung Army General Command decided to burn the heads of the martyrs.

When master Kushiki received the news, he arrived in time and asked Umezu Mijiro, the supreme commander of the Kwantung Army, who had a personal "personal relationship" with him, to bury his head in the Banjo Temple. Umezu Mijiro had visited Prajnaparamita Temple many times to meet this dedicated, accomplished, and respectable monk, so he was allowed to make an exception. Dongcheng Masao said that it is not known whether the head of the martyr Zhao Shangzhi was buried immediately after it was transported to Ban ruo temple, or whether it was enshrined and hidden by this senior monk who sympathized with the anti-Japanese monks.

Don't forget why the head of General Zhao Shangzhi, a martyr of the Anti-Japanese War, was found in a monastery?

Master QiXu, commonly known as Wang Futing, born in 1875, is a native of Ninghe County, Hebei Province. Before the mage became a monk, he had opened a pharmacy in Yingkou. It was not until 1917, at the age of 43, that he broke through the resistance and became a monk at the Gaoming Temple in Hebei Province. In 1920, he returned to Yingkou to preach buddhist scriptures, and in 1922 he started to build Lengyan Temple, one of the "four great Zen forests" in northeast China. In 1925, the old master of The Noble Family passed on the 44th generation of the Tendai Sect to the Emperor, and Master Tendai became the 44th generation of the Tendai Sect. In his lifetime, He built nine monasteries and opened thirteen Buddhist academies, and he had a very high attainment in Buddhism. As a Chinese, he has a deep patriotic feeling.

In 1925, when the Government of the Japanese monk Mizuno Meixiao to Duan Qirui wanted to contact Chinese Buddhists to convene the East Asian Buddhist Federation in Japan, Master Kuo-hsieh, who was lecturing at the Maitreya Academy in Beijing, was recommended to become a member of the Chinese Buddhist delegation to attend the meeting. At the meeting, Master Shu saw that only Buddhist people from China and Japan were participating, and there was no important issue, that is, to let the Chinese see their strength. He believes that "the Japanese have long coveted China, carrying forward the unity and sincerity of other countries everywhere, and propagating cultural ideas." In fact, look at the fact that he did it, full of that kind of thing. The so-called goodwill to people is nothing more than a kind of verbal propaganda that confuses people's eyes and ears. This is also the significance and purpose of the East Asian Conference... The Japanese have long had ambitions for China, and if China does not strengthen itself, it will certainly be subject to Japan in the future. At that time, the master had a very deep understanding of Japan, and his insight was evident.

On October 1, 1931, General Li Du, who was already a lieutenant general of the army, an envoy to Yilan Town and the 24th Brigade of the 15th Jilin Division, led his troops to fight fiercely with the Japanese army behind the Kek Lok Si Temple, the sound of gunfire was like rain, the sound of artillery was like thunder, the bomb fell on the west courtyard of the Kek Lok Si Temple, seven or eight trees fell, the glass was shattered, many horses were killed in front of the mountain gate, and the Japanese suddenly exploded when they burned the crashed plane with dry firewood, killing and wounding 1200 people Chinese. At that time, Master Yu was leading the people to do the dojo in Kek Lok Ji Temple, and witnessed the tragic situation in which his compatriots were killed by Japanese soldiers in an instant.

Don't forget why the head of General Zhao Shangzhi, a martyr of the Anti-Japanese War, was found in a monastery?

After the "9/18" incident, the claws of Japanese imperialism reached out to the Chinese Buddhist circles. In 1932, Master Qi Xu received an invitation from General Zhu Ziqiao to go to the Xi'an Buddhist Society to preach the scriptures and left Harbin. Coincidentally, a young monk named Ciyun in the Kek Lok Si Monastery at that time joined the army led by the anti-Japanese general Zhu Ziqiao. Because of his appearance very similar to that of Master ShuXu, and the proposal to repair the Temple of Bliss was initiated and supported by Zhu Ziqiao, who was then the governor of the Special Administrative Region of The Eastern Province, who was in charge of all the matters of building the temple, and was very close to him, the Japanese concluded that Master Qixu had joined the anti-Japanese forces, included him in the list of "people to be investigated" (controlled people), and sent a Japanese agent who knew Chinese, Kanai Akiyoshi, to the Temple to investigate.

He first went to the Bliss Temple to ask for renunciation, and then went to the Pure Land Temple in Hulan County to receive Chinese ordination and became a Chinese monk. He lived in the Kek Lok Si Telephone Booth for more than half a year, specializing in supervising the exchange of telephones. The secret service also posted the name of The Illusory Master on the wall and asked the monks in the temple one by one. Due to suspicion, the mage was away for many years and could not return. Located less than 200 meters opposite the Kek Lok Temple, the former Kazakh Military Hospital (now demolished) was part of the commander of the Kwantung Army, and the monitoring of the Kek Lok Temple was easy, which showed that the Kwantung Army was very concerned about the Kek Lok Temple.

In 1936, when Master Kuo Xu presided over the reconstruction of the old east courtyard of the zhanshan Temple, the second phase of the Zhanshan Temple, the relocation and reconstruction of the Changchun Banruo Temple was completed, and he was ready to open the light and asked him to pass on the ordination, but at that time he could not go because of "suspicion of anti-Japanese resistance". Changchun sent Kanai Akiaki and others to personally invite him, and told him that he had found out the truth, and agreed with the secret service to ensure that there would be no accidents, and then he agreed to pass on the precepts. During the ordination period, "Imagi Akiyoshi took care of things in the temple", and Japanese monks lived in Genmyo and Muto Shunyi also came to watch the ceremony. These people were all Japanese spies dressed in the guise of Buddhism, and it could be seen that they were very uneasy about Buddhists such as Master Shu. The Void Mage knew the identity of these people, and he was disgusted by this.

After experiencing these events, the old mage saw more thoroughly the Japanese aggression and ultimate goal. Therefore, in 1939, when the Kwantung Army wanted to use his prestige in the Buddhist circles in northeast China to ask him to take up the position of president of the Buddhist Association of Puppet Manchukuo, he was refused by the Master. Six years later, the mage risked his life to demand the hero's head from the Kwantung Army.

Don't forget why the head of General Zhao Shangzhi, a martyr of the Anti-Japanese War, was found in a monastery?

After the "918" incident, Zhao Shangzhi threw himself into the anti-Japanese armed struggle and founded the Third Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, serving as a commander, and the team later grew to more than 6,000 people. "Little Manchukuo, Big Zhao Shangzhi" comes from a senior officer of the Japanese Kwantung Army, which expresses both contempt for the emperor's subjects who were tamed by the puppet Manchukuo and fear of Zhao Shangzhi, a hero who stubbornly resisted Japan. In the anti-Japanese struggle in the northeast, it was known as "Nanyang (Jingyu) and Northern Zhao (Shangzhi)". The bounty for the capture and killing of Zhao Shangzhi was stipulated by the Japanese puppets to be 10,000 yuan. The Japanese Kwantung Army once made such a hateful reward: who caught Zhao Shangzhi and bargained with "one or two bones and one gold, one or two meats and one silver".

Such a mighty figure would not be unfamiliar to the Void Mage. Therefore, combined with the mage's lifelong patriotic deeds and his deep dislike of the Japanese invaders, it is reasonable for the mage to risk preservation when he knows that the Japanese and the japanese are going to destroy the hero's head.

When Japan surrendered in 1945, Master Kushi expressed his feelings in his memoirs: "The Sino-Japanese War was peaceful, the land was restored, and the people's hearts were happy. "A monk's patriotism jumped out on the paper!

In the following decades, Master Qi Xuan was silent about this experience, so it was not until Zhao Shangzhi's head was discovered that this long-sealed history surfaced, and together with it, it was the patriotism of a generation of senior monks and his respect for anti-Japanese heroes that was displayed to the world!

Today marks the ninetieth anniversary of the outbreak of the "918" incident, let us jointly review that period of history, pay tribute to the heroic and indomitable anti-Japanese hero General Zhao Shangzhi, and pay tribute to the patriotic act of Master Wu Xuan in protecting the head of national hero Zhao Shangzhi under the threat of Japanese imperialism!

(This article was originally titled "A Generation of Famous Monks and National Heroes Zhao Shangzhi", written by Li Chunhua of the Harbin Local History Office, slightly reduced.) )

Don't forget why the head of General Zhao Shangzhi, a martyr of the Anti-Japanese War, was found in a monastery?
Don't forget why the head of General Zhao Shangzhi, a martyr of the Anti-Japanese War, was found in a monastery?

Source 丨 Hangzhou Lingyin Temple

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