
Look at me, the mouth cannon hero "Deadpool" is everywhere

author:Watch a movie with Yu Meng

The only thing that can make a Marvel hero movie into a comedic style is probably Deadpool! Among Douban's highest-rated comedies in 2016, "Deadpool" made the list and won the 10th place, which is enough to see how powerful its comedy power is. I had only heard that among Marvel's many superheroes, there was such a number one character, but it was not clear. Today, according to the strong curiosity, I clicked to see the first part of "Deadpool", and after watching it, I was immediately attracted by this mouth cannon Deadpool wearing a Spider-Man-like costume.

Look at me, the mouth cannon hero "Deadpool" is everywhere

Wade. Wilson falls in love with his girlfriend Vanessa, only to discover that he has cancer. At this time, he meets a mysterious man who invites him to join a government organization that can cure his illness. Wilson agrees without Vanessa's knowledge, but discovers that he is not working for a government organization, but has been kidnapped by an unknown organization to test mutants' genes. Wilson was named leader of the order, Ajax (Ed. Wilson). Scrin), and his female assistant Dust Angel (Gina. Carano) tortured for years until his mutant abilities finally matured. Wilson gained regenerative powers, like Wolverine, and the cancer was cured, but in the process, his face and body were disfigured and mentally abnormal.

Look at me, the mouth cannon hero "Deadpool" is everywhere

Wilson evolved into a mercenary named "Deadpool" to take revenge on Ajax. At this time, X-Men's Steel Force and his protégé, the Black Queen (Brianna. Hildebrand) appears, and they meddle because they are not accustomed to Deadpool's practices, causing Ajax to escape. Deadpool, on the other hand, fears that Vanessa will stop loving him because of the change in her appearance, so she doesn't tell Vanessa that he's alive. But when Ajax and the Dust Angels kidnap Vanessa, Deadpool asks the X-Men for help, together to save his lover and kill the people who caused him to deform.

Look at me, the mouth cannon hero "Deadpool" is everywhere

In many superhero movies, it is undoubtedly not the heroes' special skills that attract fans, such as Black Widow's all-round martial arts fighting skills and her unique intelligence, such as Captain America's ability to have the limits of human physical fitness, such as Thor's ability to penetrate anything's Thor's hammer and his own immunity to viruses, radiation, poison gas and other attacks. There are too many heroes, all with their own special skills. In the "Avengers" series, you can see the ability of many superheroes, which is completely comparable to the major stars of Fashion Week. Among them, there is one character who seems very different, and that is the Deadpool that Yu Meng wants to discuss with you today.

Look at me, the mouth cannon hero "Deadpool" is everywhere

Although Deadpool is also one of many heroes, he is not attracted by his personal skills, but by his mouth cannon skills. After watching the entire 106-minute movie, the most we listened to was Deadpool's lines. Ryan. Reynolds plays Deadpool from the moment he appears, and like an experienced director and host, he controls the direction of the entire film, in addition to introducing himself, he will also interact with the audience from time to time. He acted as if he knew he was a movie character. This behavior makes the whole movie a little dangerous, the danger is that he will not reveal too much, but he will immediately withdraw this worry, because Deadpool is like those snake brothers in the entertainment industry, and his words are careless but reasonable.

As Deadpool painted along the overpass and said to himself, "Who am I going to please to get my first exclusive movie?" Haha, he himself knows that he has no sense of existence as a Marvel hero, and he continued: "In short, I still have a face to be rectified, and there are bad people to kill." "Really a straight boy.

Look at me, the mouth cannon hero "Deadpool" is everywhere

After Wilson transforms into Deadpool, he goes to Ajax for revenge. Before he found Ajax, he looked for the "pimp" Gerald, the man who had handed him his business card. The dialogue between the two in the middle makes the audience feel that Deadpool is super cute. Before he could kill Gerald, he blocked the camera with one hand and said to the audience, "You wouldn't want to see this picture." Of course, the audience knows what this picture is, but his behavior instantly closes the distance between him and the audience. Let the audience in the theater seem not to be watching the movie, as if they are watching Deadpool's personal reality show, very real and feeling.

Look at me, the mouth cannon hero "Deadpool" is everywhere

In the first scene of the film, Deadpool incarnates as the neighbor's warm-hearted big brother and teaches the driver's little brother to grasp love. That's why he became a superhero in the first place. There is a line in the movie that is all over the Internet, "You don't need to be a superhero to catch up with your sister, the right person will make you a superhero." That's the main reason Deadpool isn't the same as many other superheroes. Wilson chose to believe that Gerald's own cancer had a chance of being cured for his girlfriend. Step by step, he embarked on the path of transformation into Deadpool. His schedule is also not to save the world, but to take revenge, and hopes that the enemy will restore his former appearance.

Look at me, the mouth cannon hero "Deadpool" is everywhere

Deadpool is not so haloed, responsible, and has the world in mind. These are not him, he is just a mutant who has been injected with Wolverine genes, he is still him. It's just that compared to before, he has become a nag.

He could pull out his white underwear as a sign of surrender when the two sides were fighting. He can pass by you after a long complaint and then pass by your side and fart. He can carry background music with him when he kisses his girlfriend.

He's Deadpool, unlike any superhero Deadpool! You can't see the deep pretense of a superhero on his face, you can't see the pain after suffering, and you can't see all kinds of handsome and cool tricks. But it is such a Deadpool who makes you call him a little while repeatedly recalling everything he says.

The film's protagonist, Deadpool, is not a superhero, but a super freak. The film fully embodies the three characteristics of Deadpool's action, humor, and anti-heroism, and he does not have to save the world.

Such a Deadpool, will you love?

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