
[The 100th anniversary of the founding of the party] Yang Du: from the "scourge of the imperial system" to the communist party

author:United Front New Language

Under the baptism of the tide of revolution, construction, and reform, many patriotic democrats not only have close and sincere cooperation with the CPC, but many of them have resolutely taken the CPC as their faith after repeated comparisons, thinking, and practice. Looking back at this individual figure and this story, we not only witness the firm conviction of democratic parties, non-party personages, and people of all nationalities and all walks of life when they dedicate themselves to the country and the historical choice at a crucial moment, but also highlight the great, glorious, and unshakable leadership position of the Communist Party of China. Looking back at the past hundred years, the Communist Party of China and patriotic democrats have joined hands to contribute to the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people. At present, on the new journey of building a modern socialist country, the COMMUNIST Party of China, the Chinese people, the democratic parties, and personages without party affiliation will also jointly draw up a grand blueprint for national rejuvenation.

[The 100th anniversary of the founding of the party] Yang Du: from the "scourge of the imperial system" to the communist party

Born in 1875 in a remote village in Xiangtan, Hunan Province, Yang Du studied poetry and books since childhood, determined to be a person who measured the world, and was a person who passed the examination in 1893. In 1895, Yang Duhui returned to Hunan after failing the list. In 1898, Yang Du went to Beijing for the second time to participate in the examination and lost again. At the same time, he witnessed the Penghu Restoration Movement and was deeply touched, so he abandoned the imperial examination and devoted himself to new learning, hoping to find a new way to achieve national peace and security.

In the process of exploring new knowledge, Yang Du gradually recognized the shortcomings of China's authoritarian and centralized system and advocated the implementation of a constitutional monarchy. In 1905, Yang Du was invited to write a report for the Qing Dynasty Constitutional Inspection Group. According to the constitutional blueprint he outlined, the Qing government was ready to imitate the constitution, and Yang Du was put into use. As a result, Ichisuke became an official of the imperial court and campaigned for constitutional reform. However, the Xinhai Revolution of 1911 put his first dream of constitutional monarchy into a vacuum. In 1913, Yuan Shikai was elected president of the Republic of China and hired Yang Du as an adviser to the Senate. Yang Du, who has always regarded constitutional monarchy as "the strategy of salvation and the foundation of prosperity and strength", wrote the "Theory of Saving the Country by the Constitution of the Monarchy" to cheer for Yuan Shikai's restoration of the imperial system. In 1916, the Hongxian imperial system collapsed, and Yang Du was wanted as the "scourge of the imperial system" and took refuge in the Tianjin Concession. A year later, Zhang Xun's restoration failed again, and Yang Du, who had suffered three consecutive blows, finally woke up and completely gave up the dream of saving the country.

Just when he was depressed, the May Fourth Movement broke out, and Yang Du followed Sun Yat-sen in the democratic revolution, in the process of getting to know the leader of the Communist Party of China, Li Dazhao, and deepening his understanding of communism and the Chinese Communist Party. When Li Dazhao was imprisoned, Yang Du actively rescued him without success. After the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup d'état, witnessing the tragedy of the massacre of a large number of revolutionary volunteers under the White Terror, Yang Du was on the one hand extremely shocked by the brutality of the Kuomintang reactionaries, and on the other hand, he was touched by the lofty spirit of the revolutionaries who regarded death as a homecoming, and he made up his mind to devote all his efforts to the cause of the party in his later years. To this end, he sold his property and used the proceeds to help the families of the victims; he joined the "Chinese Revolutionary Mutual Aid Association" and used his social status and connections to collect intelligence for the party and make unique contributions to the party's cause in this special way. In the autumn of 1929, with Pan Hannian's introduction and Zhou Enlai's approval, Yang Du joined the Communist Party of China and became a secret party member.

Yang Du, an intellectual of the last dynasty, could have enjoyed a relatively prosperous life, but at the height of the White Terror, at the height of the White Terror, at the risk of killing his head, he completed the transformation from advocating constitutional monarchy to believing in communism, from advocating imperialism to being a Communist Party member.

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